Storming The City Lord’s Mansion!

Mikhail saw a hooded person stood in front of the door, he swiftly put his blood curve dagger to the hooded person's neck.

"Who are you? Why do you come here?" Mikhail asked the hooded person coldly while moved his blood dagger closer to the hooded person's neck.

"Ow… Ow… Ow… Why are you so violent? It's me! Let's go talk inside first…" The hooded person answered Mikhail.

"YOU!!! Okay, let's talk inside!" Mikhail pulled the hooded person to enter the room and closed the door while unequipped his demonic werewolf soul.

The hooded person opened his hood when he entered Mikhail's room and revealed his face to Mikhail. This person is actually not a stranger. He is Galan, the elf information broker that asked for Mikhail's help to save all the abducted persons in the slave house.

"Why are you here? Didn't you already run away from the Blue City with all of your people a few days ago?" Mikhail puzzled then asked Galan.

"Yes, I actually ran quite far away too… But then I heard the news of your defeat then here I am… Come back as quickly as possible to help you!" Galan answered Mikhail with a smile on his face.

"Oh, really? Thank you then… But I really do not need it. Even that time when we saved the peoples from the slave house, it's only me alone that fight! This time, I really do not have any energy left to protect you and your people!" Mikhail refused Galan blatantly.

"Oi… Oi… Oi… How cold are you to say something like that straightforwardly to my face? Do not worry this time I did not bring any of my peoples!" Galan smiled confidently.

"Ohhh… Then how could you help me this time?" Mikhail raised his eyebrow while stared at Galan skeptically.

"Listen, Mikhail… I already told what happened to you to all the villagers that you saved in the spider nest yesterday and I told them to spread this story to all the peoples in this Blue City! I and the entire Blue City's population already planned on doing massive demonstration today in front of city lord's mansion to prosecute that Fatty Ron's impeachment as City Lord! How about it? Am I impressive?" Galan raised his head to Mikhail in confident.

"Why the hell are you doing that??? It will only increase the number of casualties later!" Mikhail rubbed his forehead in frustration.

"Wait a moment…When do you all plan on doing today's demonstration?" Mikhail asked Galan once again.

"Casualties? Uhhh… Today midday around 01.00-03.00 PM, we planned to blockade the city lord's mansion front entrance to disturb that Fatty marriage process while demanding his impeachment..." Galan puzzled and answered Mikhail.

"Well, I should change my plan a little then. I will attack his city lord's mansion this morning! Then I will make sure that at midday, I will execute that fat tyrant in front of all the Blue City's peoples!" Mikhail's eyes turned cold as he smiled like a bloodlust demon that made Galan felt chill on his spine.

"Ah… So that is your plan now! Well, then I will arrange everything now so there would be no innocent peoples near city lord's mansion today before midday! This is the city lord's mansion map even though I do not know where they keep the abducted princess are but I know that you will really need this later… I wish you good luck then!!!" Galan is smiling and gave the mansion map to Mikhail while shoving his fist toward Mikhail.

Mikhail is smiling back to Galan as he felt warm in his chest while bumped his own fist to Galan's fist.

If you lend a hand and helped anyone then someday when you need a help even if you did not expect it, someone will also lend you a hand.

Galan bid Mikhail farewell and leave Mikhail's room.

Mikhail woke Lumina from her deep sleep and they made all necessary preparation. After the two of them wore the black hood's cloak, they went out from the shabby inn then headed toward city lord's mansion front entrance immediately.


"STOOOP!!! The two of you there… Show me your face and your identity document!" One of the mansion's guards saw Mikhail and Lumina walking closer toward city lord's mansion gate then warned them.

Mikhail instantly changed his shadow sword into a two meters black scythe then sliced the guard throat.

The other guards shocked beyond belief in what happened in front of them and they began to unsheathing their weapons.

However, Mikhail did not give them any time to move and slashed his black scythe horizontally sliced all of their body in two.

Mikhail equipped his wind tiger king's soul and it instantly charged forward to city lord's mansion gate!


The city lord's mansion gate broke into tiny pieces and many mansion guards that patrolled behind it sent flying by the shockwave.

"Wind tiger king, you stay here and wreak havoc everything here! Do it as huge as you can!" Mikhail ordered the wind tiger king to say here as a bait to gather the entire mansion's guards here so he can move around more easily.

"Lumina, you stay here with wind tiger king uncle! Remember to always stay close to it!" Mikhail told Lumina to stay here with wind tiger king.

"Rrroooarrr…" The wind tiger king roared to Mikhail while stared at him.

"WHAT YOU ARE A FEMALE TIGER??? Ok then…Lumina, you stay here with wind tiger king auntie!" Mikhail rephrased his word and said it again to Lumina.

"No! Lumina wants to go with Master and save big sis Reina together!" Lumina answered Mikhail while staring back at him firmly.

"Sigh… Okay, then we do not have much time let's go! Lumina, you must remember to always stay close behind my back and do not let your guard down, got it?" Mikhail warned Lumina sternly.

"Okay! Lumina understand!" Lumina nodded her little head repeatedly.

Mikhail began to run deeper with Lumina following him closely behind him. City Lord's mansion is really huge and consists of many different buildings like a real estate. There is very wide and beautiful courtyard full of many varieties of flowers and plants on the front of all of these buildings. There are even several fish ponds with different kind of fishes in it.

Mikhail ran along the city lord's courtyard while carrying his shadow sword's black scythe.


Master, you must remember to reserve your stamina as much as possible! Summoning that wind tiger king to fight at the front entrance is already draining your stamina rapidly.

"I know that is why I did not equip demonic werewolf soul until now! And also, how long I can fight if I equipping all three souls at once?" Mikhail asked grimoire while facing the group of mansion's guard that came toward him while unsheathed their weapons.


More or less only eight minutes if Master wants to use it to fight intensely against that Kevin.

"Eight minutes is more than enough!" Mikhail smiled coldly while hacked all the guards in front of him to pieces.

"Momon, help me to clear the way in front of us now!" Mikhail ordered Momon to clean all the mansion's guards in front of them to spare some of his stamina for fighting Kevin later.

Momon jumped from Mikhail's shoulder to their front then changed its puppy form into its true majestic form that is bigger than an ox with four overbearing tails on its rear and a pair of imposing blood crimson horn on its head.

Momon dashed in front of Mikhail with incredible speed leaving Mikhail and Lumina far behind it.

There are many groups of mansion's guard that guard in front of them. However, they surprised and panicked when they saw Momon dashed toward then with lightning speed.

Momon slammed several mansion's guards in front of it sent them flew then crashed on the nearby wall turned them into ground beef then its four strong tails began to dance around like a whip.

Each time Momon's tails dancing, it could take several mansion guards life easily. Many of them sent flew smashed to the wall heavily unable to get up again afterward while the other mansion guard's head or limbs flying around and their blood began to flood the ground.


Momon used its screeching sound like abyss spider queen. Even though it's not as strong as abyss spider queen's screeching, but it is already enough to stunning all the mansion guards that surrounded it.

All the surrounding mansion guards holding their ears in pain while shaking and standing unsteadily.

Momon's four tails began to dance around again. One of it slashed around cut several guards head and limbs like a giant blade, the other one is stabbed swiftly to some guards chest left a big hole in their chest, the other one is strangling one of the guards then started to swung it around to another guards like a club, while the last one is swinging around like a whip and lashed the other guards until they flew several meters behind and smashed the wall or the ground.

"HOLYSH*T!!! I never knew that Momon is already this strong! This is like watching the monster movie in the theater!" Mikhail jumped in surprised when he saw Momon fought.