Information and Planning!

"Why are you so naggy now? You weren't said anything at all when I faced that demonic werewolf!" Mikhail complained to Grimoire.


That is different! That time we are in Master's hometown so, we got the geographic advantage also after I analyzed master tactic the success chance is about 78% even if we failed to slay the demonic werewolf, our escape chance is still 100%.

"You could calculate something like the chance too? Then how big our chance infiltrating abyss spider's nest and come out alive?" Mikhail asked grimoire again.


Minus 99%!

"Sh*it... You are clearly trolling me, aren't you? How could it have a minus chance? I mean come on I maybe not know the geographic there and... Sigh... You are right, I really don't know anything about its nest. I will try persuading Reina now!" Mikhail picked up his speed and tried to catch up to Reina.


First, Master really doesn't know anything about its nest even the route to where the abducted locked up so how could Master rescue them without being noticed.

Second, Abyss Spider Queen is far stronger than demonic werewolf approximately even ten demonic werewolves won't be able to defeat the Abyss Spider Queen. Also, even grimoire said the queen is slow but its speed still comparable with half of the demonic werewolf if not higher. In addition, because we are in its territory, the queen knows everything inside its own nest when we know nothing inside.

Third, Abyss Spider Queen has hundreds of its minion lurking and scouting around like surveillance camera and once they found us they will encirclement us in no time, even if they cannot kill us instantly but it would be enough to buy some time until their queen arrived and crush us like a bug.

It is impossible for us to escape under this condition!

While Mikhail and grimoire talking and discussing the entire possibility plan and error, they manage to caught up with Reina.

"Wait for me, Reina!!! Let's go together it is too dangerous for you to go alone!" Mikhail shouted to Reina while jogged to her side.

"Sir Mikhail I know very well about its danger that is why I don't want to involve you in this. Do not worry about me... If this worthless life of mine could be traded with all those kidnapped villagers then I am more than willing!" Reina gaze is firm and resolute under the bright sun that shining upon her beautiful face, she looks like a goddess of mercy that descended from the heaven itself.

"Do not worry about me. I know about my limit very well. I promise I won't let myself be killed also I promise that I won't let you lost your life either!" Mikhail is smiling as brightly as he could while staring sharply at Reina's eyes. I must look very cool right now, not even MC from manga could be as cool as me right now. This girl must be fall for me this instant! Mikhail is thinking this right now.

"Alright then... But if the situation goes awry you should go first, understand?" Reina nodded her head and said this.

"Okay first, we must design some plan first and also some backup escape plan is also a must! Did you have some information about this abyss spider's nest?" Mikhail said it to Reina while rubbing his chin and thinking.

"P... Plan??? Es... Escape??? In... Infor... Information?" Reina feels like her head is being short-circuited when Mikhail said that to her.

"Don't tell me you do not have any plan, information, or escape route?" Mikhail is almost spurting one liter of blood and fainted when he asked this to Reina. This girl is indeed undisputable first class beauty but her brain is enough to make Mikhail considering his plan for wooing her once again.

"W... Wha... What plan? What escape? Aren't all people... fighting... without any plan too? And also... And also... How could I think of escaping... If failed then... Then... I will pay for it with my life..." Reina face reddened while she stuttered on rebuking Mikhail.

Well, she is really cute right now and making people wanted to pinch her pinkish cheeks but Mikhail is not in the mood to admired her beauty now.

Mikhail suddenly halted, pulled Reina's delicate arm, pushing her against the tree behind her. His palm smashed against the trunk and slowly, his face gets closer to hers. She could feel his breath tingle her face. However, his obsidian eyes stared into her eyes with a hint of anger and worry.

Reina feels panicked and puzzled at what Mikhail is doing right now.

"Girl... Did you know, without information, you could only act like a blind man without your cane? Also without the plan, it would be impossible to execute any work with the good result especially the rescue mission is the most delicate one that needed planning the most! THE LAST AND THE MOST IMPORTANT! ESCAPE PLAN IS A MUST IF YOU WANT TO KEEP SURVIVE! WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW IS SUICIDE!" Mikhail yelled to Reina irritably while getting closer to her.

Reina stunned at what Mikhail is saying and keep staring at his obsidian eyes.

"I... I didn't... I didn't mean that... I just... I just didn't think that far... I..." Reina started to talk in stuttered and there are faint tears on the corner of her eyes.

Mikhail realized that he lost his control for a moment and now he is so close to Reina. His forehead almost touching Reina's and he could feel her breath on his face. He quickly released and taking some distance from her.

"Anyway from now on you just need to listen to me! Do not act rashly anymore and pay attention to what I said!" Mikhail said it sternly to Reina.

Reina quickly nodded her head with reddened eyes then wiping her faint tears with her long sleeve.

"Then how much you know about the abyss spider nest? Where is the queen now?" Mikhail asked Reina but she is only shaking her head.

"Ok, so you don't know... Then I will ask you again, did you know all entrance and exit at that abyss spider nest?" Mikhail started to rub his glabella while glaring at Reina but Reina only shrugged her shoulder while shaking her head again.

"Don't tell me you just only started to tail that group of spiders to their nest then get discovered by them so you run away and later you bump into me?" Mikhail started to get more irritated and staring sharply at Reina's eyes.

Reina is feeling even more embarrassed and lowered her head while slowly nodded again.

"Good... Then now you want to tail them again and walk from the front entrance like some sort of noble guest. Since you don't know anything about their nest, you want to ask some spider to escort you to where they detaining the villager so you could release them all. Lastly, you want to walk out of their nest through front entrance again like there is nothing happen!" This time Mikhail sounded a bit hoarse from anger.

Reina raised her head a little like a guilty child afraid of being scolded by her parent and wanted to say something but Mikhail cut her word off.

"Okay, you don't need to say anything anymore right now, just sit there, and pondering your mistake while I thinking some plan first!" Mikhail feels like he is really going to explode if Reina still answering him like that then decided to stop asking her and begin to think the solution.