09 Body Strengthening

Ling Tian started meditating, his mind achieving perfect unity of body and mind.

Somewhere in his mind...

(I don't want to disappoint... For who? I wanna become stronger... for who?)

While still being aware of the hustle and bustle on the streets, a significant amount of time passed. Who knew how long he had been meditating for? His mind was already beyond its limit.

An Invisible whirlpool appeared Ling Tian as a center and it started absorbing from the spiritual qi from his surroundings.

Having achieved unity of the mind, Ling tian felt an overflowing amount of energy pulsating throughout his body.

(I have to be stronger...)

The power filling his body was as thick as blood.

The true nature of that light was Spiritual Qi.

The Spiritual Qi gushing out from his body could not be perceived by the naked eye.

Therefore Ling tian instinctively understood that a powerful sense of imagination was required to control the Spiritual Qi.

It still felt surreal to him.


Feeling confident about his speculation, Ling Tian slowly and cautiously began decreasing the amount of Spiritual Qi overflowing from his body.

It had a similar feeling to erasing one's presence.

Not entirely the same but similarities were noticed.

Understanding the concept, Ling Tian immediately gained control over his magical powers.

Now, all of his Spiritual Qis were sealed within his body without a single speck flowing out.

The feeling could not be expressed solely with words but somehow he got the gist of it.

A slight smile emerged on Ling Tian's face.

But a question still lingered in his mind.

What was that light?

Currently, the only changes he felt were a sharpening of his senses.

And most people only released a small amount of Spiritual Qi from their bodies.

Ling Tian questioned whether there were any other uses for it.

Quantity versus quality meant that he still had to carefully think about the appropriate conditions for its use.

For the time being, he suppressed the questions that kept popping into his head and tried absorbing back all his Spiritual Qi surrounding him.

With that, he verified a number of things. He understood that his Spiritual Qi could slowly move in accordance with his imagination and gather in one place.

However, he still did not know where to store it all.

His knowledge was still too limited.

After making sure there were no people around, Ling Tian released his Spiritual Qi through his body for examination.

Suddenly, in a flash, he felt the power coursing through his body.

It felt like a body strengthening skill.

Judging from the various changes he observed in his body, he concluded it was a form of body strengthening.

(…my body feels light.)

He felt as if his insides were brimming with power.

Ling Tian tried to test his newfound powers with a simple jump. In spite of having the body of a child, the height he reached was equal to that of the average professional basketball player's.

It was by pure chance he discovered his body Strengthening. he only vaguely understood the concept of the body Strengthening.

By removing his brain's limiter, he would be able to gain even greater body abilities by imagining his body clad with Spiritual Qi.

As expected, it seemed that it was a good idea.

Ling Tian imagined body Strengthening while walking.

He was performing some light movements to confirm its effects.

The results were movements deemed impossible for a boy in such bad shape.

(This, it seems continuous usage of body Strengthening is possible…)

However, to do so, he was required to expend even more magical power than normal.

Suddenly his body started screaming.

It was apparent that any further use would incur damage to his body.

His flesh could not keep up with his "Great Heaven Devouring Technique".

An idea emerged in Ling Tian's head. In that case, he would try and reinforce individual parts of his body. He imagined reinforcing his flesh's endurance4 and focused on his muscle fibers and bones.

The burden on his body greatly lessened.

It seemed that this was also correct.

For the time being, Ling Tian was satisfied with the results of his experiment.

But no matter how strong his ability or body reinforcement was, it could do nothing to suppress his intense hunger. His stomach growled in confirmation.

Although his experiments were interesting, he was unable to continue unless he could secure food.

Looking up at the sky, it was already dusk.

The night would soon fall.

For the time being and the sake of his life, he needed to look around for hints at earning money. Ling Tian left the back alley.

Walking unsteadily in the market, a large building suddenly came into view.

He could not read what was written on the signboard but understood the building belonged to the Hunter' Guild.

He could earn money by becoming a Hunter.

But Ling Tian immediately brushed off the idea because he was still underage.

One of the rules of the Hunter' Guild was that they would only employ those who were of 12 years or older.

Ling Tian once overheard others talking about Hunters along with information about the age limit. When he was meditating in the back alley.

Ling Tian still considered it.

Speaking of Hunters, their work was somewhat vague. Ling Tian imagined they risked their lives in exchange for acquiring raw materials and selling them.

In that case, there were no rules preventing him from collecting materials and selling them himself.

Only that the customers were not the Hunters' Guild.

Possibly some merchant.

Ling Tian decided to investigate items that would likely be bought by merchants.

He immediately put his idea to action and headed towards the marketplace according to the map of the capital in his mind.

"Oi brat! What're you looking at? Get out of my sight!"

However, when Ling Tian was browsing the commodities in the marketplace, the sharp eyes of a shopkeeper noticed him and threateningly yelled at him.