Slaying The Boss in Gamers Style!!!

However, even though its wound worsened the giant werewolf does not really care about it and still chasing Mikhail frenziedly. No matter what in front of it, the giant werewolf will crash it to dust.

The giant werewolf is getting closer and closer to Mikhail. Even though the narrow corridor and alley hindering it, its calf wounded, its sense of smell and hearing interrupted but the giant werewolf's speed is not to be trifled with. It is clear that the rumor about the werewolf's superior agility is not empty talk. Even in this kind of situation, it still could catch up to Mikhail.

50 Meters...

30 Meters...

10 Meters...

Mikhail calculated the giant werewolf distance with him. When he turned at an intersection and the giant werewolf almost catches up to him, the shadow sword came slashing down once again.

The dust flying and scattered blocked anyone vision coupled with giant werewolf sense of smell and hearing being interrupted making its movement became quite dull. But even though with all of that and only relying solely on its reflexes, the giant werewolf successfully evades the shadow sword that slashed toward its neck who knows that the shadow sword curved once more and slicing the giant werewolf another calf leaving another gaping wound.


The giant werewolf got even angrier to Mikhail but this time with its pair of leg wounded, giant werewolf forced to run four-legged using its pair of legs and pair of hands like an ordinary wolf while chasing Mikhail.

When the running Mikhail is laughing at the giant werewolf.

Mikhail accuracy is actually not that high moreover he swing shadow sword as fast as he could so he won't give the giant werewolf a room to dodge but who told that the giant werewolf size to be too big that when Mikhail making shadow sword randomly curved it wounded both of giant werewolf calf.

Mikhail repeated his previous action several times, leaving more wound on giant werewolf body. Sometimes it will completely avoid Mikhail attack, sometimes Mikhail's attack manages to wound its chest, shoulder, and waist.

Giant werewolf is not stupid, it also tried various strategies against Mikhail. First, it tries to turn around and tried to catch Mikhail from another direction but how could such an elementary level strategies work on Mikhail. Mikhail instantly changed his direction several times making the giant werewolf dizzy while Mikhail laughed at it aloud.

Second, giant werewolf lifted some wall, house, anything he could grab and throw it at all to Mikhail. However, Mikhail already expected this too, while chuckled he put his shadow sword between his armpit and hold it firmly with both of his hands then instantly changed shadow sword form into a two meters staff that propelled Mikhail's body forward at incredible speed leaving giant werewolf and its thrown item far behind. This one is also a trick that Mikhail learned from the game.

Lastly, the giant werewolf is like giving up, it still keep chasing Mikhail but keep its distance. Mikhail smiled coldly, he knew what is this giant werewolf is up to now. The giant werewolf waited for Mikhail's stamina to run out. Once Mikhail stamina is exhausted, and then the giant werewolf will attack occasionally whittled down Mikhail's will little by little. Until it could cut Mikhail's down in the end.

In short, the giant werewolf is using a long-term tactic to kill him now. It is also normal to use this kind of strategy though. After all, the human has a very limited stamina. The most human could only run at full speed only for a few minutes, even Mikhail with the support of the shadow sword's mastery could only run at full speed for about one or two hours. While wolf bodies are built for stamina, possessing features ideal for long distance travel. Even the ordinary wolf could run at full speed for an entire day not to mention this giant werewolf.

Mikhail is quite funny of this situation though. The usual arrogant giant werewolf is forced to use this kind of typical ordinary wolves strategy that cowardly pack of ordinary wolves would do.

"Well... It looks like the time is just right to use the final phase of my big plan!" Mikhail is sneered coldly and began to run faster then turned at some intersection. This time Mikhail did not run randomly anymore and started to head to a specific location.


10 minutes later...

Mikhail arrived at the main road intersection with pretty large space then he used his trick before to propelled his body forward at incredible speed. However, when the giant werewolf wants to give Mikhail a chase, the ground below it collapsed and the giant werewolf falls down below.

Mikhail stopped running and walked back to approach the hole on the ground then waited for the giant werewolf, shadow sword in his hand changed form into a spear.

After several seconds, the giant werewolf jumped out of the hole into the air and getting higher and higher.

"I have been waiting for this!!!" Mikhail face turned serious and throwing the shadow sword in its spear form onto the giant werewolf.

The giant werewolf tried to dodge even on the air with spinning its body and using centrifugal force to move on the air. It is really a frightening sight to look at when the giant werewolf that is far bigger than a truck spinning its body and moving around on the air like some butterfly.

However, this is also already within Mikhail's calculation too.

The shadow sword spear instantly changed into a net, capturing the giant werewolf then shadow sword turned into a straitjacket and sealed all the giant werewolf movement.

These are the main point and the final phase of Mikhail strategy because the werewolf main attribute is not strength but its agility. However, if he doing this first without whittled the giant werewolf strength little by little then there are some possibilities that the giant werewolf could break free or avoid it.

"It is over... Sorry, you are very strong! Far stronger than me! Unfortunately, your opponent is me, MIKHAIL! And don't worry I will take a good care of your child in your stead!" Mikhail talked to the giant werewolf for a moment, after that Mikhail snapping his fingers.

Then there are many spikes grown all over the straitjacket that as big and sharp as swords, with Mikhail command the straitjacket full of sharp spikes began to shrinking while shredding the giant werewolf to pieces.