Like her habit in real world, Rose's automatic body clock wakes up at 4 A.M. Stretching her body, she goes to wash up and changing into her workout clothes. Previous Rose never wakes up like this, but current Rose is different.

Yesterday, Rose felt her body wasn't in top condition. She puts so much struggles on her 20 laps run before. Her second mini mission is to become No.1 cadet in here, which means she must train her body into best shape. Tying her boots, she walks to a field and began her early morning run.

While engrossed with her run, in a distant place, she not aware of one man's stare on her. His solemn face shows nothing of what he was thinking. Break his gaze on Rose, he walks away and at that time Rose stop her run to see a steady man's back walks away from the field. Who is he?

Breathe out a heavy pants, she continues her workout with warming up and do sit ups. Enough with warming session, she went to training room to practice her martial arts. Upon enters the training room, she felt relieved as there is no one in this room and she can keep practice without prying eyes.

Make a defense stance, she moves smoothly to the left just like avoiding someone's punch, hold up her arms, lightly moves her feet and in time, she falls into her memories of white room. Every sweat and bruise she got from her martial art instructors make her remember every movement, the footstep, the technique, and glaring. Ugh, how terrified I am that time.

One hour later, she stops practicing when the door suddenly opened. Sergeant Ian? "Cadet Rose, what are you doing here?"

"Uh… Practicing?"

Sergeant Ian shocked. Does the sun rise from the east? Or is the world closely to end now? He felt Cadet Rose was different from yesterday. Usually, she will make fuse and throw never ending complaint to him. His ears already immune with that all complaint. Ignorance is a bliss, people say.

Now, she was practice? Can people can change 360 degrees in a day. Maintaining his serious face, he started to question her. "Really? What are you practice?"

"Um, some martial arts, Sir?"

"Some martial art? What kind of martial arts?"

"Erm, kicking and punching, Sir?" Really Rose? Kicking and punching?

"Okay then. Sparring with me."

Rose's eyes bulged. WHAT???! Well shit, hoping for this cold man will ignore her and let her on her way but now he wants her sparring with him. What she should do? Maybe, she can refuse him. Looks into his cold eyes, and nope, you can't refuse him.

Just do it, Rose. "Yes, Sir."

"Show me your little kicking and punching," he said, stance himself firmly.

Rose: "Hey, A.I7. Did he just provoke me?"

A.I7: "Yes, Host. I'm sure he just provokes you."

Rose: "Then, can I beat him?"

A.I7: "…."

Rose: "Is there any rules about if I OOC?" [OOC = Out of character]

A.I7: "To answer Host, you can beat him. Host can OOC if other party will not suspicion with your changes."

Rose: *smirk* "Hehe."

A.I7: "…." Host, can you not show your evil smile? It's scary.

Back to present, Rose also stance herself in battle mode aka Boxing mode. Let me show you my little kicking and punching.

Tension begins to accumulate, both eyeing each movement. Who will make the first move? Without wasting more time, Sergeant Ian launched a sudden attack towards Rose. Instinctively Rose blocked the attack.

Surprised to see the girl in front him can block his attack, Sergeant Ian cover his surprise with another attack and again, she blocks it. Rose then sees an opening at his right side and swiftly attack on it.

In a split second her attack was blocked. Shocked how fast the girl seizes an opportunity when sees an opening, Sergeant Ian becomes serious. Unlike his initial attacks, his next moves were more powerful. His seriousness can be seen by Rose and she also becomes more serious. The blow exchanges by the two people was in par. By thirty minutes later they still sparring.

Both don't want to concede. Another thirty minutes later both still on it.

A.I7: *facepalm* Oi Host, this is not a competition. No need you guys to blowing each other head.

After an hour sparring they was stopped by movement at the door. A bunch of cadets enters to training room. Know that it's time to let others practice and go to her next favorite training (eating) she asks permission to leave from Sergeant Ian and went out after hears 'hmph' and give salute to him.

The other cadets were puzzled on what happening between Sergeant Ian and the weak girl. However, it was not their things to nosy about and as well Sergeant Ian was not their instructor.

"Why you bunch of idiots still not begin your practice?!", a loud voice came at the back of them.

"Sorry, Sir." They hurriedly come to inside and immediately practice. Meanwhile, Sergeant Ian went to take a rest on bench at the corner. That loud voice was owned by his senior, Captain Drek and sometimes they were sparring together when they've free time.



"I saw little missy came out from this room. You guys don't do anything in here is it?" Captain Drek grinned.

WHAT!!! Sergeant Ian felt wanted to kick the man in front of him. Seeing his junior face becomes ugly, he stopped his teasing. "Alright, alright… I just kidding, not need to be serious. I know how intensify your 'training' with that little girl." He said while wiggled his eyebrows.

Sergeant Ian knows how pervert this idiot's mind can be, he just ignored it. The captain realizes his junior now ignoring him, 'Aiya, this junior too serious' he thought.

Clear his throat, the captain changes the topic. "Looking at other side movement, it will be a moment to see who first will initiate the war," he comments.


"…." That's all? Am I not his senior? Why this junior too indifferent to me?

Unknown to Captain Drek, his junior's head are full thinking about a young girl. 'How did she know martial art? What change her now? Was she purposely acting like stuck-up princess, but why change her mind now? No. Something was not right with her.'

Determine to unfold her secret, Sergeant Ian plan to pay attention closely to her.