

"Brother, please restrain yourself a little!" Kevin shouted to Ron while blocking him from getting close to the bounded Reina.

"Who are you to stop me??!! Step aside!!! Even if I do it now or at the wedding night it will not make any difference at all!!!" Ron shouted back at Kevin impatiently and pushed him while he kept on staring at Reina, full of lust.

However, he was quickly surprised by Reina's stare. She stared at him with a very cold expression that sent a chill to his spine and it looked like there was a blazing fire in her eyes.

Reina's gaze was stared at Ron as if she threatened him that if he dared to touch her then she would burn him alive.

"Brother, we are still preparing for you and Reina's wedding right now! Just wait for two days and after you two got officially married, you could do whatever you want!" Kevin patted Ron's shoulder while trying to convince him.

"Y... You are right!!! Haha... Then I will wait for two more days!!! Sweetie, you better prepare yourself for two more days!!! AHAHAHA..." Ron tried to act tough but he was still quite shaken by Reina's gaze before.

Kevin and Ron left Reina's room together while leaving the bounded Reina alone in the room.

Ron may still not be aware of it right now, but he actually made the most correct choice today.

After Kevin and Ron left the room, Reina sighed in relief.

"Heaven, Turn off the secret art – Overload for now!" Reina mumbled but there was nobody in her room right now.


Affirmative, mistress!

Change secret art – Overload switch status to off… Success!

Is Mistress really sure to use Secret art – Overload if that guy touch Mistress?

That art will certainly destroy Mistress mortal body along with that guy.

Is it really worth it?

If Mistress does it, Mistress will surely fail in this trial!

"I have no choice! I'd rather destroy this mortal body and kill that fatty rather than sleep with him!" Reina gnashed her teeth while she thought about it.


But it is just a mortal body…

Even if Mistress mortal body defiled by that guy it would not have any negative effect on Mistress true body.

Also at the end of the trial, this mortal body will be disposed of too.

However, this trial's result will have a very huge effect on Mistress future later on.

Heaven suggests that Mistress forbear it and finish this trial as soon as possible rather than using 'Overload'.

"Heaven, do not say it anymore! I have already decided…" Reina answered Heaven firmly.

Actually, Reina already wanted to use this secret art of her's when they arrived at City Lord's Mansion but somewhere in her heart, she still hoped that Mikhail would come again to save her at the last moment.

Fortunately, Kevin still insisted that Ron could not touch Reina until they are married three days later. If not, Reina would probably already detonated herself with 'Overload' and killed Ron yesterday.

'Mikhail... I will be waiting for you in two days! I hope you are still alive right now... Even if you cannot save me later I also hope that you will live well...' Reina's tears began to flow down once again when she thought about Mikhail.


This is the third time Mistress cried while thinking about that mortal man.

Heaven is suggesting Mistress to not fall too deeply on this mortal man since our time in this plane is very limited.

The most important things to do right now are is to finish the trial with a perfect score.

"I know but I cannot help it… He is like the mud. His presence slowly corrupted my mind and swallowed my feeling… However… He is different from that fatty… Such a gentle and kind corruption… I do not even mind if I got swallowed by it…" Reina closed her eyes and slowly lied down on the bed while thinking about Mikhail.

"By the way, Heaven, how large is the destruction range of 'Overload' if I detonate it from here?" Reina asked Heaven once again.


Secret Art – 'Overload' destructive power is really formidable even with Mistress powerless condition right now it still can easily destroy this entire city along with tens of kilometers of forest around it.

"It is still so powerful even with my condition right now… It will be better if I do not need to use it later… But if I'm forced to then I will not hesitate to use it anymore!" Reina said firmly while still in thought.

'Two more days... If at that time, Mikhail does not show up at the wedding... I will detonate myself with 'Overload' to kill that fatty... '

If Mikhail saw Reina's expression right now, he surely would be surprised and could hardly recognize her. There is no trace of gentleness or kindness in Reina's expression and eyes now. On the contrary, she looked very cold and distant. It was as if, she was already engulfed by the flame of darkness that is ready to burst out and burn everything away.

'At that time, I must apologize to everyone in this city because everything in this city along with its surrounding will be completely obliterated!'


Mikhail kept following Momon towards the white tiger king's place. They entered the big cave that hid behind scrub bush together. However, what Mikhail found is not what he really expected.

There is no domineering and majestic huge white tiger, with the magnificent pair of white wings spread out.

What Mikhail found is the weak white tiger on the point of almost dying lied down while breathing heavily.

Mikhail ran approaching the white tiger to check its condition but he found no wound on its body.

"Grimoire, what happened to this wind tiger king? It does not have any injury at all! Is it a terminal disease??? Could I save it with shadow sword's auto restoration form?" Mikhail tried to ask grimoire's opinion.


This wind tiger king is not wounded... It is also not a terminal disease... Therefore, the shadow sword's auto restoration form cannot save it!

"No wound... No disease... So what exactly happened to this wind tiger king now? Is it because of Kevin's attack that time?" Mikhail frowned deeply while he kept on thinking.


No, that brat's attack would not be able to hurt this wind tiger king at all!

This wind tiger king is too old now... It already almost reached the end of its life...

"Sigh... To think that it still helped us even in this condition... I wonder why?" Mikhail squat down and rubbed the wind tiger king's head gently.


There are many reasons why at the end of the origin beast's life, they sometimes help the people near it.

First, they are afraid to die alone without any people to mourn over them.

Second, they wanted to do one last kindness at the end of their life and carve their existence to the one they helped.


"Stop... Stop... I asked why the wind king tiger helped us before! Not why origin beasts sometimes help people!" Mikhail complained to his grimoire.

"Rrrrr...." The wind tiger king opened its eyes a little and roared weakly to Mikhail then licked Mikhail's cheek once.

"Thank you very much for your help before, brother! I really appreciate it but I have something very important to do right now so I cannot stay for too long!" Mikhail whispered it to wind tiger king's ear so it could hear him clearly.


Master if you want to save that little girl right now, you are in dire need for powerful strength.

Grimoire suggesting that you kill that wind tiger king and take its soul.

If you equip its soul, you will gain the power to control the wind also you will be able to fly!

That Kevin will not be able to defeat you anymore!

With the power to control the wind, Kevin's lightning will not be able to reach you and the sharp wind blade could tear Kevin's lightning defense easily!

"You really are a sadistic cruel grimoire!!! How could you tell me to kill this wind tiger king after it used its last strength to save our life??!!" Mikhail rebuked grimoire for its cruel suggestion.


It makes no difference at all! That wind tiger king is already on its last breath right now! It will certainly die in a few minutes! Rather than die uselessly on its last breath, its life will be more useful if Master kills it and use its soul to save that little girl!