Mikhail's Journey Begin!!!



SHADOW SWORD Leveling Up to Level 6.

SHADOW SWORD'S MASTERY Leveling Up to Level 5.

You got a demonic werewolf soul.

Mikhail surprised with the ample reward that he got. It looks like defeating the giant werewolf is really worth it. Not only he manages to revenge all the people that it eaten but he also got many rewards, Mikhail is really in a good mood right now.

"Grimoire, what is this demonic werewolf soul for?" Mikhail asked grimoire confusedly.


Master, you will know about it eventually.

"Cih...Must you always act like mysterious things? Always saying you will know eventually..." Mikhail nagged at grimoire while taking the giant werewolf's origin core but the tiny puppy, Momon, already jumped out of Mikhail's backpack to steal the origin core from Mikhail's hand.

"This little fellow... Sigh... It already eating all the sewer rat's origin cores but still didn't grow even a little bit at all." Mikhail complaining again while looking at Momon eating the werewolf's origin core happily.

Momon's appearance is still like a tiny little puppy but after eating many rats origin cores, its tail began to split into two. Mikhail did not know why but it looks like this Momon's evolution chart is starting to differ from its parent.

"Well, for now, I will check the grimoire's third page first. What will I get this time?" Mikhail grinned happily while summoning the grimoire out and began to open the third page.

Page 3


Description: Owner could store anything as long as it is not a life object into grimoire. The time inside the inventory is momentarily stopped until the owner takes them out again.

"SHH*TT... This is a godly function!!!" Mikhail started to breathe heavily when he saw the third page. Then Mikhail tried to storing his backpack into space inventory, his backpack mysteriously vanished, and Mikhail closed his eyes to check inside the space inventory.

Space inventory in grimoire is actually not like the novel usually described like there are spacious rooms to store anything you want. Instead, there is the countless tiny box like inside RPG game and the first tiny box at the top right is Mikhail's backpack.

"Wooowww... It is really inventory!" Mikhail opened his eyes and smiling widely.

Then Momon came to Mikhail after finished its origin core meals and licking his hands.

Mikhail looked at Momon and found that its tail split again into three and there is a pair of cute new tiny horn grows at its head. Mikhail already could imagine if Momon grew up in the future that it would have nine tails like Kyuubi and a pair of domineering horn like a triceratops.

Mikhail spends his time a few days to try his new space inventory. Almost all things could fit in, he even tried to store several trucks inside and success.

He tried to store his own house but failed, Mikhail thinks that maybe because his house still bounded to the ground so he cannot store it. After all, if he can store his house while bounded to the ground, that is also mean that he can store a mountain too.

5 days later...

"Ok... I already stored everything, it's the time that I traveled out of this town and go to the capital city! "Mikhail said resolutely.

"But even though I have the map, my compass didn't work so how could I find my way and not get lost in my way? Should I rely only on the position of sun and star?" Mikhail tried to think of the solution.


Even though the normal compass did not work, it does not mean that the compass from Shadow Sword form is not going to works too!

"REALLY?" Mikhail asked the grimoire in disbelief and tried to change the shadow sword into a compass.

"IT REALLY WORKS!" Mikhail surprised and tried to changed shadow sword in several forms like telescope, binoculars, stopwatch, calculator, etc and everything work perfectly, well except ranged weapon though.

After that, Mikhail stuffed Momon to his backpack and goes to outside the town then entered deep into the dense forest.

The tall and lush bush are blocking Mikhail vision almost making Mikhail frustrated. Fortunately, he could use shadow sword form and changed into a periscope to checking what's in front of him but even with that, he could only saw many overgrown giant trees as far as the eye could see.

"Sigh... Could I use a forest jeep to across this forest?" Mikhail asked the grimoire.



First, the car is too flashy and if master uses it, all kind of origin beast will circle around and attacked it in no time.

Second, there is no road for a car to proceed so it would not go too far in this lush forest.

Three is the most important one, the forest is far more dangerous than in the town and many dangers other than origin beast is lurking around it, the safest choice to pass through this forest is to proceed carefully step by step.