All of My friends are hungry!

"Oh… Impressive, so you can hold it! But you are forgetting that I have another eight legs!" Mikhail smiled coldly while his eight spider legs slashed toward Kevin that still kneeling down.

Kevin swiftly rolled behind but Mikhail's attacks still managed to take some flesh of his waist, chest, and right upper arm.

Kevin's fresh blood began to trickle down to the mansion's floor but his eyes still firmly staring at Mikhail.

Origin Skill – Lightning Slash!

Kevin's body spun twice then he swung his sword swiftly to Mikhail creating a gigantic pillar of lightning.

"I already told you… The same skill will not work against me!?" Mikhail ridiculed Kevin while rotated his crimson blood katana's handle and held it like a javelin then threw it with all of his power toward the giant pillar of lightning.

The crimson blood katana traveling faster than the sound speed created a screeching sound like metal rubbed against each other.

When the crimson blood katana met with the pillar of lightning, it slowed down a little bit but it still flew with incredible speed toward Kevin cleaving the pillar of lightning that hindering its path.

Kevin screamed out loud when the crimson blood katana stabbed deeply into his right shoulder and penetrated to his back.

Kevin's blood began invading his lung and he started to cough out several mouthfuls of blood.

Kevin's body started to sway a little and his posture became unsteady as the blood trickled down profusely from all of his wounds. With a single look, anyone could tell that he almost reached his limit now.

Kevin's wounds were too severe, he could only execute one more attack. He decided to gamble everything on his last trump card, his current strongest origin skill.

Kevin raised his sword with his left hand as high as he could toward the sky since his right hand is already badly injured and could not move anymore right now.

The sun slowly covered by the dark clouds and the thunder began to crackling loudly in the dark clouds.

Mikhail looked up to the sky with a solemn expression on his face while prepared himself to receive Kevin's last attack anytime.

Origin Skill – Divine Punishment!

Kevin swung down his sword and stopped it right after his sword pointed toward Mikhail's direction.

The terrifying lightning storm brewed but it did not strike down one by one like usual, but all of it struck at once focused on one point, gathered then shot down directly toward Mikhail with the light speed that impossible to dodge.

However, Mikhail only sneered fearlessly while looked at it, he actually already waited for this moment. When all the lightning storm started to gather on one point, he quickly shot his abyss web from all of his fingers toward Kevin.

"Well… I actually want to know if the famous Lightning Emperor can also strike by lightning or not?!" Mikhail laughed out loud and bound Kevin with his abyss web, there is also a long abyss web connecting them, then all the gathered lightning shot down directly toward Mikhail.

This lighting struck down toward Mikhail like a thunder hammer. It was incomparable powerful, capable of destroying everything it touched. The all mansion's hall floor cracked under its pressure and its shockwave made the ground began to shake like an earthquake. Main mansion's roof already destroyed and all the expensive furniture around already broke into countless pieces under its power.

Even Mikhail with his abyss spider queen's armor plus the inscription of sturdiness still felt numb on all of his limbs. The electric current of the lightning flowing toward Kevin, that fierce electricity is shocked and frying him alive.

Kevin's situation is the worst of all is right now. He already lost too much blood in the fight against Mikhail before and his wound already critical hit his internal organ before and now it added with severe burns from his own lightning on the top of it. It's already a miracle that he is still breathing right now even though it could stop anytime.

"To think, that he is still breathing after all of that attack! What a sturdy person… Sigh…" Mikhail checked Kevin's condition after unequipped all of his soul at once to save his stamina.


Master really is a meanie!

Master clearly could defeat him easily if Master equipped all of the souls and summoned wind tiger king here but Master decided to play around with him.

Master even arranged him to be struck down by his own lightning to revenge what he has done to Master before!

"That is what you will never understand Grimoire! First, as a man, if you want to take back your pride, you must defeat him yourself instead of relying on something else like wind tiger king! Second, if you want to take your revenge contently then you must do to him what he has done to you before!" Mikhail answered grimoire smugly.


Master, did Master come here to take your revenge or to save that little princess?

If Master finished him faster then Master could also help that little princess faster!

"Sigh… If we can do both of it, why did we bother on just doing one of it? Do you agree?" Mikhail is smiled happily. Without waiting for Grimoire's answer, Mikhail began to run enter deeper into the main mansion.

Mikhail running passed several corridors and hallways. The red carpet was decorating the whole length of the corridors and hallways, while the wall is decorated by so many expensive looking painting and portrait.


Master, Grimoire detected many life forms thirty-two meters ahead!

There are at least 150-200 of them!

"So it's the time to test my new skill from abyss spider queen huh!" Mikhail smiled coldly while equipped back his abyss spider queen's soul.

Mikhail ran toward another hall then many of elite guards surrounded him instantly and he also saw Ron on the top of the balcony with Reina that bounded tightly with rope on his side.

"What a fool!!! You can survive that time because your luck is good but this time I will confirm your dead with my own eyes! Do not worry I will burn your pitiful corpse at my wedding with this beautiful goddess later! AHAHAHAHA…" Ron sneered at Mikhail while he talked then he laughed out loud then he swung his hand down to command all the elite guards to slay Mikhail.

"Another cliché corny lines for villain… Sigh… Well, it is not my fault then you all the one that is asking for this!" Mikhail smiled coldly while talking to all the elite guards that thrust their silver spears toward him.


One day before, in the abyss spider nest cave.

"Oh yeah, Grimoire… Why did all the abyss spider minion has vanished when I defeated their queen? Are their life connected with their queen or something?" Mikhail puzzled and asked to Grimoire.


It is not because of that but it is because all of them already swore their fealty toward their queen so when Master defeat their queen, Master also already subdued them all.

"So that's mean that can I summon them all like wind tiger king?" Mikhail smiled and asked grimoire again.


Master can summon them all but only after equipping abyss spider queen's soul! Since the one, they swore their fealty is not Master but their spider queen.

"That is the same! So how many can I summon at once? Also, can I summon the spiders that are stronger than locust level?" Mikhail tried to ask some explanation from Grimoire.


Master can but it will drain Master stamina more rapidly! The more Master summon or the stronger Master summon the faster it will drain Master stamina!

Currently master can only summon more or less 2,000 locust level or 200 normal level ones.

"2,000 or 200?! It's already more than enough, for this time at least!" Mikhail nodded his head while smiling.


Back to the present…

"Do not think that only you have the army?! I also have it?! And also…" Mikhail sneered back at Ron that stood at the balcony.

"All of My friends are hungry!" Mikhail also swung his hand down imitated Ron's action.

Then all two hundred normal level abyss spiders that are twice as big as locust level rained down and landed toward all the elite guards. Many of them landed precisely on the top on their body, some of them landed beside them. However, wherever the abyss spiders landed the result is still the same.

A massacre!

If the army of normal level abyss spiders came attacking from in front of them, they will still be able to counter-attack. However, this time within their neat and orderly formation to slay Mikhail, the normal level abyss spiders came out from nowhere to attack them. Without any mental preparation or proper formation to handle it, they are no different from a group of ordinary villagers!