Foreshadowing on the Capital City!

Mikhail ignored grimoire sarcasm and since the sky is already gone dark, Mikhail let Lumina go back to her room and he entered his own room while dragged his exhausted body to his own bed.

There are too many things that happened today and he already fought his hardest, gave his best to save the girl that he likes, and manage to defeat the strongest person that he met until now. That night Mikhail falls asleep contently until tomorrow midday.

After woke up, Mikhail felt his body extremely refreshed. He quickly took a bath and changed his clothes then searching for Reina hoping to take some advantage of her and teasing her. However, Reina always retreated with a flushed face like an apple each time she met with Mikhail then she instantly ran away leaving him with no chance to even talk to her. While Lumina keep followed closely behind Mikhail like a chick that followed its mother.

When the second peaceful day almost passed, Mikhail shadow sword's auto restoration form finished healing Kevin and Kevin quickly regained his consciousness.

Kevin checked all of his body condition once more and amazed at how Mikhail could heal him perfectly without leaving any scars within a very short amount of time.


Mikhail still having a headache now, it is already two days but Reina is still avoiding him until now. Is she angry at him? Or is she too embarrassed to meet with him? Mikhail does not know anymore what he must do to Reina so she will be willing to meet with him again. When Mikhail started to think some plan for it, someone came knocking on his door.

When Mikhail opened his door, he found that Kevin is already stood in front of his door. Mikhail becomes puzzled of what Kevin wants from him again this time. Revenge? Complain? Cursing?

But what Kevin's done next time is out of all Mikhail's expectation. Kevin began to kneel down in front of Mikhail then lowering his head until it touches the ground.

"I am really sorry for what I have done to you until now! And also, after all, I have done, you still saving my life in the end! I really ashamed with myself as a human and as a warrior too…" Kevin apologized sincerely to Mikhail.

"Sigh… Do not think about it too much. Let all what happened pass, what's important right now is the present and the future." Mikhail holds Kevin's shoulder and helped him to get up.

"I will say it once more time Mikhail… I am really sorry for all that I had done to you and thank you for saving my life." Kevin is smiling to Mikhail and stood up with Mikhail's help.

Mikhail invited Kevin to enter his room and then they sat on the nearby sofa. Mikhail served him a cup of coffee that he just made a moment ago.

"Mikhail, the position of the Blue City Lord is vacant now. How about you become one? You already became the most famous hero in the Blue City right now. I am sure that no one in the Blue City will reject it." Kevin suggested to Mikhail.

"You must be kidding with me! I, Reina, and Lumina will leave this city in a few days later after I finished preparing for some stuff. So it is impossible for me to become the City Lord. Also, this kind of job is more suitable for you. You should be the one that takes it a long time ago!" Mikhail is smiling and refused Kevin's offer right away.

"Sigh… It looks like I have no choice. Then I will take my leave now since I must make many arrangements for it now. I will come again tomorrow Mikhail." Kevin bid his farewell to Mikhail and left their inn.

Mikhail also left the inn, he did not go to Kevin's place but he planned to buy many things that he, Reina, and Lumina may need in their journey later on.

The next day, Kevin came again to Mikhail's inn but Mikhail is still out from the inn to buy some other stuff, Kevin met with Lumina and she asked him to spar with her.

At first, Kevin intended to refuse Lumina but she has insisted him said that she needs to become strong as soon as possible so she will not become a burden to her Master anymore in their journey later.

Kevin finally accepted Lumina's request after she explained it to him with burning firm gaze in her eyes.

When Mikhail arrived back at the inn, he saw Lumina already battered beaten so badly by Kevin but she still got up again and again. With her undying spirit, it is impossible, even for Kevin to beat Lumina down into submission without any will to kill her.

Mikhail immediately stopped them and let Kevin rest up while using his shadow sword's auto restoration form to healing Lumina. Actually even without auto restoration form, Lumina will still be recovered completely in a few hours but Mikhail do not have the heart to saw Lumina's suffering in a few more hours so he decided to heal her now. It took only a few minutes to restore Lumina back to her peak state even her shabby maid clothes that in tatters because of sparring are restored back.

"Oh yeah I am sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but can I ask you something?" Mikhail asked while stared at Kevin.

"Of course, you can ask me anything. What do you want to ask?" Kevin is smiling and answered Mikhail.

Did your big brother always behaved like that since he was little?" Mikhail asked Kevin nonchalantly.

