[Sending Complete]

Renn felt her soul being pressed down and it's hard to breath. Opening her eyes, she understood why she felt being pressed down. Literally.

"A.I7, give information to me." Renn asked mentally.

"Sending information."

According to information A.I7've been sent, this world was in brink of war especially in country Renn lived. Country where Renn lived was called Aistrel and known for its military forces. Aistrel and Zhou Kingdom had been in war for last 60 years and both rulers of countries agreed to make peace. But unfortunate due to unknown reason, the treat of peace was never reached. Now, Aistrel are being to preparing for war with Zhou Kingdom.

To make military forces stronger, the King and government decided to list 16 to 18 years old teenagers, boys and girls into military training. In this world, Renn've become Miss Rose Aithylne, daughter of General Burke. She is somewhat a pampered young miss of high status family. It is truth that her family was one of respectable family in Aistrel because of her father contribution in military. Her mother, Prof. Dianne is also one of top professor recognized by the King.

Her only eldest brother was top trainee in military training and now promoted to become Major. Been pampered by her family, Rose was became arrogant and air-headed person. She always got what she wants and proud of her status. A little she knows, her so-called friends hate her for acting she was better than them. So when Rose got letter for enlistment to military training, she was dismayed by it.

Felt it was unfair to her, she went to begging her father to delist her from military training but her effort was futile. The enlistment is mandatory and General Burke was respectable figure in military, he fully support his children to follow his path in military. But it's seems his only daughter has disappointed him.

Instead of accepting her fate, she went berserk and gave tantrum at her parents. Her refusal gives headache and displeased to her parents. Hating her parents for not helping her, she went to military training with heavy heart and hatred. The resentment to her parents grew when she in predicament with intense training and being bullied by another trainees.

Unbeknownst to Rose, her bullies were associated with one of her so-called friend and been order to gives lesson to her. If original Rose knows this matter she'll vomits blood. Back to present time, Rose who replaced by Renn right now was being in 'extra care' and endures special treatment by her partner.

Today lesson was fighting tactics. Taught several methods by instructor, the trainees then assigned to practice the methods with their partner. Out of luck, Rose's partner is one of her bullies and that where Renn started her day. Being pressed down by her bully.

"What is the mission, A.I7?"

[Main Mission: Stop the war. Attain the peace treaty between Country Aistrel and Zhou Kingdom.

Minor Mission:

1. Reconcile family relationship.

2. Be No.1 Cadet





7. ]

"Hey A.I7, why other missions is been locked?"

"These missions will be unlock after Host accomplish the first two missions."

"Is there any rules before I proceed my missions?"

"No. Host can do anything to carry out the missions and create your own path in this world. But Host must bear the consequences of it."

"So I can do anything to complete my missions, isn't it?"

"Yes. If Host has any inquires, just call me out. All the best."

Yeah, all the best to me. Push up all determination, 'Rose' opened her eyes and adjusting her focus on face above her. Saw grinning smile on boy's face make she feel irritated. Based on information given, this boy is top 10 excellent cadets in her batch and from military family plus he is often went messing with previous Rose. Cadet Steven Earl. Now you're in my blacklist.

Felt murderous glare from this stupid girl, Steven thought this girl was silly to have guts to stare at him whilst she looked defeated on him. He then pressed down more pressure on his foot where placed on Rose's abdomen area. What he doesn't know is, in one second he is the one who being press down.

A loud thump makes other pairs stopped their practice and stunned to see what they saw. Is the sun going down in east? What an absurd. The most dumbfounded is Steven. Not believing what happened on his eyes, he counter-attack by grabbing her wrist and wants to throw over her but in vain as Rose was already one step ahead to block his attack by using one of Judo techniques.

"Done playing?"

A chill seeped through his backbone when he heard the cold voice. Astounded to believe that the voice was come out from fragile girl, he looked up. "What? Never see a beautiful girl?" Rose smirked. Felt he was been slapped down to earth, he tried to get away from her firm holds. "Release me, you bitch!"

However instead of letting go she put more weight on her hold, crushing him. "Eh, is that you should say to me? If you admit you're a loser only after that I'll release you." Rose said with showing an evil grin. "Shut up, you wench!" Steven said loudly. "What happen in here, Cadet Steven, Cadet Rose?" A stern voice shouted at their direction. Stood in front of them an oppressed presence can be sense.

Loosen her grasp on Steven, she quickly stand up and do at ease stance meanwhile Steven struggling to stand up properly considering affliction from her clutch. "N-nothing happens, Sir."

"Then why I'm hearing some pig being killed? I assigned you guys to practice what I've demonstrate earlier not to playing around like little kids. This is a military, not a playground!" The trainer roars sternly. Rose now understand why military trainer is hungry lion prying its prey.

Accommodating herself in new world, new place she quickly scans her surrounding and finally land on her partner and her trainer, Sergeant Ian. The boy beside her and the sergeant was impartially handsome but only the difference between them is the air around themselves.

Kept indifference attitude by herself, Rose looked blankly in front of her. The abrupt changes don't slip from trainer's sight and surprised to see it. What happened with this girl? When Sergeant Ian laid eyes on Rose during first day he felt baffled as his expectation on his mentor's daughter demolished just blink of eyes. A pampered porcelain doll.

Every behavior she displayed were makes him dissatisfied with her but he kept it hidden and wear his poker face. Yet today she was bit different. "Tell me, Cadet Rose." He demanded. "Nothing, Sir." She retorted.

"Good! If you two so tight-lipped go take 20 laps. That your punishment for disturbing the class." Sergeant Ian ordered. "Yes Sir!" The two of them hastily went to field and runs for 20 laps. One is adamant to tell how he has loss to weak girl and one is lazy to tell. In conclusion, they rather to get punishment.

Unknown to them a few students have seen the happenings and talk over with another.