Back to Blue City!

The abyss spider queen charged again toward Mikhail while smiling creepily as if it already wins.

Mikhail instantly unequips his demonic werewolf soul and changed the shadow sword's form into a one-meter staff. He holds it firmly with both of his hands then instantly changed shadow sword form into a three meters staff that propelled Mikhail's body at incredible speed to the right side toward the stone wall.

Mikhail instantly changed shadow sword form once again into a sword and stabbed it into the stone wall so he will not fall to the ground that is full of sticky abyss web.


The abyss spider queen smashed hard onto the stone wall behind Mikhail stood before.


Abyss spider queen looked even more pissed than before and started to charged toward Mikhail once again. However, Mikhail quickly changed the shadow sword's form into one-meter staff and repeat his maneuver once again.

But abyss spider queen already expected it this time and it shot its abyss web to Mikhail that already jumped to another the stone wall.

"DAMMIT!!! That abyss spider queen already expected me to do it!" Mikhail instantly changed his shadow sword into a big shield that can cover his body and put it in front of him.


The abyss web hit the shadow sword's big shield and the abyss spider queen pulled it toward it.


Shadow sword's big shield along with Mikhail fell down right in front of abyss spider queen.


The abyss spider queen will not let this chance pass! It quickly slashed both of its scythe hands toward Mikhail.

"Checkmate…" Mikhail smiled coldly while staring at abyss spider queen.



Wind tiger king landed heavily on the top of abyss spider queen and it swiftly bit abyss spider queen neck and shoulder while its claws embedded deeply on abyss spider queen's back.


Abyss spider queen screeched in pain while begin to struggling around to throw wind tiger king from its back. However, its useless wind tiger king already attached to abyss spider queen's tightly.


Wind tiger king's fangs that bit down abyss spider queen's neck and shoulder succeeded in penetrating abyss spider queen's thick armor.


Abyss spider queen blood began to flowing down from its shoulder and neck to the ground but it still thrashing around full of energy.


Abyss spider queen started to crash its back to the stone wall behind it, again and again, to throw of wind tiger king from its back.

"It looks like you already forgot about me!" Mikhail came from above and landed on abyss spider queen's other shoulder. Mikhail changed his shadow sword big shield into one-meter staff and used shadow sword's staff maneuvers once again to jump up when abyss spider queen busying itself to crashing its back into the stone wall before.

"Wind tiger king release your bites now! Leave this to me!" Mikhail commanded Wind tiger king and it removed its fangs from abyss spider queen's neck and shoulder while Mikhail instantly changed his shadow sword into a spear then swiftly stabbed it deeply into abyss spider queen's wound from Wind tiger king's bite before.

The tip of the shadow sword spear split into many head spears and stabbed toward abyss spider queen's internal organ, wrenched all of its internal organs from inside its body.


Abyss spider queen screamed in pain and started to roll its body around making Mikhail and Wind tiger king became harder to maintain their current position.

"SH*T!!! How could it still moving around and it still so full of energy too after I wrecked its inside like this!!!" Mikhail was so shocked then complained.



Wind tiger king used its pair of white wings and stabbed it to the ground around them to stabilize their position and made abyss spider queen harder to thrashing around.

"GOOD JOB!!!" Mikhail praised wind tiger king for its quick action and he began to focus his mind on the shadow sword's spear tip.

Shadow sword's spear tip began to squirm and shot toward abyss spider queen's brain then with Mikhail's control the shadow sword's spear tip split into several spear's heads once again completely destroyed abyss spider queen's brain.


The abyss spider queen's body collapsed and lie down unmoving on the ground.



SHADOW SWORD Leveling Up to Level 17.

SHADOW SWORD'S MASTERY Leveling Up to Level 19.

SOUL EQUIP Leveling Up to Level 3.

You got an Abyss Spider Queen's soul.

"Fiiiiuuhhh… That was one hell intense fight! Thanks, buddy but I must un-summon you for now since I already ran out of my stamina right now…" Mikhail quickly unequips wind tiger king's soul and he sat on the floor while breathing heavily.

After took a rest for a few hours and eaten some of his rations in his space inventory, Mikhail managed to recover some of his stamina.

Mikhail took abyss Spider Queen's origin core out and stored its body in his space inventory.

"Oh yeah… Grimoire, why can you devour energy orb but cannot devour the origin core? We got two origin cores from commander level origin beasts here!" Mikhail asked grimoire curiously.


Master really did not understand it at all!

All origin cores are full of impurities and if grimoire describes it they are like a raw meat full of dirt and smell like a shit while all energy orbs are like a crunchy roasted chicken from a five-star restaurant.

"So you basically a picky eater and you did not like to eat the origin cores since it did not suit your palate!!?? Come on!!! We are in a dire situation here right now and you still want to pick what you want to eat!!!" Mikhail frowned and tried to shove the two commander level origin cores to Grimoire.


Master, its useless grimoire would not devour it!

It is better to give that two commander level origin cores to that little critter in Master backpack right now! Who knows that some surprising effect will happen right away...

"Gave it to Momon? Surprising effect?" Mikhail held his chin while thinking. It is rare for grimoire to give some advice and once it gave it usually a very useful advice. It looks like grimoire is really hate to eat the origin cores and decided to give some useful advice to Mikhail.

Mikhail gave the two commander level origin cores to Momon as Grimoire suggested and it happily ate it. It only took less than one minute for Momon to devour the two origin cores that Mikhail gave it.


Momon's body began to emit faint white light and released some white smokes.

"What happened to Momon now? Was this the surprise effect that you talked about before?" Mikhail excited to say that. It looks like Momon wants to evolve into something.


When the smoke clears up, Momon's body already grown up bigger than an ox.

Momon's cuteness already nowhere to be seen anymore replaced by a domineering figure with a powerful sturdy body that could repel any attack. There are four imposing black tails on its rear and a pair of blood crimson horns on its head.

"HOLYSH*T!!! It looks cooler than I thought! It can even use abyss spider queen's screeching ability! Can it use wind tiger king's wind control ability too?" Mikhail smiled happily while patted Momon's big furry head.


This critter officially enters boss level now. Well, at least it has some use now unlike before, it could only act cute as a pet.

It is called hereditary skill but that critter cannot use it as powerful as the real owner can or when Master equips its soul! It probably can only use wind control ability to increase its movement speed but cannot create wind blades like wind tiger king.

"But with its size right now, it will troublesome to bring Momon back to Blue City now..." Mikhail frowned and rubbed his forehead to think.

After Mikhail said that, Momon quickly shrunk its body back to its puppy size and jumped to his shoulder.

"Eh... EHHHHHH... It can even shrink back to its puppy size!!!" Mikhail shocked when he saw that.


Even grimoire is quite shocked too!

Well, at least it is easy to carry now and more useful for Master!

Everything is going well... Now our chance of success is already as high as 70%!

"I will think some plan... For now, let's get back to Blue City first!" Mikhail waved his hand to un-summon grimoire and it changed back to many runes then entered back to Mikhail's body.

After Mikhail came out from the cave, he equipped wind tiger king's soul back and jumped to its back with Momon on his shoulder then all of them fly soaring through the sky toward Blue City.