Infiltrate The Abyss Spider’s Nest!!!

After Mikhail and Reina searching for a few hours around the forest, they finally found some group of spider lurking around searching for some prey. They quickly hiding and followed them patrolling around the forest.

"Are we too far away from them now? What if we lost their track?" Reina is puzzled and asking Mikhail.

"Origin beast is more sensitive than humans, if we tailing them too close they will found us easily. You also discovered so easily before because you are too close when following them." Mikhail explained to Reina while tailing them from far distance with a telescope to observe their direction and movement.

After the sky darker, that group of spider began to go back to their nest while Mikhail still tailing them from afar.

The density of spiders group went higher and higher after joined with several others group on the way back to their nest and still increasing even now. Mikhail telling Reina to be more careful since the more the number of spiders increasing, the more they need to be careful to not discovered by them on the way.

Their nest is quite far, the numerous group of spider needs several hours to travel back there. When arrived at their nest the number of spiders already reached more than one hundred making Mikhail and Reina having goosebumps.

The abyss spider's nest is a cave located in the valley below the mountain and there are many scrub bushes almost covered the entrance making it hard to find even if you already stand near it.

The entrance is on the mouth of the cave, according to Mikhail the cave entrance's size is quite even the truck could go inside easily. In addition, there are tens of abyss spiders that standing on guard.

Mikhail also estimated the queen's size must be about as big as the cave entrance's size. On the other words, the abyss spider queen's size is about as big as a truck.

After obtaining the information that he wants, Mikhail urged Reina to retreat temporarily and designing some rescue plan and retreat plan. Reina first wants to refuse Mikhail and enter the nest alone but under Mikhail's scolding she finally gives up for now.


Tomorrow morning, Mikhail already designed some plan but there is still some difficulty because of the lack of information and manpower.

First, the group of spider kidnaps all nearby villagers so the number of kidnapped villagers should be numerous while right now no one could help him carry them out.

Mikhail already asked grimoire on how the group of spider could kidnap the villager without killing them. Apparently, the group of spider has some paralysis poison in their fang so when it bites the villager they will paralyze for a while then that group of spider will carry them to their nest.

Actually, Mikhail is not really sure if they are still alive. After all, they are kidnapped to be eaten by the spider queen and its minion. Even if some of them are still survived, they would not be able to move because of paralysis poison and he would need to bring them out by himself.

Second, even if Mikhail success in bringing several abducted villagers, he would be noticed right away by several groups of spider that guarding. Later on, he must fight while protecting the villager that he brings and once he encircled by hundreds of spider or the abyss spider queen coming to face him, by then he would certainly be dead.

Mikhail staring at Reina and started to think some plan that involves her. Mikhail sighed actually he didn't want to involve her, afraid of her losing her life because of her carelessness. But it looks like there is no choice other than using some diversion tactic.

Even though Mikhail still does not believe that he could rely on this clumsy princess but he doesn't have another choice, in this situation he could not execute his plan by himself. Mikhail started to tell Reina his plan and repeatedly warned her to not making a mistake this time.



In the dark and narrow tunnel on the other side of the valley, Mikhail has been digging using his shadow sword with drill form and collected the soil with space inventory repeatedly since two days ago.

Mikhail thinks it would take some time to dig from under the other side of the valley until the middle of that abyss spider's nest but he does not have another choice other than this.

Basically, this is the most classic and effective plan to save someone that locked up. Even someone that imprisoned in jail will think this plan first.

Who knows that shadow sword is really an incredible weapon only two days and Mikhail already almost reached the abyss spider's nest. In Mikhail calculation, he would reach under the nest in less than one hour.

"Is there something that I could help you with?" Reina is feeling guilty for not helping anything and asked Mikhail.

"Leave this to me! You must prepare yourself for now and remember our escape route since you will be the one that leads all villagers to the outside and protecting them." Mikhail is reminding Reina while changing shadow sword form to radar and checking the entire spider's movement in their nest above them.

Shadow sword radar is different from the normal radar that using radio waves to detect the moving object. Instead, it is detecting it from the origin energy inside the origin beast body so it is more accurate in detecting and checking all spiders in the nest.