Duel With Lightning Emperor Once Again!

The fight only lasts for a few minutes and all the tens of mansion's guards already lied down on the floor. Some already did not breathe anymore, some of it still groaning in pain but unable to stand up anymore, the rest is already unconscious.

Momon turned its head behind facing Mikhail while raising its chin and smiling with a smug face.

"Sigh… This big doggy is really cannot take any praise at all… Look in front of you! Do not look behind!" Mikhail scolded Momon and kicked its butt.

All three of them kept entering deeper and deeper while Momon kept covering in front of Mikhail and Lumina. Momon kept slew any mansion guards that came closer toward them that dyed the mansion's courtyard with the blood.


Master, this City Lord's Mansion is too vast! We will not make it if we must check all the building!

"There is no need to checking any building! As long as we are heading toward the place where the guarding is getting tighter, we are on the right track!" Mikhail answered grimoire.

After ten of minutes running around in the mansion's courtyard, finally, they found a building that looks like the main mansion guarded by many squadrons of guards that rode red velociraptor.

The all the guards in front of the main mansion are wearing a set of shiny silver armor with gold adornment on the chest of their armor and holding a silver spear on one their hand while the other holding their red velociraptor's rein.

There is the squadron leader that leading in front of them all and Mikhail know this person very well. This squadron leader is Kevin's right-hand man, Miguel.

"Mister Mikhail… I am sorry but I cannot let you pass here! Please leave right now or I will kill all of you?!" Miguel warned Mikhail sternly.

"You seriously only said this right now after your Master almost killed me two days ago?!" Mikhail sneered at Miguel while changed his shadow sword's ring into a black scythe.

"CHARGE!!!" Miguel commanded all the elite guards behind him and all of them began to move in unison with the neat and orderly formation.

They surrounded Mikhail, Lumina, and Momon instantly then pointed all of their spears toward them.

"Master, leave this to Lumina and Momon! Master, please enter that house and save big sis Reina!" Lumina talked to Mikhail then dashed forward and grabbed several guard's spears at once.

"But…" Mikhail hesitated whatever he should listen to Lumina suggestion or not.


Master does not need to worry! All of these worthless humans will not be able to hurt that little girl god's body at all! Just listen to her and heading inside that huge mansion. Be sure to prepare yourself that Kevin guy must be guarding inside it!

Keng… Keng… Keng…

Mikhail still hesitated but when he saw Lumina started to throw all the elite guards that she grabbed like throwing a ball several tens of meters into the sky or when all the elite guards stabbed her ineffectively with their silver spears like stabbed into a lump of steel, He stopped hesitated and dashed entered inside the mansion in fright while slashed his black scythe to opened his way.

Some of the elite guards wanted to chase after Mikhail but Momon quickly covered Mikhail and quickly dashed nimbly then swung its four tails killed some of them with ease.

"SH*T!? She is like a big elephant when she started throwing all the guards easily like that! Moreover, what's wrong with her body, it's like she is born from a lump of metal! I must become stronger faster or that little girl will really overtake me in the near future!" Mikhail is cold sweating and ran inside without care for Lumina this time.

After entered the mansion's double door, Mikhail ran into a huge hall with red carpet on its floor and there is a beautiful crystal lamp that looks expensive hanging on its ceiling. Even its furniture looks expensive made from the best wood adorned by gold everywhere.

In the center of the hall, Kevin is already stood tall on the middle of the grand hall, it looks like he already expecting for Mikhail to come today.

"Cih… Stood in the middle of the hall like that?! Did he think that he is the last boss or something? Well, whatever he thinks he is… It will not make any difference… I will be sure to teach him a lesson that he would not forget for the rest of his life today!"Mikhail walked slowly to Kevin while decided it.

"I already wait for you Mikhail! I am really sorry but I will not let you pass here! Now prepare yourself!" Kevin unsheathed his sword and pointed it to Mikhail.

"Are all of you followed some kind of old movie script or something?! You or your right-hand man said the same cliché lines over and over again until I am bored!" Mikhail said it with nonchalant while equipping his demonic werewolf soul and dashed to Kevin.

"Mikhail, you are still not my opponent! It is better if you did not come here!" Kevin said it coldly to Mikhail then he slashed his sword down powerfully.

Origin Skill – Lightning Cage!

Like before when this skill invoked many lightning struck down at the same time surrounding Mikhail, forming a lightning cage that imprisons him inside it left him with no place to run.

"Sigh… Again with cliché lines and now with cliché skills too! Did anyone never tell you to never use the same skill to the same person twice? It will not work again!" Mikhail did not stop and still dashed toward Kevin but when he almost touched the lightning cage.

Soul equip: Demonic Werewolf's Soul + Abyss Spider Queen's Soul

Mikhail's body instantly transformed even further. He is wearing heavy black metal plate armor with a black full helmet on his head right now. His body looks taller and sturdier than before with eight frightening big spider legs on his back while both of his hands are holding a pair of crimson blood katana.

Mikhail smashed through the lightning cage with force and the electricity that shocked him made a very terrible crackling sound but Mikhail did not injure at all. Forget about the injury, he did not even felt anything at all.

"AWESOME!!! So this is what happens if I equipping two souls at once! I will have both of their ability…Demonic werewolf's reflexes and speed combined with Abyss Spider Queen's sturdiness and power!" Mikhail grinning satisfied with his current ability while he kept charging toward Kevin.

"What???" Kevin really surprised with Mikhail's action that smashed his lightning cage with the force since he did not have enough time to dodge it, he decided to defend it with his sword in front of him.

Mikhail slammed his body to Kevin's sword made him flew several meters behind but Kevin already spun on mid-air and met the wall behind him with his feet. After that, he used the bouncing force to jump back toward Mikhail while executed another origin skill.

Origin Skill – Lightning Cleaver!

Kevin's sword filled with the terrible lightning that making a crackling sound and he slashed his lightning sword toward Mikhail while jumped toward him.

However, Mikhail defended it easily using only the two of his spider legs.

"This is the best that the majestic Lightning Emperor can do?" Mikhail mocked Kevin while swung down the one of his crimson blood katana vertically toward Kevin's head.

Kevin pulled his sword back, hold it steady with both of his hands, and put it on the top of his head to defending Mikhail's attack.

However, Mikhail's attack this time containing the speed of demonic werewolf plus the power of abyss spider queen, it cannot be easily defended like before.

When Mikhail's crimson blood katana touched Kevin's silver sword, the deafening sound of metal colliding resounded to the entire main mansion.

The ground below Kevin cracked and Kevin's legs gave up immediately under Mikhail's crimson blood katana pressure. Kevin's knees smashed the ground created another crack on the ground while Kevin keep gritting his teeth in kneeling position until his gum is bleeding to resisting Mikhail's attack.