Mysterious Guest

After half an hour traveled on the sky, Mikhail ordered wind tiger king to land on the lush forest near Blue City since he did not want to alert all the city guards that patrolling around the city gate or city wall.

Mikhail unequipped wind tiger king's soul and equipped demonic werewolf soul then started to run toward the Blue City's wall. With his incredible speed, Mikhail ran along the Blue City's wall to the top of it then jumped down nimbly to enter the Blue City. He did all of it swiftly in a single breath and no city guards that patrolling around it could see Mikhail's movement at all.

When Mikhail passed a group of the patrolling guards, he accidentally overheard information about Reina and fatty Ron's marriage.

"Sigh... I want tomorrow will be faster to come... There will be many delicious foods and wine for us tomorrow after the city lord married!" One of the guards drooled while imagining all the food and wine.

"He will be married in tomorrow evening, so I guess we could only bear with it for today... So sleepy I want to go home and sleep on my comfortable bed..." The other guard answered it.

"So Kevin and that fatty Ron set the marriage date tomorrow huh..." Mikhail stopped for a while to eavesdropping it. After making sure that they did not talk any more about important information, Mikhail continues to head inside the Blue City.


It is already almost two days since that girl kidnapped by that fatty city lord. Isn't it already too late for Master to save her?

"Do not worry about it. She is probably still all right now... That Kevin is a strict righteous person since he already promised to me when we were fighting in the forest, he will definitely fulfill it first! He surely will not let that Fatty Ron touched Reina until the two of them get married tomorrow!" Mikhail said with full of certainty.

"First, let's go back to that shabby inn to meet with Lumina! She must be really worried about me and Reina right now! We already disappeared for 30 hours now, almost two days! Moreover, it's already dark and I already quite exhausted… I will take some sleep for now then start to act tomorrow then…" Mikhail thought it then he quickly ran toward one of the dark alleys that leading to the shabby inn.

After arrived in front of the shabby inn, Mikhail unequipped his demonic werewolf soul and entered inside. He went to the innkeeper to booking one room for himself then he climbed the stairs to the second floor.

Mikhail knocked Lumina's room on the second floor several times but no one answered or opened the room's door.

"Did that fatty Ron and Kevin targeted Lumina too after they got back to Blue city? No, that should be impossible…" Mikhail frowned while thinking about it for a while.

He then tried to rotate the doorknob and it opened easily, apparently the door is not locked. Mikhail thought that maybe Lumina already go out from this shabby inn but when he opened the door and entered the room to check it, he found Lumina sat on the floor while hugged her knees with a blank expression on her face and dead like eyes. Her golden hair and clothes look disheveled, it looks like she did not take a bath since yesterday.

"Lumina… ???" Mikhail called her while approached her slowly.

"Mas… Ter… Master… MMAAAAAAASSSSTTTTTEEEERRRR!!!" Lumina's dead eyes started to lighten up when she heard Mikhail's voice and she quickly looked around the room in confusion to find him like a lost child after a while she finally looked toward Mikhail.

Tears slowly trickled down on her face and she started to sob harder and harder.

"Uwaaaaaaahhh… Master… Master really came back… Sob… Sob… Lumina though Master would leave Lumina alone…Lumina though Master did not want Lumina anymore… So Master leaves Lumina here without saying anything… Uwaaaaaaahhh…" Lumina quickly ran toward Mikhail then hugged him tightly while crying her eyes out like a lost child that finally found her parent.

Mikhail hugged her back using his left hand while his right hand is stroking Lumina's tiny head gently.

"What are you talking about Lumina? How can I do not want you anymore? Sigh… Just cry for now until you calm down and I will tell you what happened later…" Mikhail smiled while keep hugging Lumina and stroking her little head.

Lumina cried for more or less one hour then she started to calm down. Mikhail took out a handkerchief from his space inventory then wiped Lumina's wet eyes and her runny nose.

"Master… Where is big sis Reina now?" Lumina tilted her head cutely and asked Mikhail.

"Sigh… This is what I want to tell you right now… Listen carefully since big sis Reina is in a dire situation right now." Mikhail's face turned serious then Lumina released her hug and sat down on his lap while keep holding his sleeve like a little child made Mikhail wanted to laugh but he quickly holds it back.

Mikhail began to narrating all that happened with him and Reina from when they ran from all the stalkers in the alley until he almost killed by Kevin in the forest then saved by wind tiger king.

"Lumina is really sorry, Master… If only Lumina are stronger then Lumina could protect Master and big sis Reina… So Master and big sis Reina will not in danger anymore…" Lumina slowly lowered her head in guilt.

"What are you talking about? How can I as a man protected by a little girl like you? Where should I put my dignity if that really happened?" Mikhail gently flicked Lumina's forehead with his index finger.

"Sigh… It's my fault actually if only I am stronger that time then I already defeat that Kevin, kill that fatty bastard, and save Reina… Sigh… It's no use regretting it now! Lumina, listen to me! I will save your big sis Reina tomorrow so you should stay in this inn for one more day, okay?" Mikhail tried to convince Lumina to stay here so she will not in danger.

"NNOOO!!! Lumina must follow Master to save big sis Reina! Master does not need to worry Lumina has a very strong and sturdy body! Lumina never get hurt since little!" Lumina said to Mikhail confidently.

"NO!!! What if you get hurt or badly wounded later! There is no need for Lumina to worry I already planned everything perfectly! I will make sure to bring your big sis Reina back to your side!" Mikhail reassured Lumina while keep stroking her head gently.


Master, I suggest that you bring that little girl too! She will be quite useful later since she is about as strong as that little critter! Moreover, with her inexhaustible stamina plus her god's body affinity that got stronger the more she fights, she will be far more useful than that little critter.

Also, no one actually can hurt her god's body in this city besides that Kevin. So it is impossible for her to get hurt tomorrow as long as Master is the one facing that Kevin.

"But…" Mikhail hesitated but when he saw Lumina's firm gaze, he felt that Lumina will force him to take her no matter what happened later.

"Okay, then but Lumina must always remember to follow all my words, understand?" Mikhail warned Lumina sternly.

"Unn…" Lumina smiling sweetly while nodded her head several times.

"Okay, let's go sleep for now… I already exhausted today!" Mikhail pushed Lumina to her bed but Lumina still hold his sleeve tightly and do not want to let it go.

"Master, can Lumina sleep with Master today?" Lumina look at Mikhail with watery pleading eyes.

Mikhail sighed and nodded while thinking that it is impossible for any people to refuse this kind of pleading look from Lumina.

Mikhail lied down on Lumina's bed and Lumina sleep beside Mikhail while still holding his sleeve. Both of them fall deep in sleep until tomorrow morning when…

Knock… Knock… Knock…

The sound of the room's door knocked made Mikhail opened his eyes then he instantly equipped his demonic werewolf soul.

There should be no other people knew that he is in this inn's room right now. Then how could someone come knocking his door in this morning?

Mikhail slowly pulled his sleeve that in Lumina's hold, he approached the door carefully then opened it a little to check who the one that knocked the door is.