Blue City Battle Conclusion!

All the Blue City peoples cheered for Mikhail when he executed Ron but on contrary to them, Mikhail really felt awful right now.

Mikhail sensed that Reina started to sway a bit and he quickly caught her body then she passed out in Mikhail's embrace. He started running toward nearby inn ignoring all of the Blue City peoples that cheered for him.

After booked a room for Reina on the innkeeper's counter and got the room key. Mikhail quickly brought Reina toward the room and put her on the soft bed.

"What happened to her, Grimoire? Did that bastard Ron do something to her?" Mikhail frowned and asked Grimoire.


No, she is only exhausted physically and mentally. She probably refused to sleep, eating, and drinking anything in these two days because she is afraid that fatty put something in it.

After the battle is over and that fatty died, she began to relax her body and her fatigue started to invade her body so she went unconscious.

Master does not need to worry about her. She will be fine after enough rest, drinking enough water, and eating many nutritious foods. She will be healthy in no time.

"Sigh… So she is alright now. Then I will need to buy some meat porridge and milk for her later." Mikhail sighed in relief then he smiled while touched Reina's smooth face with his finger gently.


Master does not need to worry.

That fatty did not do anything to her.

She also stills a virgin.

"Wha… I did not ask for that? I also do not care about that!" Mikhail rebuked Grimoire but he clearly smiling more widely and happily.


That's strange… Grimoire thought all men really care about something like this!

Mikhail ignored his grimoire then before he is going, he also told Lumina to look after Reina for a moment.

Mikhail ran back toward City Lord Mansion since he already promised with Ron to save his older brother, Kevin. Mikhail knows well that with Kevin critical condition right now, he will not survive until tomorrow and he can probably die anytime soon. Also without his shadow sword's auto restoration form help, Kevin' fate already sealed.

When Mikhail entered city lord's mansion once again all the guards in there avoid Mikhail like a plague but Mikhail did not care about it. He quickly searched for Kevin's whereabouts and found him in one of the rooms inside the main mansion.

Mikhail explained that he wanted to cure Kevin to all of the guards that guarding him and they believed with all that Mikhail said. After all, if Mikhail really wanted to kill Kevin right now, he did not need to tell a lie since no one can match him anymore in this Blue City right now.

Mikhail activated auto restoration form and his shadow sword form changed into black bandage then wrapped Kevin's body from his tip head to toe. It would need one and a half days for Kevin to restore completely with auto restoration form. Mikhail did not plan to wait beside Kevin for that long so he immediately left Kevin's room and city lord's mansion.

This move actually very risky for Mikhail because if any blue city guards or someone else attacking him right now, he will not have any way to defend himself. However, Mikhail confident that no one dares to do it right now since his name already extremely famous all over the Blue City as a one-man army that slaughtered his way to executed the tyrant ruler.

Mikhail also did not forget to buy some meat porridge and milk in a nearby store when he went back to the inn. He also took a bucket of warm water from inn's kitchen and some clean cloth from his space inventory. Mikhail started to clean some dirt on Reina's face, hands, and feet. Mikhail is doing it gently and carefully so he did not disturb her sleep.

Even though Reina looks like sleeping but her soul is still conscious and she saw everything that Mikhail doing right now. She felt embarrassed that her body is being touched by a man right now but she also felt very warm inside her heart. From her birth until now, there no people that cared for her so deeply like Mikhail. He is the first and most probably will be the last too.

When she thought about the 'last' she felt a terrible pain stabbed into right inside her heart but she did not have any choice. She must finish this trial with the highest score and go back to the higher plane. However, if that really happens then…

She will never meet with Mikhail ever again.


Mikhail waited beside Reina that sleeping on her bed while holding her soft hand.

After several hours, Reina woke up and slowly rose up to sit on her bed.

"You already woke up! I already warmed this meat porridge and milk just a moment ago. Drink this milk first!" Mikhail brought a cup of warm milk to Reina's pink lips and let her drank it slowly.

