Fight with Abyss Spider Queen Again!

Chapter 53: Fight with Abyss Spider Queen Again!

The wind tiger king's flying speed is unbelievable fast. Mikhail and Reina need two weeks when they traveled by foot from the forest near abyss spider nest to Blue City. However, wind tiger king only needs more or less half an hour to travel to abyss spider nest.

After they arrived in the forest neat abyss spider nest, Mikhail unequipped wind tiger king's soul and wind tiger king vanished instantly into black smoke like an illusion.

"How high the percentage for wind tiger king to win from abyss spider queen?"Mikhail tried to ask grimoire while walking toward abyss spider nest stealthily. It is better to be careful and ambushing the entire abyss spider in their nest later after all, rather than being ambushed by them in this forest.


Around 25%...

"Only 25 %??? Why? Wind tiger king is a commander level too! Moreover, it has the power of wind… It should be stronger than that abyss spider queen!" Mikhail frowned and asked grimoire again.


Of course, wind tiger king is stronger than abyss spider queen.

However, that if they fight in an open area like in this forest.

Wind tiger king winning percentage would be around 90%.

In that narrow cave, wind tiger king cannot fly, it cannot even spread its wings!

"So it cannot control the wind if it cannot spread its wings?" Mikhail puzzled.


It can but the wind tiger king mobility and power of wind will be greatly reduced. It could only use about 30% of its true strength!

While abyss spider queen could use the best of its ability the 'abyss web' in that narrow cave!

"So it was like that! That is why that abyss spider queen picked such a place to be its nest! So it could tie its opponent down in that narrow cave with its 'abyss web'! Well, as long as wind tiger king's claws and fangs could penetrate the abyss spider queen's thick armor it should be enough!!!" Mikhail kept analyze the abyss spider queen ability and he arrived at its nest after a few minutes of walking.


The wind tiger king's fangs and claws could penetrate the abyss spider queen's thick armor but it could not tear them apart!

"Well, that is my job to finish that abyss spider queen's life! Being able to penetrate its thick armor is already more than enough!" Mikhail smiled then he equipped his demonic werewolf soul.

Different from the first time that he must dig some tunnel to enter the abyss spider nest, this time Mikhail dashed and enter from its front entrance.

Mikhail's speed and agility already almost twice then when he first fought with abyss spider queen thanks to the inscription he got from the slave house.

Cring... Cring... Cring... Cring... Cring...

There are many groups of abyss spider minion that guard in front of their nest but Mikhail sliced all of them apart before they could even notice him.

Mikhail keep entered deeper into the nest while keep slaying all the abyss spider that hindering his way. The cave is dark and humid but it did not slow him down in the slightest. Relying upon his acute sense of hearing, Mikhail can easily pinpoint all the enemies position and slay all them easily. With his sharp sense of smell, he can easily perceive all the road in the nest and decided where he should be headed to.


Master, the route to the abyss spider queen's place is not this way. Where is Master heading now?

"That place is too narrow! Fighting there would only bring that spider queen more advantages!" Mikhail answered while keep running and slicing abyss spider minion on his way.


Then where Master intended to fight that abyss spider queen then?

"Of course, in its treasury warehouse! First, we can collect all the energy orbs to power up as much as possible. Second, that place is the biggest place in this cave and the only place that would maximize our advantage!" Mikhail kept sprinting with unbelievable speed. Even though the abyss spider nest is quite big, he only needs a few minutes to reach abyss spider's treasury warehouse.

After Mikhail arrived at the treasury warehouse, he quickly scanned the entire place and found quite a pile of energy orbs, even though it is still not as many as when Mikhail first entered this treasury warehouse.

He quickly summoned his grimoire out and grimoire started to devour all the energy orbs.

"Okay, now we just only need to wait for that abyss spider queen to come here!" Mikhail said it and he keeps guard on the entrance of the treasury.

Wave by wave of abyss spider minion keeps coming non-stop but they do not possess any strength to threat Mikhail. He slays them all only in a few seconds no matter how much it came.


SHADOW SWORD Leveling Up to Level 14.

SHADOW SWORD'S MASTERY Leveling Up to Level 16.

"At last, it levels up after quite some time! Sigh... I hope both of it can level up to level 20 after defeating the abyss spider queen!" Mikhail smiled when he saw that both if his skill leveled up.

"Ah yes... I almost forgot about that..." Mikhail brought out some cotton from his space inventory and plugging both of his ears.

Right after Mikhail plugged both of his ears, the ground began to shaking and the abyss spider queen came dashing in full speed toward Mikhail that guarding on the entrance of treasury.


"Ah... Luckily, I plugged it just in time... Hahaha... If not then that high pitch screeching will stun me again for a moment added with my sharpened hearing sense, it will probably hurt me so much!" Mikhail took his stance and got ready to face that abyss spider queen.


"SH*T!!! To think that it would be this smart!!!" Mikhail cursed while dodged the abyss web shot by abyss spider queen.

It looks like the abyss spider queen already knows that it would not be able to match Mikhail in the term of speed and agility so it used its abyss web from the start to catch Mikhail.


Mikhail ran inside the treasury to bait the abyss spider queen to enter it. As Mikhail expected, the abyss spider queen followed him and charged inside too.

After both of them enter the treasury, abyss spider queen quickly used its abyss web to cover the entire treasury entrance so Mikhail could not escape anymore.

"To think that you even bothered to close the entrance... You do not need to worry this time I did not plan to escape!!! This time I came to take your head!" Mikhail said it face to face to the abyss spider queen.

Mikhail stared at it and analyzed its form once again calmly. The giant black spider as big as a truck with half of its upper body part is a body of the naked beautiful woman with straight long black hair, its eyes are blank white without any irises, and its pair of hand is in form of the sharp scythe that could cut almost everything.

Mikhail dashed toward the abyss spider queen and began slashing both of his pair of blood curve daggers horizontally to the abyss spider queen's neck like a scissor.



It is impossible... Master's attack will not make it through its thick armor! Why Master did not summon wind tiger king right away?

"It's not the time yet! I must attract all of its attention to me first!" Mikhail answered grimoire while keep attacking the abyss spider queen's throat.


Mikhail attacked the abyss spider queen many tens of times while it only managed to attack six times and all of it dodged by Mikhail.



The abyss spider queen really pissed off this time and it began to spraying its abyss web everywhere on the ground.

"What that abyss spider queen is doing? It did not spray its abyss web to me but to the ground?" Mikhail puzzled with what abyss spider queen is doing right now.


Uhhh... It is better if Master being more careful now and avoid to not stepping on that abyss web on the ground. That abyss web function is not only could restrain its enemy movement if it hit but it also very sticky.

"SH*T!!! How could it getting smarter the more I fight with it?" Mikhail is cold sweating now. He barely has any place to move around anymore now.