Gambling Diversion? Rescue and Stealing!

When Mikhail is checking all spiders position in the nest, there are three places with the highest number of spiders group.

Mikhail assuming these three places are nest entrance, place where they keep the abducted villagers, and the last one is their treasury. Usually, the place where the spider queen it would be crowded too with spider guarding it but since this abyss spider is already frighteningly powerful, she probably not needed to be protected anymore.

Mikhail already knows where the nest entrance is and the place with the most concentrated origin energy in radar must be their treasury. There is no mistake that the remaining one must be the place where they imprison the paralyzed villagers.

Mikhail began digging again toward two place, treasury and detained villagers place then if the soil is too many and starting to block the tunnel, Mikhail will collect them to his space inventory.

"Grimoire, are you really sure in that treasury would have that energy orb?" Mikhail asked grimoire.


100% no mistake!

There would be tons of energy orbs in there enough to enhancing master power to another level.

Before designing this plan, Mikhail already asked a lot of information about commander level from the grimoire, for example, is this energy orb.

When locust level devour or get some energy, how could they transfer their power to their leader? The answer is this energy orb. Each time locust level devour something or get some energy from another source they will produce this energy orb and later their leader will only need to consume this energy orb to increase their power. On the other word, energy orb is a bead containing pure origin energy that could increase the power of the one consuming it.

"Also, what is the power of your next page?" Mikhail smiled while asked again.


That is a secret.

Master, you will found it out by yourself later.

Mikhail is laughing when he saw grimoire message but he already guessing half of it while Reina looking at him with a weird expression.

The first clue is when he told his plan to grimoire, the grimoire accept it just like that and not refuse harshly like the first time when Mikhail suggest it.

The second clue is what he got when he defeated the demonic werewolf. Therefore, the grimoire's next page probably could give him enough boost power to fight the abyss spider queen so that is why grimoire is not refusing it again now.


After finished dug the tunnel to two places, Mikhail changed the shadow sword form into a periscope to see the situation above the ground. He began to searching some blind spot on corner of the room in the cave to raise the periscope without getting discovered by all spiders that guarding the room and start to pushing it out above the tunnel to watch the situation but the sight in the room that he saw are not the one that he wanted to see.


Only carnage is the word to describe this sight that he saw right now.

The hundreds of spiders devouring the paralyzed villagers body like a snack and their blood are splashing everywhere leaving only their bones while the villagers could not even lift a finger or screaming, they could only staring in horror and despair as their family, friends, and acquaintances devoured by all the spiders one by one.

Mikhail holding his mouth with one hand and tried his hardest to resist his urge to vomit. Reina looked at Mikhail's expression and sensed there is something wrong with him.

"What happens? What did you see? Why your face is so pale right now?" Reina is asking Mikhail with worried look while holding his upper arm.

"I am okay maybe I only just too tired right now." Mikhail is assuring Reina while waving his hand.

Mikhail knows if this little princess is the one saw this scene, she would probably faint right away and if he tells her about it now. She will start to act recklessly, charging out to help the villager right away but right now is not the right time to act, and without the perfect timing, we would only die in vain while dragging all the remaining kidnapped villagers with them for nothing.

Mikhail closed his eyes and gripped his hand harder to the point where his nails pierced his skin while breathing deeply to calming himself down and waited until this the group of spider finished eating and full then go resting, leaving only some tens of spiders to guarding.

Now, this is the time!

The hundreds of spider have not devoured all villagers, only about a fourth of villagers. Mikhail began to search for some male villagers that look strong and tough then record where they lie down in his mind.

Mikhail changed the shadow sword's periscope form onto some kind of pipe while calculating where the strong looking villager that he saw a moment ago and pushing the pipe out above the tunnel once again then the