The Domineering King of Forest!

Kevin swung his sword toward Mikhail's neck but he felt some stinging sensation beside him. Kevin quickly jumped backward reflexively without thinking anything. He already had countless life and death battle and his intuition is never wrong.


The horrifying wind blade sliced the place where Kevin stood before created a very deep crack on the ground.

Kevin looked around but he did not find anyone then he looked up. His face turned pale when he saw something big wanted to land down.

"Watch out everyone!!! MOVE OUT THE WAY!!!" Kevin commanded urgently while turned around and ran back. Ron ran away too and brought Reina that bounded by the net with him back toward Blue City.


A giant domineering white tiger as big as a haul truck landed heavily on the ground. The domineering white tiger raised its pair of majestic white wings while stared at all the city guards. Its presence and gaze are already enough to strike fear and horror to all city guards when they saw it.

Mikhail looked at the giant white tiger in front of him while his consciousness kept faded away. At the last moment, Mikhail saw Momon jumped down from the white tiger's back and ran toward him then he lost his consciousness.

After Mikhail went unconscious, the shadow sword changed its form automatically into a long black bandage and wrapped around all Mikhail's body like a mummy.


Grimoire detected master is unconscious.

Changed the current command from Manual to Automatic.

Detected: Master is currently gravely injured.

Proceed SHADOW SWORD to Auto Restoration Form Immediately.

Restoration current progress: 01%



The domineering giant white tiger roared angrily made all the red velociraptors lowered their head in submission as if they met with their own king and afraid of its wrath.

"What's wrong with all of our mount beasts???" Many of the city guards began to panic and kicked their mount but all the red velociraptors are still not budged.

The giant white tiger began to flap its wings created a typhoon that sweeping almost all the city guards at once. All of the red velociraptors that all the city guards mounted began to run amok in fear and panic made many city guards fall down from the top of it.

Origin skill – Lightning Slash!

Kevin's body spun twice then he swung his sword swiftly creating a gigantic pillar of lightning. It's clear that this attack far stronger than before maybe about three times stronger.

Kevin puts all of his full strength into this attack. The attack that he used against Mikhail is clearly not Kevin's true strength at all.


The attack hit the giant white tiger directly on its front and Kevin's attack destroyed everything that it touches included all the surrounding grounds but when the dust is cleared the giant white tiger is still stood there unscathed. The giant white tiger put its wings in front of it to defend Kevin's attack and there is wind generated that created an invisible wall of wind in front of its wings.


The giant white tiger got even angrier and flapped its wing rapidly created countless giant wind blades toward Kevin and all the city guards.


Kevin could only barely dodged all the giant wind blades one by one using his intuition but the city guards behind him are not as skilled as Kevin. Many of them mutilated along with their mounts by countless giant wind blades like guillotine blade that cutting cabbages.

The giant wind blades are not only extremely fast but also incomparably sharp. It could easily cut through all the city guards and their red velociraptor mounts that hindered its path like tofu.

"At this rate, we all will be slaughtered by this white tiger before we could even hurt it! ALL GUARDS HEED MY COMMAND RETREAT BACK TO THE CITY!!!" Kevin commanded all his city guards to retreat back to the Blue City while he covered their back.

Kevin took his stance and got ready to intercept the giant white tiger if it attacked again while they retreated back to the city but the giant white tiger was surprisingly calm and it let them retreated without doing anything.

Kevin takes a look at Mikhail's direction for one last time but he cannot see anything from this distance. Then he also retreated back toward Blue City direction.


Mikhail slowly regained his consciousness. He found himself still in the middle of the deep lush forest and he is lied down on some soft grass right now.

Mikhail tried to stand up slowly and then checked all over his body. He already completely healed from Kevin's attack. There are no more burn wounds on his body. He tried to jump a few times and did not feel any pain or discomfort. It looks like the shadow sword's auto restoration form already completely healed him.

Mikhail's mind tried to think again what happened to him before he is gone unconscious and everything that happened before flashed back to his mind.


"F*UCK!!! I am really gonna kill all of those bastards!!! I will slaughter all people in the Blue city right now!!!" Mikhail's eyes bloodshot and he gritted his teeth in anger while punched the nearby tree until it tumbled down. He clenched his hands together tightly, to the point where his nails pierced his skin and his blood began to trickle down.

Mikhail closed his eyes and tried to breathe deeply to calm himself down. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes did not bloodshot like before. On contrary, it turned very cold beyond compare that could send a chill to everyone spine and made anyone who saw it felt terrified.

"Grimoire, how long I went unconscious?" Mikhail asked grimoire.


Master has gone unconscious for 26 hours while auto restoration form took 20 hours to completely heal all master wounds.

"26 hours? It's quite long… Now, how should I do to save Reina from the City Lord Mansion?" Mikhail tried to think some plan but he saw Momon ran toward him.

Momon jumped happily to Mikhail's chest and he hugged Momon while patted its head.


Master, you should thank this little critter! It looks like this little critter that brought the king of this forest, the wind tiger king to help you at the last moment!

"So you are the one that helped me at the last moment! Really thank you very much!" Mikhail cuddled Momon gently while rubbed its little head.

"But what is this wind tiger king intention to help me? It's impossible that it helped me out of its kindness, right?" Mikhail frowned while he thought of it.


It is better to meet with this wind tiger king as soon as possible and thanked it for its help since it already done a very huge favor to you, Master! Without the wind tiger king help, it's almost certain that Master would already die in that Kevin's hands right now!

"Sigh… It looks like I have no choice right now! I must meet with this wind tiger king first and tried to convince it for its help to save Reina too while at it if I could!" Mikhail sighed he also felt uncomfortable to asked for wind tiger king's help again after it saved his life but right now he really has no choice and in dire need for help to release Reina.

"Momon, please bring me to this wind tiger king that helped me before! You know where it is, don't you?" Mikhail tried to ask Momon where the wind tiger king is. Momon nodded its head then jumped out of Mikhail's embrace and begun to run to guide Mikhail.