The Time Race! Who is this gambling winner?

Mikhail jumped out of the tunnel and threw his shadow sword in chain scythe form instantly killed several guarding spider then the rest started to attacking Mikhail.

Reina is quickly summoning her tiny crimson dragon and shooting at the rest spider slaying them immediately.

"Momon, you stay here and help that pretty sister protecting them okay?" Mikhail said to Momon behind him and Momon quickly jumped out of his backpack while nodded to Mikhail.

Momon fighting power is not really strong now since it still a baby but after consuming many origin cores, its power now already reach normal origin beast level. These locust level spider minion would not be Momon's opponent, well at least not one on one.

While Mikhail chatted with Momon while guarding them, Reina already instructed male villagers to carry the paralyzed children and woman and entering the tunnel.

Another group of abyss spider coming inside the room again and this time the number almost tripled from the last guarding spider but Mikhail and Momon already standby then quickly attacked them.

Mikhail changed his shadow sword onto a drill lance and stabbed through a center of spider group dismember many of them at once while Momon began to jump around swiftly while biting and clawing the rest of spider.

Mikhail instantly transformed his shadow sword form to a giant two-meter axe, brandished it toward newly arrived spider crowd, and cleaving them all in two.

"All villagers already entered the tunnel! Let's go, Mikhail!" Reina urged Mikhail to enter the tunnel too with her.

"No, you go with them! I will stay, do not worry about me!" Mikhail answered her while keep fighting the endless spider crowd.

"Why? It is too dangerous for you!" Reina asked Mikhail worriedly.

"If I go with you like this the queen will surely chase after us! Without a doubt that we will be overtaken by it later because we must retreat while protecting and leading all villagers!" Mikhail explained it to Reina.

"Then what are you planned right now? You didn't think to sacrifice your life to buy us some time right?" Reina asked Mikhail exasperatedly while shooting fireball toward the incoming crowd of spiders.

"Of course not! Don't worry I already have a plan! If there are arsons at food storage and treasury warehouse, where did you think people will go secure first?" Mikhail is smiling mischievously and asking Reina.

"Usually the treasury warehouse first. Why did you ask this now?" Reina puzzled why Mikhail asking this now.

"That's my plan if you do not believe that I won't die then you could promise to marry me if we both survive this! I will promise you that I will definitely survive hehe..." Mikhail smile flirtatiously while staring at Reina while hoping for it in his heart.

"Cough... Cough... Cough... I... I... That's... You... "Reina choked and started to talk stuttered with a reddened face.

"Pfffft... Ahahaha... Don't worry about it I am just kidding and go now!"Mikhail smiled gently at Reina and charged to the group of spider that just arrived then swung his giant axe horizontally cleaved them.

"I promise so don't die!" Reina whispered near Mikhail's ear from behind him, Mikhail could feel her warm breath and her body heat at his shoulder, and when he turned to look behind, Reina already running entered the tunnel.

"You gonna regret that promise, girl... Hahaha!!!" Mikhail laughing then looked toward Momon.

"Go with her! Remember, protect her well!" Mikhail rubbed Momon's head then Momon runs entering the tunnel too.

"Now it is our turn grimoire!!! Remember to keep monitoring the queen's movement and tell me if it reached the spot that I point out before!!!" Mikhail instructed grimoire with a serious face and firm tone while keep cutting the incoming group of spiders.



Be careful of their bite and fang, they could easily paralyze Master!

Mikhail chuckled even grimoire sounds excited, how could he didn't excited too. Are not these scenes like a hero in the movie that came storming the enemy's fortress alone?

Even though Mikhail keep cutting with his shadow sword axe but the number of spiders minion did not dwindle at all. On contrary, it increased even more in each passing seconds.

"SH*T !!! Their number is really crazy!" Mikhail got another scratch on his left hand from another spider sharp leg.

With the huge number of abyss spider, it is impossible, even for Mikhail to remain unscathed, there already some scratch on his hands and body.


Master, the abyss spider queen has already arrived at the spot that you point out now!

"At last! I thought I would not be able to hold out anymore if this keeps up any longer!" Mikhail smiles while turning his shadow sword onto two meters three-headed axe and swung it to surrounding spider minion killing countless of them at once then Mikhail turned back to enter the tunnel.

The time is really crucial in Mikhail's plan. That is why he must calculate the queen's movement perfectly.

If Mikhail is too slow to leave that villagers detaining room and the queen already came before he could leave, he would not be able to run away from it at all and died without he could do anything.

If Mikhail going right away and arrive too early at the treasury, grimoire would not have enough time for absorbing energy orb and the queen will come slaughtering them before he could level up high enough.

That is why this diversion is actually a huge time racing gamble with Mikhail's life at a stake.

The spider nest actually really huge, that is why it could accommodate hundreds of spider minion in there. Even with Mikhail speed, he still needs about 5 minutes of sprinting in the tunnel toward the treasury. It looks like there are some spider minions that followed behind him before but with Mikhail speed now, all of them already fall behind.

Mikhail jumped out of the tunnel when he arrived at their treasury, instantly changed his shadow sword onto a two meters rapier then slashed tens of guarding spiders killing them all at once.

Mikhail surveyed the treasury and found a mountain of the transparent bead. With only a single look he already knows this must be energy orb. Mikhail instantly summoned the grimoire out and let it devour as many energy orbs as possible.

"Grimoire! Do it as quickly as possible when I hold all the spider minions back!" Mikhail reminded grimoire and run toward the treasury entrance to guard it.

Another wave of spider coming again toward Mikhail and this time the number is more than three times than the guarding spider before.

"COME!!! NO ONE SHALL PASS HERE!!" Mikhail shouting while changing the shadow sword onto a spear and started to spin it around his body killing all spider that surrounding and attacking him.



SHADOW SWORD Leveling Up to Level 8.

SHADOW SWORD'S MASTERY Leveling Up to Level 8.

Shadow sword and mastery started to shooting up with incredible speed but of course, it is not because Mikhail slaying some locust level spider minion but because grimoire devouring origin orbs with incredible speed.

Mikhail smiling after he saw this message while fighting the increasing spider minion, he did not feel any discomfort or change in his body at all but he could still feel the difference. For example, this numerous spider minion that attacking him, before in that previous room they could at least scratch him but now he feels like their movement is slowing down a lot and it would not be able to touch him anymore now.



SHADOW SWORD Leveling Up to Level 9.

SHADOW SWORD'S MASTERY Leveling Up to Level 9.

This time, Mikhail already only needs one hand to deal with all incoming spider minion while the other hand on his back. Mikhail surprised with the power up he received if it continues like this aren't he could slay the entire incoming spider while sleeping on the floor later?


Mikhail blanked out for a moment almost fainted when he hear this high pitch screeching even though he could hold it Mikhail still coughing some blood out. You could tell the owner of this sound must be very powerful to hurt Mikhail with just its sound.


The giant black spider as big as a truck but half of its upper body part is a body of the naked beautiful woman with straight long black hair, its eyes are blank white without any irises, and its pair of hand is in form of the sharp scythe that could cut almost everything. Just one look you could tell that this origin beast is frighteningly powerful.

"SH*T!!! IS THIS THE END!!! AFTER ALL OF THIS" Mikhail gritted his teeth and gripped his shadow sword harder with his eyes staring full of unwillingness and anger.



SHADOW SWORD Leveling Up to Level 10.

SHADOW SWORD'S MASTERY Leveling Up to Level 11.

"It's a pity for you but it looks like I am the one that winning this gamble!!!" Mikhail laughed coldly while staring at the charging abyss spider queen.