I Won't Apologize!

"The golden carriage…" Mikhail whispered to Reina that standing behind him. Reina nodded to him signing that she understands.

After fighting origin beasts in the forest with Mikhail for at least two weeks, Reina and Mikhail already reached tacit understanding each other. Just with those words, it's already enough for Mikhail to tell Reina about his plan.

"CHARGE!" The captain gave the signal to all his soldiers then they began closing into Mikhail and Reina.

Reina quickly aimed her tiny crimson dragon to the golden carriage and shooting the fireball.


The golden carriage instantly exploded and the fire is making the two unicorn origin beasts going berserk then running around madly while crashing anything that stands on its way.

The fat man screaming in fright when he saw the explosion, two berserk unicorns, and the raging fire.

"Protect our Lord first!!!" The captain turned pale and quickly ordered all his soldiers to protect the fat man then instantly ride his red velociraptor origin beast toward the fat man.

Mikhail quickly lifting Reina's up with princess carry style and retreat at the incredible speed then slip in the middle of Blue City crowded street while all the soldiers are busy protecting the fat man.

The blue city building structure is not like a modern building at all. All of its building made from wood with old western style vibe, many of them are one-story buildings and only some of them are two-story buildings. Along the roadside, there are countless merchants selling many different kinds of items like foods, drinks, cosmetics, accessories, and many other more.

However, this is not the time for Mikhail and Reina to enjoy sightseeing and shopping on the street. Right now, they need to find for an inn then hide in it to avoid being spotted and pursuit again by that fat man's soldiers. Based on that fatty bad personalities and authority, he must have ordered all of his bodyguards and Blue City's guards to look for Mikhail and Reina all over the Blue City after that incident had passed.

Mikhail put Reina down when they entered the alley beside the main street and walking inside the alley.

Inside the alley, there are many shady stores like drug stores, brothels, gambling houses, taverns, etc.

After walking forward for a while, Mikhail and Reina found a shabby inn then Mikhail decided that they will stay here for a while.

"Uhhh… There must be a more comfortable and clean inn in this city, right? Let's stay there! Why we should stay in this shabby inn?" Reina is pouted and complaining to Mikhail.

"My princess… Did you still think it would still possible for us to stay in the big comfortable inn in the middle of the city after that incident? I bet that fatty's people will break into our room and capture us when we are still sleeping at tonight! And moreover whose fault do you think is this?" Mikhail explained to Reina.

"What are you saying? Did you saying that we will only watch as that fatty golden carriage crashing onto that child and killing him?" Reina is staring at Mikhail full with anger.

"What I mean is not about that! What I mean is why do you need to shouting and scolding that fatty when we already saved that child? If we sincerely apologize and give some gold coin as compensation then everything would not go this far!" Mikhail answered Reina patiently.

"Are you kidding? Why should we apologize when we did not make any mistake? I, Reina would not apologize if I don't do any wrong things and I also would not let my man apologize for it too!" Reina is replying firmly.

"Still you must be analyzing the overall situation first and act according to… Eh… Eeeeehhhhhh… What did you call me just now, wifey?" Mikhail tried to explain it again to Reina but he stunned after he digested Reina's words and asked her back.

"I… I… Let's skip all that and enter the inn for now!" Reina's face reddened like tomatoes and she running away entering the shabby inn while covered her red face with both of her palms.

"PPPFFFFTTT…. AHAHAHA!!!" Mikhail is laughing out loud behind Reina making her even more embarrassing and lowered her head.

After Reina entered the shabby inn, Mikhail is following her from behind. The inn is what like Mikhail's expected. It is full of fierce looking hoodlum, Mikhail guesses that many of them are criminals or thieves.

When Reina and Mikhail entering the shabby inn, all of the peoples inside staring sharply at them. Mikhail is still calm and collected as usual but Reina begins to feel uncomfortable and shivering with their stare then she walked back to Mikhail and hiding behind him.

Actually, Mikhail also did not want Reina to stay here but they did not have any choice right now. Only in the place like this that city guards and fatty bodyguards will have a trouble to find them. Mikhail guessed that if they want to find him and Reina, they will probably start from the entire inns on the side of the main street.

This kind of outlaw place must be the last that they will try to look for Mikhail and Reina. Not because they cannot enter here but because they will face a lot of trouble with criminals that stayed in here if they entered this place and began searching for a people around.

This is what people saying when you are a tree hiding in the forest full of trees is the best when you become a criminal then hiding in the place full of criminals is the most correct choice.

Of course, there are also some rules in this kind of outlaw places. The most important one is power! With the strong power, all rules and threats are tiger paper in this kind of places. The winner is the king and the loser is the slave that must obey the winner.

Mikhail still standing in front of Reina and walking slowly then he pulled Reina's dark blue hood so it could cover her face more.

"Hey, I could guess that lady behind you must be quite a beauty, huh! Since you protect her so much! Why didn't you let me take a quick look at her for a moment?" The burly man is standing up from his seat and his right hand moving quickly to pull Reina's hood away.