"Sigh… He always does whatever he wanted since he was little. He is so free and unrestrained but he never actually done anything exaggerated. At the most, he only pulled some prank to some peoples. He also very attached to me when we were little. When he meets trouble or mishap, he will tell me first about it. If he did not understand anything, he will also ask me first about it too. I thought we were closer even than the true siblings. He also more attached to me rather than with our father." Kevin told Ron's past with reminiscing gaze.

"However, it looks like all of that is only my own illusion. It looks like that he from before is only his acting to gain our father's trust. He became a totally different people once our father passed away. He also kept made fun of me and bullied me after that. He even turned the Blue City into his plaything and made many Blue City's peoples angry and sad." Kevin gritted his teeth once he told this part.

"So it was like that… Then when your father's last moment did he asked for some private time to talk with that fa… I mean your brother?" Mikhail asked again with a serious expression.

"Yes, he asked for it. Well, it is normal that he wanted to talk some private sentimental stuff with his true son after all. Why did you suddenly ask that?" Kevin asked back to Mikhail with a skeptical gaze.

"No, I am just a little curious that all!" Mikhail smiling and answered Kevin but he already analyzed some clue from Kevin's story just now.

"But I really envy of you right now! Actually, I also planned to go to capital city before and participate in the tournament then entered another dimension exploration later on! Sigh… But now it's impossible for me! I still have so many jobs that I must deal with for several years... When I finished it, the exploration would already end." Kevin sighed in regret.

"So you want to go to the capital too! Since when did you want it? Did your brother know about it too?" Mikhail quickly asked again.

"It's already a long time ago… Maybe since the first time, the news about it spread around and yes my brother also knows that I will go. Well since it not really a secret even my subordinate knew about it too." Kevin puzzled but he still answered Mikhail.

'Capital city… Church… Kevin's desire to go to the capital city… ' Mikhail began to assemble the clue but he still missing some important one so he decided to search for Galan tomorrow.

The next day, Mikhail searched for Galan at his place before but he found no one lives there anymore. Mikhail searched again on the entire Blue City but he still cannot find Galan and he forced to gave it up for now.

When he got back to his inn, he saw Kevin sparred with Lumina again. However, the situation today is vastly different from yesterday. Lumina managed to fight equally with Kevin but Lumina still seems fine while Kevin's breath already ragged and his sweat already poured down profusely. It looks like today Lumina manage to fight into a draw with Kevin.

Mikhail is curious about how they sparred so the next day he did not go out and watched Kevin and Lumina sparred. Even Reina that always avoid meeting face to face with Mikhail this few days also came to watch.

The fight is really fierce unlike sparring at all. Kevin keep used his origin skill in his disposal to Lumina but Lumina's movement already completely changed from before he sparred with Kevin a few days ago. She already can dodge Kevin's attack swiftly while dashing closer to him.

Kevin keep used his origin skill and maintain his distance with Lumina. However, his lightning origin skill getting less and less effective each time it hit Lumina. And today Lumina only barely felt numb on her body when she is goy hit bluntly by Kevin's origin skill - Lightning Slash with full power.

Lumina dashed then jumped while throwing her punch toward Kevin. Her movement is so fast and only left some blurred shadow. Kevin defended her punch with his sword in front of him.

"Ckckckck… Wrong move. He is really gonna lose today. Well, it's better if I run away first or Lumina will ask me to spar with her next for sure…" Mikhail stood up from his chair and ran quickly toward outside the inn.

When Lumina tiny fist met with Kevin's sword, it made a terrible clanking sounds and the sword bent. Lumina's fist did not stop or slow down at all it keep go forward made Kevin's sword like a cushion met with an iron steel club.


When Lumina punch hit Kevin's body, he flew behind tens of meters while crashed onto several layers of the wall behind him. After he stopped crashing, Kevin is already unconscious with some of his limbs bent out of shape.

"Ah… So it's over… But Lumina still want to spar a bit more. Master please accompanies Lumina sparring again for a bit." Lumina turned her tiny head to where Mikhail sat before but he already has gone.

Three days later, Mikhail bid his farewell to Kevin and continued his journey to the Capital City with Reina and Lumina.


Galan watching as Mikhail, Reina, and Lumina's figures getting more and more farther away from inside the nearby forest behind a tree with a gentle smile on his face. He inserted some paper into a little tube and tied it on the flash bird's foot then releases it to the sky.