Failed! Nani?

Kibo smiled as he clapped his hands together, "So be kind and respectful but not dumb and ignorant of the facts. Be kind, but not merciful towards the guilty suits as a good motto."

As he said that the entire crowd cheered once more, Kibo bowed out and returned to his fortress, the Kage had met up with him to discuss some of the things he said.

Kibo invited them into his meeting room and sat down.

"You know that what you said will probably piss off our leaders," the Raikage stated shaking his head.

"Let them stew in it, I don't care. I have bigger responsibilities than worrying about a bunch of mortal leaders, and their hate towards me. If they know what's good for them then they'll continue on about their business and work towards a unified peace treaty."

Tsunade sighed, "Do you know they might choose to attack you right? Not to mention our villages citizens would be the attack force?"

Kibo shook his head, "You guys!"

Suddenly the room was filled with his Immortal energy causing them to shake, "I told you, I won't interfere with them, as long as they don't interfere with me. If that's not good enough, should I just go there and kill their entire family line before giving the ruler seats to the Kage?"

Everyone in the room gulped, "Please don't." Tsunade said with a sigh.

"We'll make them understand," Mei said with a triumphant look on her face.

The rest of the Kage shook their heads as well, they had seriously underestimated Kibo's strength once again. Even before he entered the Time Chamber they were vastly out powered, and now that they all had Demi-God ranked partners, the Kages thought that maybe they closed the gap somewhat.

However, it appeared that Kibo had not only grown stronger, but his mind was even sharper and more suited to lead.

Kibo didn't have that hint of naivete that used to come with his childlike charm, now he was acting with great decisiveness and direction.

"I've also wanted to remind you, once you become an Immortal, you can spend no longer than eight years acting as your village's Kage. I've also looked at your list for Immortal applicants and have approved their training. I have left a Shikigami in the time chamber to act as a teacher and placed a Shikigami in charge of the Mortal Stage of training in the village below," Kibo continued to talk with them for several hours, setting up how his village will run.

After concluding their meeting Kibo saw that it was starting to get dark. When all of the sudden, Kibo felt a surge of information hit him.

One of his clones had been killed. Kibo frowned and quickly read the information that he received, he was in the western continent searching for a Gelel mine when he finally found one, Kibo was suddenly attacked by four Peak Immortal beings.

The last thing he saw was Madera somehow absorbing the stockpile with Kamui.

Kibo didn't waste any more time, he opened up a rift in space and started hop through it, when all of the sudden, Navi announce, "Hidden Mission Failed: Claim ownership over the Gelel Mine. Penalty: Force dispersal of Clones, Survival Mission Begin."

Kibo was shocked, "What!?" was the last thing he said before he felt his body being teleported across space and time to an unknown region of reality.

A bright beam came down on top of a massive planet 3 times the size of earth, Kibo was shocked at the announce once more.

"Quest: Survive until the end of the Shinobi War. Side Quest: Kill all life on the planet of Fallen Demi-Gods. Rewards: ????"

Kibo's grabbed his head, "What fresh hell is this?"

Looking around he saw trees that were bigger than his entire village, mountains and waters that resembled earth somewhat, but were way oversized.

Kibo looked around and shook his head, "I'm not waiting around until the war begins."

Kibo set out and started looking for targets to fight, he had already used his perception to cover this whole planet and found no humanoid or intelligent life on it.

"Navi what is this place?" Kibo asked as he felt the surge of Immortal energy assault his senses in worrying levels.

"This is the Planet of Fallen Demi-Gods. All these beings come from a higher plane, they are those that have failed their Godly tribulations and been abandoned by the celestials of a higher realm."

Kibo was shocked, "I thought that if one failed their Godly tribulation, they died!?" Kibo said with awe.

"Not always, sometimes they survive, and become weaker for a period of time, and sometimes they lose all sense of rational. If they lose their sense of thought, the laws created in the heavenly realm keep them from ascending and banish them here without a second thought," Navi continued to explain.

"So this place is like a trash can for the Gods!?" Kibo was shocked once more.

"Yes, in a manner of speaking, that statement is true, but it is mostly used to keep them from evolving in the Heavenly Realm and unleashing devastation," Navi said with a simple tone.

Kibo was suddenly assaulted by a group of flying black winged rocs, he couldn't keep up with their movements and was sent flying by the ramming action of the Roc leader.

Kibo's body had almost no resistance against the attack, he flew into the ground causing the ground to shatter around him, coughing up a mouthful of blood Kibo quickly jumped out of the hole as quickly as he could.

The Roc from earlier had swooped down with his massive talons and attempted to grab Kibo while he was buried, Kibo tried to gain distance when another Roc opened it's the mouth and shot a beam of pure energy at Kibo.

Kibo quickly tried to cut space and escape, but he found that the Immortal energy on this planet was far stronger than the ones on earth, causing the laws of this world to be extremely robust and only opening a small rift.

