The Start of Great Changes

Kibo had a few more things to do before he made his announcement to the whole village, but first he decided to replace his clones at his forge with a Shikigami, he gave it all the knowledge of how to forge and did the same for his alchemy master clone at his hospital.

Thinking ahead he decided to also set one up in the training rooms, and the array control center.

He made their bodies out of many rare ingredients and used a combined Sacred Beasts Tear as their core, this way even should he somehow die again or leave this realm one day, his Shikigami could continue to pass on his teachings.

The Forger was in the shape of a Dwarf, making Kibo think fondly of the fantasy tales from earth, long red beard, bulky body, and short stature. Kibo named him Estus, after Hephaestus the Greek God of the Forge.

His Alchemy and Hosptial Head Shikigami took the shape of a lovely young woman who had a calming and patient aura.

She looked like an elf with pointed ears and fair and straight, long blond hair, she wore a nurse's gown and was about as tall as Kibo.

The Array master turned into a halfling and the Shikigami in the training center below was in the shape of an unassuming old human.

Only the Time Chamber's Shikigami had his appearance and full memories, this way he didn't have to keep using the Chimera technique to continually absorb the Permaclones every time he wanted to train somebody.

After settling certain matters, Kibo gathered everyone in the Immortal City below and stood on top of a platform overlooking a large square plaza.

The most influential members of his city sat up on stage at a very comfortable table next, the leaders of the 4 Sacred Clans had gathered along with the 5 Kage and the rest of the groups that he had formed in his Hidden Village.

The Akatsuki and the Jinchuriki Assault Squad were sitting beside them as well, along with the leaders of the most prominent clans from the leaf.

Kibo nodded his head in respect and turned to the crowd and cleared his voice before using his chakra to amplify the volume of his vocal cords.

"First let me thank you for coming out to greet me on such an hour." Kibo opened.

The crowd gathered started cheering loudly with great affection, Kibo rose his hands to calm the citizens and continued with his speech, "I've gathered you here today to speak about the history and future of this world, and what I need you to do to help us all survive a coming war."

The crowd listened on as Kibo explained the history of the world, taking up a few hours of everyone's time, "Someday the Otsutsuki Clan will return, and we will have to face them in order to save this planet from becoming a desolate wasteland."

Many people in the crowds were stunned and shocked, they began to show a panicked expression and feared that their generation would be the last to walk this earth. Some of them cried for the loss of their great clan's powers, others showed great pride that their ancestors were the ones who managed to give them this second chance.

The rest showed fury and a desire to escape this fate thrust upon them, Kibo could finally see the making of an Immortal army forming.

To calm the growing suspension, Kibo loudly announced, "I have given us all a chance at survival, the path to becoming an Immortal is our only chance. As citizens here, I want you to know I only have 3 rules for you to follow. One, don't commit crimes. Fairly simple right, that means, no violence, no stealing, no attacking each other through roundabout ways, whether they be political or for reasons of self-interest. Should one commit these crimes the Array placed around the village will tag you with a criminal marker, and the police force will arrest and place you into holding until a trial will be carried out that will decide your sentence. Punishments will match the crimes."

Kibo spent the next few minutes going over some of the laws and what punishments will be and how a jury works. "You can learn the rest from the books that will be supplied to the schools I've set up."

The crowd could understand this rule and show no qualms about refuting it, seeing this made Kibo very happy that his citizens were so well behaved.

"The second rule is, that everyone must only pay a single percent of their yearly wages in taxes. The taxes will be stored in a treasury that will only be put to use when the city requires something of utmost importance or something that was decided upon by a mass vote of the populace. This includes funding construction work for new houses and businesses as well. This is something that the whole city can take part in, and decide on how they want to shape its future."

Kibo paused as he looked over them, "Should you decided on something that is worth spending the money on, then once every 5 years the village can come together and compromise on the use for the funds."

Hearing this the crowd was shocked and pleasantly surprised, such low taxation and the fact that they could choose how to spend their own taxes to better their economy was unheard of.

Of course, not everyone had an infinite amount of food and water that could be pulled out of the training rooms set in the center of the town, he then went on to tell them that the Akatsuki would be their policing force, and the Tailed Beasts Squad was the Army.

After introducing them he looked to the rest of the crowd and said, "Lastly, the most important rule here is to remember that you are free. You are free to do anything you wish as long as you don't violate the previous two rules in any manner or form."

