Pledged Soul!

"NO!!! I will never kill my own savior! If I do it then what is the difference between me and the origin beast! Even the origin beast like this wind tiger king could help people like me without thinking of its own condition!" Mikhail refused grimoire suggestion right away.


Master, there is only a thin difference between kindness and foolishness, did Master knows it?

Mikhail ignored what grimoire said and he looked at the wind tiger king with pity then he gently hugged it while slowly whispered to it.

"Brother, I do not have much time right now but you do not have to worry... I will accompany beside you in this last moment of yours and after you passed away, I promise I will bury you and make a nice tomb for you... This is the least that I could do to repay your kindness!" Mikhail said to wind tiger king.

"Rrrr..." The wind tiger king roared weakly once again and its lips formed an upward curve then it slowly closed its eyes looking so peaceful.

Wind tiger king stopped it's heavily breaths or it could be said that it did not breath again. It died in peace with a smile on its face. Maybe this is the nature of all creatures in its last moment, they did not want to die alone without anyone accompanying beside them. This is maybe also, why the wind tiger king saved Mikhail before.

"Sigh... No matter how strong the creature is... The death will still come to them after all..." Mikhail sighed while looked at wind tiger king.



You got a pawn ranked pledged soul.

"Eh... EHHHHHH... I still got its soul??!! But this is so strange... What is this pledged soul mean?" Mikhail surprised and confused at the same time.


Clap... Clap... Clap...

As grimoire expects from Master!

To think Master can get a pledged soul so easily!

"..." Mikhail really could not say anything anymore to this shameless grimoire. Just a few minutes ago, it said he is a fool and now it praised him like nothing happened before.

"Just explain it to me, what is this pledged soul is?" Mikhail asked grimoire again.


It will be faster for Master to try to equip it rather than grimoire explain it.

Master, please tries to equip it now.

" Ok then... Wind tiger king soul equip!!!" Mikhail tried to equip the wind tiger king soul that he got.


However, the shadow sword this time did not shroud Mikhail's body like when he equipped demonic werewolf soul but it congregated in front of him and started to form a silhouette.


The deafening roar resounded and when the silhouette cleared up the domineering wind tiger king stood in front of Mikhail with its majestic pair of white wings spread out.

Its body looks even more imposing than before with some black armor covered up its head, body, and legs made it looks like a beast king that are ready to go into war.

"HOLYSH*T!!! This is awesome!!!" Mikhail stunned for a moment then he started to shout excitedly.


The usual souls that Master got from killing are only for Master to equip so Master will gain its ability. In other words, Master only 'borrow' that soul ability and strength to fight.

However, these pledged souls are different! If master equips it, Master will be summoning that soul to aid Master in battle.

Moreover, the higher the shadow sword level the stronger that pledged soul will become!

"What is the requirement to get this pledged soul then? Imagine if I have several dozen of this pledged soul then I could summon my own army, isn't it??!!" Mikhail asked grimoire excitedly.


Grimoire also does not know...

The situation is varying from one soul to another...

Sometimes it needs absolute submission, sometimes it needs mutual love, sometimes it needs absolute trust, and so on.

"Sigh... Well, I will investigate it slowly later then... For now, I should bury the wind tiger king's body and then think some kind of plan to save Reina!" Mikhail sighed then stood up slowly.

"Roarrr..." The wind tiger king roared to Mikhail.

"Eh... I could even understand what it talking now??!! You do not need your body to be buried and I can take all your body parts that I want??!! Are you really sure?" Mikhail could understand wind tiger king now that their soul already connected.

The wind tiger king nodded to Mikhail then rubbed its furry head to Mikhail's body.

"Okay, then I will collect your body and store it in my space inventory first! I will think what I want to do with it later after I save Reina!" Mikhail decided this for now and waved his hand to store wind tiger body into his space inventory then he started to think some plan to save Reina.

"If I and wind tiger king breakthrough from the front of city lord mansion to save Reina, how high the percentage of our success?" Mikhail asked grimoire seriously.


Around 35% and there is a risk that they will use the little girl as a shield if they know the one that brought wind tiger king there is Master.

"The percentage is so low??? I thought wind tiger king is already more than enough to turn that piggy mansion upside down!" Mikhail frowned when he saw grimoire's analysis.


Of course, wind tiger king is already enough.

However, the problem is Master himself.

Right now Master is not feeling anything but if wind tiger king is in the fight, it would drain Master's stamina rapidly.

Moreover, even though wind tiger king is very strong that Kevin only needs to target Master to defeat it.

"On the other words, the biggest weakness of wind tiger king is me right now! How ironic..." Mikhail shook his head in disappointment.


If only this wind tiger king is in its peak condition, the situation will be different.

"Peak condition? So you are telling that this wind tiger king is not at its peak. Did its power decreased because of my level not high enough?" Mikhail frowned and asked grimoire.


No, it is not because of that.

It because this wind tiger king soul already deteriorated when it slowly aged and reached its last breath.

Did Master notice that it did not have any locust level in its nest?

This wind tiger king is actually a captain level origin beast but its power deteriorated to commander level now.

However, Master does not need to worry even right now grimoire already started to nourishing its soul. It will take one or two months from now for this wind tiger king to get back to become a captain level origin beast.

"Captain level origin beast!!! I never thought that this wind tiger king is a very strong one, really fit with its name as a king! However, one or two months are too long! I need the power in two days to save Reina... Sigh... Well then if it already like this then I just need to do the worst!!!" Mikhail walked toward wind tiger king and Momon jumped to his right shoulder.

Mikhail jumped to wind tiger king's back, it began to flap its white wings, and then they soaring to the sky.


Master this is not the right direction toward the Blue City. Where Master want to go now?

"If one commander level is not enough then I will bring two commander level to their mansion!!!" Mikhail said while smiling coldly.