Ron’s Public Execution!

Mikhail's abyss spiders army overwhelmed Ron's elite army swiftly, in just a few minutes Ron's elite army already fallen more than half of their initial amount.

However, everything makes sense since the one that controls all abyss spiders army are Mikhail's alone so they are moving like what Mikhail's ordered them in his mind when Ron's elite army already panicked and lost their will to fight. Some of them still fighting desperately for their lives, some of them tried to run away, and the other already shaking in fright and horror when they saw many of their comrades has been eaten alive by the abyss spider army.

Mikhail watched his abyss spider army devoured upon all Ron's elite army one by one with an expressionless face like all of this has nothing to do with him at all. He began to walk calmly in the middle of the carnage, stepped into the crimson red floor that already flooded with the blood of the elite army toward where Ron's and Reina stand.

His calm posture combined with his cold expression that sent chill on the spine to anyone that saw him made him looks like the incarnation of the demon king.

"St… Stay… Stay there… Do not move!? I say do not move?! Do you not hear me? If you still walking here… I will kill this girl right now!!!" Ron started to panicked and began to talking stuttered. Then he grabbed Reina and put a dagger to her neck.

However, Mikhail still did not care about Ron's threat and walked closer then he jumped to the balcony where Ron and Reina stood.

Mikhail smiled gently while stared at Reina warmly ignored Ron and his dagger on Reina's neck.

While Reina's face already wet from her own tears since she first saw Mikhail walked in. She lamented because she felt guilty that all of this happened because of her, she also felt sad that she still kept becoming Mikhail's burden even now, and lastly, she cried because she was too happy that Mikhail is still alive and well.

"Sigh… I thought when the hero saved the princess from the dragon the situation more or less is the same as right now… But look at you… Your eyes are swollen from crying too much! Your face also wet and dirty moreover your smell is awful! Sigh… Really unlike the beautiful princess in the fairy tale that saved by the hero at all?!" Mikhail sneered at Reina but his eyes still stared at her full of affection.

When Reina heard what Mikhail is said, she stopped crying right away and stared at Mikhail menacingly. She still cannot talk because her mouth is still gagged but she clearly really wanted to scold Mikhail back.

"You!!! Do not ignore me!? I said stay away or I will really kill this girl right now!?!" Ron threatened Mikhail once again.

"Do you still not understand your own situation now?" Mikhail's face turned cold and his firm sound gave Ron an eerie feeling.

"You already lost all of your elite armies. All of your guards that patrolled outside are almost no more. Even your strong older brother already defeated by me and in his last breathes right now!" Mikhail said to Ron while keep stared sharply at him.

"BROTHER?! You… You did not kill him, right? He is still alive, right?" Ron's expression began to change a little but Mikhail still noticed it.

'This fatty worried about his brother? But his usual attitude did not show it at all.' Mikhail thought.

"If you promise to save my brother then I will release this girl now!" Ron's face turned serious this time there is no panic or fear in his eyes right now. It looks like he turned into another person.

"Surprisingly you quite care about your brother, aren't you? Well, I still owe him one before so I will promise to you… But I still cannot spare your life! Your sin is already too heavy! Today I shall execute you in front of the entire Blue City's people to appease all their anger!" Mikhail's sound turned even colder than before when he said this.

However, Ron surprisingly released Reina voluntarily made the two of them even more puzzled.

Actually, Mikhail already planned everything perfectly. Mikhail already secretly summoned wind tiger king below when he jumped to the balcony. If Ron still desperate on taking Reina as a hostage to escape then the wind tiger king can easily cut one or two of his limbs instantly with its wind blade.

Even Kevin had a hard time to avoid it from the quite long distance. If wind tiger king uses its wind blade from this close distance forget about this fatty Ron even Kevin will not be able to dodge it.

"To think that you will be this obedient… what are you still planning to do?" Mikhail asked Ron suspiciously while bound both of his hand with abyss web.

"Young hero, you are really a skeptical person. No, you are really a wary person. But in this world, you will learn that not everything you see with your own eyes is the truth." Ron answered Mikhail calmly.

Mikhail frowned even deeper. His instinct kept telling that something is wrong but he cannot point exactly where. He decided to ignore it for now then released Reina's bound.

Mikhail walked with Reina while dragged the bounded Ron out from the main mansion.

Mikhail agape when he saw that Lumina is still fighting with Miguel outside but all of his elite guards already unconscious or dead now.

"Their fight still did not finish yet? Oh yeah… Where is Momon right now? Do not tell me that it already…" Mikhail frowned and began to search for Momon.

However, he almost spurting out a mouthful of blood when he saw that Momon already lied down on the nearby grass lazily while yawned widely.

"This dog is really getting lazier each day! Why you did not help Lumina and let her fight alone?" Mikhail gritted his teeth then pulled one of Momon's ear until it groaned in pain.

Momon stared Mikhail with wronged expression while keep pointed toward Lumina with one of its front legs.

Then Mikhail saw a really comical scene, Lumina started to chasing Miguel all over the place like a cat chasing a rat.

Miguel started to get annoyed because Lumina was not let him go at all. Then he used his own origin skill.

Origin Skill – Stone Punch!

Miguel suddenly turned his body around and throw his right fist that covered by countless stones toward Lumina's face.

"Watch out, Lu…" Mikhail wanted to warn Lumina but it's already too late.

Lumina suddenly countered it with her tiny fist. Her small and smooth fist looked weak like a child's hand. However, the power that contained inside god's body really cannot be underestimated.

Lumina's fist easily destroyed all the stones on Miguel's fist turned them into dust instantly and Miguel's right hand and arm started to deformed under Lumina's powerful punch.

Miguel screamed in pain, he fell down to the ground and started crawled to stay away from Lumina while staring at her in horror.

However, Lumina did not stop there. She started to grab Miguel's leg then swung him up in the air and swung it down hard to the ground several times made very loud sound like a heavy hammer whacked down to the ground.

Mikhail lost his word when he saw this comical scene like in the manga.

"Stop… Stop… Stop… Lumina stooooppp!!!" Mikhail shouted to stop Lumina.

"Ah… Master… Master really saved big sis Reina… Thankfully big sis Reina is okay!" Lumina smiled sweetly while flung Miguel toward the nearby wall, he crashed the wall with loud noise and stuck on the hole in the wall.

Lumina still smiled sweetly with sparkling eyes stared at Mikhail, it looks like she expecting Mikhail's praise and his gentle pat on her head.

While Mikhail is still quite conflicted right now if he praised her then it means he is approving her to act like that again in the future but if he refused then its mean he did not appreciate her effort to help him.

"Well, let us do what's important right now first!" Mikhail decided to put it for later then began to pull Ron toward the front gate while Lumina pouted unhappily.

Mikhail brought Ron toward in front of the entire Blue city's people that gathered outside of City Lord Mansion right now.

All the people that assembled there started to cheered for Mikhail and shouting to executed the Blue City Tyrant immediately.

Mikhail stared at Ron for one last time and he started to hesitate a little.

"Why are you hesitate now, young hero? I heard you will go to the capital city later… Since you already promise to save my big brother then I will give you one last important advice… Beware of the church!" Ron said to Mikhail with serious expression then he took something in his pocket then stabbed it toward Mikhail.

Mikhail instantly changed his shadow sword's ring form into a black sword and beheaded Ron swiftly.

In the last moment, Mikhail saw Ron expression is at peace and there is a calm smile on his face.

Ron's head falls down to the ground then followed by his heavy body when his grip loosened up there is no weapon in Ron's hand, only a white handkerchief adorned by flower embroidery on the middle of it.