The people murmured amongst themselves in question, "Although I won't force anyone to join up for training, as not everyone has the potential to be an Immortal, however, should you chose to live the life as a mortal, nothing will be thought less of you, I encourage you to take up jobs, and create things that will help you gather wealth and better mankind's living conditions."

Many of the people that didn't want, or were too scared to fight, showed a sigh of relief.

"Even if you don't have the talent, I advise you to join the city's schools, the better students they produce the more they are rewarded. If you wish to join the Immortal Army once you graduate basic class, you are free to join, or form a clan of your own for representation."

Kibo continued on as he saw that everyone was watching his every move, Kibo had already used his Eien no Tenteigan's Tamonten ability to transfer the knowledge of all that he learned from his schools back on old earth to a group of traders that wanted to live in his village. He then had them print several copies of the books to spread not only here, but across the world.

After setting up some schools, he made so that it was mandatory to send the children and everyone who didn't have an education for a period of 5 hours every day to take classes. They get the weekends off.

Then, after gaining a basic schooling diploma, they are free to enlist in the army, or form a clan of their own and represent their family business, etc, etc.

"Any Clan that doesn't already exist can either choose to join the already existing ones, but only through their own testing methods. Right now there are four major clans living in the village, should you ever desire more resources, then you must put in the effort. I will create a stone pillar that will show the power ranking of the clans that register. Those at the top ten will gain access to not only more and greater training resources, but they can also select either their most talented member or their most potential-filled youth to receive training from an Immortal."

The four Clans each gained a beast from Kibo's realm and a star chamber. If they trained them up right, they had a chance to evolve into real Sacred Beasts themselves.

He gave a True Dragon infant to the Azure Dragon Clan Leader since Akari was too young to lead, her father took up the mantle.

The Byakko Clan's leader Enzo Tenrō gained a white tiger cub.

The Suzaku Clan Leader Yuka Inuka gained a vermillion bird hatchling, and the Genbu Clan leader, Kisame, was given a Black Tortoise.

He offered to help them evolve, but was turned down, they said they would simply train them on their own since the four families were free to come and go, they could use the Time Chamber any time they wished.

"With these four leaders, they will oversee the progress of the peoples training, and encourage growth as they are free to select pupils to train. However, the ones selected always reserves the right to refuse if they wish, with no repercussions for doing so."

Kibo also set up a contribution system, if they turned in certain things such as herbs, Chakra ores or mines that are found, anything that can be used to identify they could earn points, even certain achievements such as raising the rank of your clan, reaching Kage Level in power, or winning martial tournaments could be used to earn additional points.

These contribution points could be exchanged for treasures, Chakra Beasts, etc-etc; basically anything thing that can further their training to become an immortal.

Kibo could see that most of them wanted to become Immortals, and around 30% of the crowd seemed off-put at the idea, they would rather live carefree lives than that of an Immortal's constant struggles and responsibilities.

It was expected, but he didn't expect there to be so many who agreed with him, Kibo nodded his head and said, "Know this, no matter your status, pedigree, or relations with powerful politicians and state leaders, it means nothing here. This is a meritocracy; you don't work, you don't get paid. You're all responsible for your own actions, and I expect the best out of my people."

The crowd cheered loudly, the Kage were stunned at Kibo's announcement, he just basically told the Daimyo's their laws and politics wasn't shit here, Kibo had just created the worlds first free society.

It was still in its infancy and had much room to improve upon, but it was still a great start, "Just so you know, those that truly set themselves apart from the rest of the herd, will earn their right to become a citizen of the Hidden Village above."

Hearing this many of the crowd grew excited, "I have just one last thing to say, this isn't so much a rule, but something that I wish all my citizens to embody."

Kibo looked over the crowd and spoke with great intent behind his words, "We are human, no matter where we come from, no matter our physical differences, we all feel, bleed when we get hurt, we wish to be happy and live comfortable lives, and we die when we get old and weak. So treat each other as you would yourself, don't let those that suffer do so in silence. Basically, try to be good, that is the basses of what makes humanity worth protecting, treating each other with kindness and helping one another to achieve great things. But never allow those with wickedness in their hearts effect you, do not shy away from danger or reality, do what you think is right, but make sure you have all the facts before acting rashly; because even good intentions could lead to something catastrophic."