"Hey Steven, I heard you been beaten up by that weak girl?" One of member in Steven's group asked.

"WHAT! Where you heard it? Is that bitch tells you?" Steven felt outraged when his humiliation was makes known by his friends. "N-no… I heard from some students. They say that you lose to Rose during the simulation. They also say that you got punish by Sergeant Ian," he hurriedly explained.

Steven got angry by time his friend finish explaining. Damn that bitch! She clearly wants to embarrass me. Wait for pay back, Rose Aithylne.

That time, Rose was in her room. After her trying her best to finished run 20 laps, she went settle at her room as the class was the last one for the day. Straight go to bathroom, Rose studied her face and body. Saw for the first time actual face of Rose, she was awe with her beauty.

A living Barbie doll! Big greyish eyes with long eye lashes, beautiful shaped nose, full and soft lips, and what this – an amethyst hair. What a shock. The current Rose feels her appearance can't be compared with herself in real world. This is a goddess.

Pinching her cheek, "Ouch, this is definitely real. Wow," finish checking her face she then looked down at her body. Only one thought stuck in her head, I can seduce any man with this body. "Okay snap from it, Renn. You're a teenager, not an adult. But look at her – no my body…" Admiring her new body, she spot some bruise on abdomen area and around her legs. It must be from her bullies.

"A.I7, can you give information about my bullies?"

"Sending information. Done, Host."

Received the files in her head, Rose mentally said thanks and read the information. Eh, more 4 persons in my blacklist. Stevan Earl, Joshua T.L, Harry Deans, James Dutch and Miralyn Potts. I guess this girl is the head of my bullies club. Never mind, I have plan exclusively for you later.

Done reviewing the information, Rose quickly take shower and puts on her black shirt and pants. After drying her hair and tying up in ponytail, she walks out from her room and went to cafeteria. Soon as she walks in cafeteria, the place then become silent. All gazes focusing on her. Shit, what their problem with me? Never see a beautiful girl?

Ignoring all the gazes, she continues to walk to her destination. Seeing what on her sight, her stomach grumbles loudly. Hehe. She was very hungry at time she substitute with original owner this body and intensify during her 20 laps run. Taking the tray, Rose hurriedly scoop a large amount of rice. The lady behind the vendor looks shock to see a large pile of rice in her tray. This is nothing; I can make a food mountain with my tray.

As the kitchen lady help to put the meat on the tray, Rose couldn't help to sigh a bit. "More." She said. "What?" The lady looked baffled. "I said more. Put more steak. Better to put two more." Rose explained patiently. The kitchen lady's eyeing Rose as she like an alien. What a lady eat three steak meat that enough to famish a man's hunger in one meal. If you eat three of it in different time, it was acceptable. But, Rose was doing rare things ladies do.

Felt unsure but the kitchen lady puts the steaks on her tray. Holding her tray with mountains of food, Rose sat down and start to chomp down the food. 10 minutes later, Rose finished ate her dinner and look around her. Erm, why all people whispering and look at me with odd face? Is there a ghost behind me? Rose turn her head and look her behind. Nothing. Weird.

"What are you people looking for?"

Hearing Rose asking them, all the cadets take away their gaze and pretending to eat their meal. Are they deaf? Rose thought. It is basic manner to answer people's question. Place an indifferent face, Rose stand up and leaves after puts down her tray on leftover bin.

As soon Rose left the cafeteria, whispering turn into uproar.

Cadet 1: "Hey, is that girl who beaten up Steven?"

Cadet 2: "Impossible! Look at her body. She so small and like a doll. How can she crush Steven when she looks like that?"

Cadet 3: "But she eats like a monster. What a girl eats like that. Three steaks? With a mountain of rice. If me, I already put white flag."

Cadet 1&2: "…."

The hot discussion continues debate among the cadets. While the person been talking about is eating again. After leaves the cafeteria, Rose straight went to her room and open her fridge. What a glutton. Munching her snacks, Rose was watching a news.

Announcer: "The current situation in South border still in caution. According to Defense Minister, the war may start in 3 months and citizens being advise to take preventative measure during the war…."

3 months? It's too soon. A tinge of pain felt inside Rose's head. Just only one day in this world, she already had headache. If she can survive in a week then it was miracle for her. Let out a sigh, it was better to settle things on tomorrow, she thought. Better sleep than your head being fry by overload thinking. Changing into her pyjama and brushed her teeth, Rose begin her sweet sleep dream. Oh, wait.

"Goodnight, A.I7. Sweet dream."

A.I7: "…."