Then Mikhail feeds Reina with warm meat porridge bit by bit until the bowl is empty. Mikhail put the empty bowl to the nearby table and his face turned serious as he stared at Reina.

"I am really sorry, this time it happened because I am too weak! I will be sure to become stronger so something like this will not happen again in the future!" Mikhail stared at Reina firmly.

"Mikhail… How could all of this become your fault? This is no one fault… But you are right! We really need to become stronger so something like this will not happen again in the future…" Reina smiled and answered Mikhail with a beautiful smile on her face.

Mikhail dazzled by her beautiful smile and his head subconsciously moved closer to Reina.

Reina become puzzled and panicked when she saw Mikhail' face is getting closer to her then she decided to close her eyes.

Mikhail saw that Reina did not refuse him, he becomes more daring and kissed Reina's soft pink lips gently.

Reina's lips feel so soft like a marshmallow and it tasted sweet maybe it because a cup of milk that she drank recently. It made Mikhail become more aggressive.

Mikhail hugged Reina's slender waist with his left hand while his right hand held Reina's head from behind.

Reina's face reddened with embarrassment, she reflexively put her hands on Mikhail's chest, wanted to push Mikhail away but she held it.

Mikhail saw that there is no resistance from Reina, he became even more daring and started to inserted his tongue in Reina's mouth and gently licked her tongue while drank some of her sweet saliva.

Mikhail forced Reina's mouth to open wider with his tongue, their saliva started to blend each other and Mikhail started to play with Reina soft tongue while savoring Reina's sweet saliva inside his mouth.

Mikhail gently pushed Reina down on her bed while Mikhail is on the top of her. As they started to run out of their breath, their mouth separated each other reluctantly at last with some thin saliva still connected between it.

"Reina… I… I will be gentle and I promise that I will take responsibility for you!" Mikhail promised while gasped his breath.

"Mikhail… I… I am… Still not ready yet…" Reina tried to refuse Mikhail but her quivered sound and ragged breath along with her reddened face made it sounds unconvincing.

Mikhail ignored Reina's refuse and lowered his head once more wanted to kiss Reina again while his hands already started to grope Reina's soft curvy body.

However, when he wanted to go even farther he saw someone's shadow on the floor at the corner of the room.

When Mikhail looked around carefully he found Lumina stood there watching at them with an expressionless face.

Reina also followed Mikhail gaze and found Lumina still staring at them. She quickly pushed Mikhail away and jumped out from the bed.

"I… I… I want to take a bath!" Reina quickly sprinted with amazing speed while stumbled a little. Her face reddened like apples and she ran away from the room with her palms on her face.

"Aaaahhh… And it's a little tiny bit more… It's really a pity… Sigh…" Mikhail sighed while sat on the bed sluggishly with a deadpan expression on his face.

"Master… Lumina want a kiss too! Please… As Lumina's reward for winning the battle…" Lumina approached Mikhail while whining for a kiss as her reward.

"Sigh… Sure… But when you became an adult later, ok?! Just keep accumulate it so you can get many kisses when you become an adult later…" Mikhail said to Lumina while patted her head gently.

"Okay, Master… Lumina will try her hardest to collect it!" Lumina answered Mikhail with sparkling eyes full of excitement.


Master, Grimoire though you are a loyal type that only devoting yourself to one girl only. It looks like Grimoire is wrong after all…

"Sigh… If I marry to Reina in the future, I can refuse it, and said that I already married her big sis Reina so I can only kiss Reina! HOWEVER, if I failed to marry Reina in the future then I do not mind to marry Lumina at all… She is a cute girl now and when she grew up, she will surely become a beauty that can easily rivaling Reina! Moreover, if my estimation is correct, Lumina's body will probably become even hotter than Reina in the future… Hehehe…" Mikhail sneered lewdly while stared at Lumina.


Grimoire never thought that Master is such a person before… Sigh… It looks like Grimoire is choosing a wrong Master after all…