08 Great Heaven Devouring Technique

Currently, Ling Tian was in the slums district of the Ziyou City.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that living condition here was at the lowest and if things continued as such, he would not survive for long.

It seemed that is was due to luck that Ling Tian was able to survive until now after being found out by those greedy hunters.

In his sleep, Ling tian heard the whispers of the hunters.

"Brothers, This boy is still unconscious. what will about tomorrow's hunt?" ???

"Third brother, no need to worry about it. I just send the second brother to call the fourth brother. he will be able to wake this boy soon." ???

"What if he dies before we can use him as the bait for beast hunting?" ???

"Then we will grab some random orphan kid from the slum then use them as the bait for hunting. no one will care about if those poor bastards live or die." ???

"Okay, I brought this hard barley bread for this kid. let's leave it here if wakes up he can eat it. he must be hungry." ???

"Third Brother, you are still a soft-hearted person if you don't change yourself too soon... you won't live a long life in this cruel world." ??? said this and went out through the broken wooden door.

"Kid, I hope ya get well soon. eat this bread after you wake up."??? said while putting the barley bread near the Ling Tian

In Ziyou City only the most fortunate orphans were able to live in orphanages. As for the ones living in the slums, it was a never-ending struggle for survival; scavenging for scraps of food and pick-pocketing.

If the luck was good, they would be able to buy some cheap hard bread with the insignificant amount of money they looted. It was no surprise if they were suffering from malnutrition.

In such a condition, to be honest, it would not be strange if they dropped dead on the streets.

For the time being, Ling Tian needed to secure some food but thoughts about his current situation still lingered.

Ling Tian once Slowly opened his eyes. Feeling the need to ease his hunger, Ling tian began looking at the hard barley bread that was placed near him. He slowly ate the hard barley bread while choking and drinking from a broke ceramic jar. And then, Ling tian noticed another change that occurred ever since he awakened.

He noticed that a faint light was being emitted from people's bodies.

At first, he thought it was just an illusion but it did not disappear even after he tried refocusing his eyes.

He slowly stood up and watched outside through the window.

The amount of light emitted differed from person to person with the majority only emitting a small amount.

He already saw hundreds of people from the broken window since he awakened so he was confident that his ability to measure the amount of emitted light was fairly accurate.

Suddenly, Ling Tian noticed his own body was emitting a similar light.

The amount was many times greater than that of other people.

No, it was best to say that his knowledge on this matter was still too limited.

Looking at other people, there was no way the light emission would be infinite.

Just like vapor rising from boiling water and dissolving into the air, that light was also coming out of Ling tian's body.

Moreover, the amount of light emitted started slowly increasing.

At the same time, he became more and more sensitive to that light.

It was as if he could feel his surroundings through his five senses.

Through his own eyes, he could see anything in the world that came in contact with the light as if they were his own eyes. He was able to grasp one of the properties of the mysterious light.

He could infinitely stretch his senses allowing him to perceive things beyond any normal person can.

(I have an unpleasant feeling the light's only function is to enhance my perception…)

Stretching his senses granted a feeling similar to his soul parting his body. With the sudden increase in perception, a question appeared in his mind.

Was he the only one who could see the light?

Because the amount of light emitted from his body was clearly abnormal, Ling Tian understood that being different may expose him to danger.

Anyhow, he needed to find a secluded place away from people. He jumped out from the window and landed safely on the ground. Ling Tian immediately left the main street and entered a back alley and sat on the cold ground. He heard an echo in his head.

"You are a Devourer..."

"You shall devour everything! May it be the devil or may it be gods! make them tremble in fear!..."

"You are Devourer of heaven..."

"Make everyone tremble in your presence."

After this ancient voice a cultivation technique appeared in his mind "Great Heaven Devouring Technique" and without any hesitation, he started cultivating according to the cultivation technique.

The amount of light emitting from his body continued to increase but there were no changes to his physical condition.

There was no need to be impatient.

He thought so with a serene mind.