Arrive At The Blue City!

Mikhail opened the map that he got from Kevin while walking side by side with Reina then Mikhail suddenly halted his step.

"What is this map? Is this really the map in this area?" Mikhail is staring at the map with a pale face.

The map that Mikhail got from Kevin right now is completely foreign to him. It did not have any similarity with the map that he brings from his hometown.

"How could it be like this? Even the name of all towns is changed! No all the town location is changed too and it is not only the town but also all the rivers and mountains! EVERYTHING IS CHANGED!" Mikhail is becoming even paler the more he observes Kevin's map.

Mikhail tried to remember his hometown before he set out and completely sure that it was his hometown. It means that he did not transmigrate into another world. This world is really his own world but how could the entire places around his hometown completely change in one year? What really happened to this world right now?

"What's wrong Mikhail? You are looking pale right now." Reina is gazing at Mikhail worriedly and asking.

"I am alright... Wifey, could you tell me what happened one year ago? How could the world turned like this?" Mikhail tried to ask Reina.

"One year ago? It looks like nothing happen one year ago but I am not completely sure either because I always remain in my pa... In my village since I was born. I only left my village a few days ago." Reina only looks at Mikhail for a while until half of her sentences then switch his gaze to her front.

Mikhail knows that Reina is hiding something from him and completely sure that Reina is not from the village. Mikhail does not intend to pursue it. For now, he will wait until Reina tells him by herself about her.

However, it looks like Reina is not lying about nothing is happen one year ago. Mikhail is getting even more confused and headache the more he thinks about it. Finally, he decided to gather information later after he arrives at the closest city.


Ten days later...

Deep in the green forest, lush bush are scattering everywhere, and there are tall trees as far as the eyes could see making all the people's vision in it very limited and their sense of direction could easily go astray. Without a proper guide or map, anyone could easily get lost in this lush forest. Moreover, there are many kinds of origin beasts hiding every in the bush or atop the trees.

Mikhail right now is in the middle of fighting seven normal level origin beasts at once.

The origin beasts are not wood foxes but some kind of green rabbits with sharp fangs like a wolf. Their size is almost the same as wood foxes but a little bit bigger, also their speed is faster than wood foxes.

If it was before he entered the spider's nest Mikhail would be in big trouble facing them but right now, he did not even need to equip his demonic werewolf soul and only using shadow sword in spear form. His fighting style is relaxed and nonchalant like playing with bunny rather than facing man-eater origin beasts.


Reina's tiny crimson dragon is shooting a fireball and killed five of it instantly. Mikhail changed his shadow sword's form into a sword and cleaves the rest of it in two.



SOUL EQUIP Leveling Up to Level 2.

Description: Owner could equip two souls at one time and wield the power of those souls. The owner could only store five souls.

It is only natural for soul equips to leveling up after Mikhail killed countless normal level origin beasts for ten days. In fact, Mikhail almost suspected that soul equip could only level up after he killed a commander level before. Fortunately, it only needs more time to level up compared to another two skills.

"Wifey, our teamwork is surely getting better and better! It means our compatibility is high! We really are a couple bestowed by the heavens!" Mikhail is grinning and teasing Reina.

"Humph… Who wants to be your wife? Only a handsome, smart, and strong man could be my husband! " Reina pouting while answering Mikhail but the corner of her mouth still curved up showing a beautiful mischievous smile.

"THAT'S REALLY ME THEN!!!! What are you waiting for wifey? Let's marry tonight! Hahaha…" Mikhail talked and laughed while pointing his finger at himself.

Reina becomes speechless and surprised but when she tried to deny it, she cannot find any word for it since she also thinks it's all fit with Mikhail perfectly. So Reina could only walk faster distancing herself from Mikhail while hugging Momon so he won't notice her reddened face right now.

"Wait for me!!! Why did you not answer me? Did it mean yes? It is an ok right?" Mikhail jogged a little to catch up with Reina while staring at Momon fiercely. He didn't know since when Reina is getting more intimate to this puppy more than him.

"Sh*t!!! How could this damn puppy enjoy my wifey's bosom before me! Ahhh… It looks so soft and comfortable, so enviable! It is unforgivable!" Mikhail stared at Momon more fiercely making Momon shivering slightly while thinking this.

It took another two days for Mikhail and Reina to pass the lush green forest. They only need to walk a few miles again to arrive at the closest city, Blue City.

Mikhail halted his step while hold Reina's hand then began to observe her again from head to toe and from toe to head.

"What? Is there something weird with my body?" Reina frowned and asked Mikhail.

"No… Nothing weird at all! On contrary, you are looking perfect, peerlessly beautiful, and your body looks hot too. All men will go crazy over you! As I expect from my wifey!" Mikhail said this to Reina while gulping his saliva. Reina is almost fuming in rage but when she wanted to scold him, Mikhail continuing his words.

"But sometimes too beautiful is a sin too, did you know wifey? Your beauty could easily attract an unwanted trouble to us especially in a place where we don't know anything about and we also don't have any acquaintance or connection there!" Mikhail patiently explained to Reina. He knows that this loner little princess wouldn't know about this basic knowledge.

"Here wear this cloak to cover your face and figure!" Mikhail taking out a dark blue cloak from his space inventory and give it to Reina.

"How could you do that? Where did you store this cloak?" Reina stunned when Mikhail instantly pulling the cloak out from nowhere.

"Don't worry my dear wifey! I will surely tell you and even teach you how to do it if you marry me tonight!" Mikhail is helping Reina to wear the dark blue cloak while smiling and teasing her.

After that, the two of them continue to walk toward the Blue City. However, the scenery at the blue city gate shocked Mikhail greatly making his jaw almost drop to the floor.