Trouble at the Front Gate!

Blue city could only be grouped as average size city because it is only slightly bigger than Mikhail's hometown. There are tall stone wall surrounded the city making it looks like a fortress, it probably to prevent origin beasts to slip into the city. The front city gate is made from thick iron looks quite sturdy and there are also many people lining up to enter the city while the city guards are checking their belonging and their document one by one. But all of this is not what Mikhail's surprised about now.

"Uhhh… What is that woman with the long ear?" Mikhail dumbfounded and asked Reina.

"She is an elf. Why? Did you never saw elf race at your village before?" Reina answering while looked at Mikhail weirdly.

"Ookkk… Then that short burly man with the long beard?" Mikhail asked Reina again while pointing his finger at that man.

"He is a dwarf! Do not point your finger at them. All dwarves are short-tempered!" Reina warned Mikhail.

"What the hell is happening here? Did I transmigrate into 'lord of the rings' world?" Mikhail's head is dizzy, and he almost collapsed. He began to inhale and exhale deeply while calming himself down. Whatever it will be, the truth will be revealed once he entered the city and searching for the information later.


After lining up for half day finally Mikhail and Reina arrived at the Blue City's front gate. The city guards began to inspect their belonging, but Mikhail already stored almost all of it in space inventory only leaving some clothes in his backpack.

"Where is your personal document and city pass?" one of the city guards asked Mikhail and Reina.

"Uhhh… Could you please let us enter the city without personal document and city pass? Actually, we lost it when we run away from origin beasts a few days ago." Mikhail lying to the city guards without batting his eyelid.

"Then each of you must pay one gold coin. Sorry, but it's already a rule from city lord. We must follow it whatever like it or not!" The city guard explained to Mikhail and Reina.

Mikhail decided that they have no choice right now if they want to enter Blue City then he must pay for it. He pays two gold coins to the city guards and entered the Blue City with Reina. Fortunately, he accepted Kevin's gold coin reward before or they would be in trouble now.

However, after entering the Blue City's front gate, they saw a golden carriage pulled by two unicorn's origin beasts running at breakneck speed and there is a kid running to chase a ball in front of it.

"WATCH OUT!!!" Reina dashed and jumped quickly hugging the kid while Mikhail's face turned pale instantly when he saw Reina is jumped on the middle of the road, in front of a golden carriage. He is instantly equipping his demonic werewolf soul.

When Mikhail in equipped his demonic werewolf soul's form everything around him seems to slow down a lot giving him some time to sighed at Reina reckless action and dashing to save the two of them.

However, the boss level aura that emitted from Mikhail's body right now making the two unicorn's origin beasts startled and stopped suddenly then the carriage behind them also halted absurdly while making a loud noise of something colliding.

"Who's there has the courage to stop my carriage?" There is an angry voice screaming loudly coming from inside the golden carriage. Then that person inside golden carriage slowly came out.

A fat man weight about 250 pounds wearing an expensive looking garment decorated with golden lace. Just a single look and everyone will know that this person must be an influential person in this Blue City. There is a group of soldiers that following behind his golden carriage. However, right now there is a big purple bump on his right forehead. It looks like he is the one that collided inside the golden carriage. He is staring fiercely at Mikhail and Reina right now like watching at his parent's murderer.

Mikhail quickly unequipped his demonic werewolf soul while Reina checked the child and after ensuring that he is alright. She quickly pushed the child's back to the side of the road.

"Uhhh… Sir, I am really sorry about that, I…" Mikhail wanted to explain and apologize to the fat man but Reina quickly cut off their conversation.

"You still dare to get angry! If we did not save this child, you already crash ing him to death by now!" Reina stands in front of the fat man and staring fiercely at him back.

The fat man stunned when he saw Reina's beautiful face, even if a half of her face already covered up by the blue cloak.

"What a beauty! I bet you will be looking more beautiful without that cloak!" The fat man scanned Reina's figure from the top to toe while salivating.

Mikhail frowned deeply when he looks at what fat man's doing if they are not in the city, he already sliced this perverted fat man's neck instantly right now. How dare he stared at his wife like that!

"Guards, kill this impudent man now and bring this girl to my place!" The fat man ordering the guards while salivating and keep staring at Reina's with the lustful gaze.

The fat man's soldier that followed behind his carriage before quickly surrounded Reina and Mikhail and unsheathed their weapons.

"Wifey, what about my warning about not creating trouble inside the city? It's only a half day passed and you already forgot about it?" Mikhail is complaining to Reina while stepping back until their back is touching together.

"Is this the time to complaining? Why didn't you asking for his forgiveness once more?" Reina answered Mikhail and summoning her tiny crimson dragon.

"It's already too late right now! Well, I will be sure to punish you thoroughly tonight!" Mikhail is talking while re-equipping his demonic werewolf soul again.

There are more or less twenty soldiers that surrounding them while riding their red velociraptor origin beast. So Mikhail and Reina are facing the enemies equal to forty origin beasts right now.