Seconds before the blast detonated, Kibo activated his hybrid form and felt the power from the beast send him reeling throughout the area. His body shot through several mountainsides, sending up chunks of dust and debris everywhere.

As he quickly came to a stop he could feel that most of his internal injuries had already started to heal, when a large true dragon that looked almost primal in nature appeared from the ground beneath him.

The 100-foot tall creature wrapped its jaws around his body and tried to chomp down, Kibo quickly activated his most powerful moment technique that he had created yet, "Instant Movement Steps! Aka, Flash Step." and with a flash disappeared before the Tyrant Dragon could snap down on him.

Kibo tired to run away as fast as he could when he saw a Golden Roc appear beside him and grip his body with its talons.

Kibo instantly changed directions expecting to escape, however, the Roc could easily keep up.

Gritting his teeth, he pulled out Yamato and used his God Slayer Iai-Jutsu to try and cleave off the creatures head.

As soon as the creature felt the sting of its flesh being cut through, it reacted on instinct and maneuvered around the attack without losing speed.

The wound quickly healed as it shot off a powerful wave of golden energy at him through a chirp.

He cut through the attack to see the Golden Roc swipe at him with its talons.

Kibo felt his body being severed down to the bone before he was sent reeling through the air. The Roc didn't let up as it shot another blast of energy towards Kibo.

Panicking, Kibo quickly activated Chaos Armor, and his new mode, "Nephilim Trigger!"

His Chaos Armor started to glow blue and red as markings ran across the surface of it, his phoenix wings turned black with a white center and contained a sliver of the rainbow color around the edges.

Kibo wasn't holding anything back as he dashed towards the Roc and cut out again with his God Slayer.

He felt the blade make it halfway through the creature's neck before it reacted and pulled away, Kibo struggled to keep up and try to follow through with his attack.

The two's speeds had moved so fast that they only reappeared when they clashed.

"Bishamonten Avatar!" Kibo's eyes rotated as a large skeleton figure appeared around him, golden orange flames appeared around the transparent bones.

It continued to grow until a 50 foot giant, with 3 armed, 3 faces, and a savage expression appeared, its body hadn't completely formed showing that Kibo had yet to completely master this technique, only the pure white flames showed the transparent skeletal-looking Asura towering over the land with a frighteningly powerful aura.

A giant recreation of Yamato had appeared at his waist, in the avatar's second hand was a recreation of Tessaiga, and in his third hand was Rebellion.

"Die!" Kibo said with rage-filled lungs as he used his Nephilim energy to power Tessaiga into a massive Wind Scar, he then watched as the creature's body was severed in half, he slashed out with Yamato and cut through space, severing the head of the Tyrant Dragon, and threw Rebellion into the herd of Rocs like a spinning saw.

As Rebellion cut through them, Kibo flashed stepped over and grabbed the hilt of the blade, all while storing the corpses inside his inventory.

[10 Million Sys Points awarded for slaying Golden Roc, 14 Million Sys Points awarded for slaying 14x Black Rocs, 15 Million Sys Points awarded for slaying Tyrant Dragon.]

Kibo roared as he felt the power of the Bishamonten Avatar surging through him, sending out his killing intent, Kibo dashed out in a decision to do some serious damage, he was beginning to wonder if he could make it back before the start of the war.

The Fallen Demi-Gods in the surroundings felt his energy and reacted to it like an ant drawn to honey, they stopped whatever they were doing to chase after the tasty meal that had arrived.

Kibo used his Flame of Fuji and surrounded his swords in them as he jumped into combat, and since the terrain was much larger than earth, it could hold up to the pressure of their combat.

Kibo stared off at the powerful hoard of epic beasts that approached him and made a Temporal Wind Scar by infusing all of his attacks with Yamato and Rebellion's attacks.

He then Flash Stepped across from his own attack and used the backlash wave, and like a rubber band returned to face his own attack once more.

After using another Back Lash Wave, the attack had quadrupled in force as it crashed into the hoard, causing a massive eruption of white flames that took the form of giant tornados.

The energy was so bright that one could see the explosion from space, chunks of flesh rained down from the atmosphere while Kibo ran through them and collected their body parts.

Thinking of the fact that he could use them to stock up his army he laughed, "One God's trash, is another Immortal's treasure."

Using a summoning Jutsu, all of his partners appeared from his Star Chamber and reappeared next to Kibo, "Help me out will you guys, and don't get sloppy!"

The group looked to each other and nodded their heads, Kibo quickly created a copy of Rebellion and Yamato by using his Time Reversal Regeneration on them after storing them in his inventory.

Throwing the weapons to Dante and Vergil he then threw out the twin Pistols, Yomi, and Mōryō to Dante and said, "You'll be needing those."

Dante smiled and grabbed hold of Rebellion before entering his Nefilim Trigger, placing it on the holder over his back, he grabbed the pistols and said, "You're not Ebony or Ivory, but I'm sure we'll get along just fine."