Mysterious Fog!

It is already a few days since Mikhail, Lumina, and Reina left Blue City. Mikhail already consulted with Grimoire and he finally knew that this place is only a small island on the corner of the world map. If he wanted to go to the capital city, first he must be headed to the nearby harbor then he must ride a ship from there to cross the ocean until he arrived at mainland and finally they can take land route toward the capital city.

Of course, they could also ride wind tiger king and took air route but Grimoire quickly rejected the idea because traveling through the sky is a huge risk if they do not have enough strength to back them up.

First, it is because if they flew on the sky, they can easily be spotted or found by any people with bad intention or hungry origin beast. It is still all right if the one spotted them is weaker than them but if the one that spotted them is far stronger than them, then they are no different than a fly that flies to the fire.

Second, they will become vulnerable from attack. If a strong attack ambushes them from the land or water then they will not be able to defend them self at all.

Therefore, the safest choice right now is using the land route by foot first from the Blue City and then takes the water route to across the ocean. So their next destination this time is the nearby harbor, Jewel Harbor.

Mikhail, Lumina, and Reina riding Momon together so they can reach Jewel Harbor faster. Lumina is sat at the front, Mikhail is the second, while Reina at the most back.

Momon grumbled in unhappiness, usually, it was always the one that rode Mikhail or Reina but this time is the opposite made it quite tiring and uncomfortable. However, despite its lazy attitude Momon still ran as fast as the wind made all the scenery blurred as they passed them.

Lumina sat at the front with an expressionless face as ever, no one can guess what she is thinking now.

While on contrary to Momon's bad mood, Mikhail is in a very good mood as he sat in front of Reina.

Reina is holding Mikhail's waist from behind like what he suggested before riding Momon so she did not fall down behind. Her soft ample breast is occasionally touched with Mikhail's firm back even though she already tried to avoid it but with bumpy road and many trees in the forest forced Momon to sometimes jumped around or moves aside to avoid some tree branches, she had no choice but to bear with it for now.

After riding for several hours, Mikhail decided to take a rest on the nearby river so they can rest to eat and drank first.

While Momon also needs some time to catch some of its breath. Mikhail gave him some normal level origin cores and let it rest for a while to replenish its stamina. Momon quickly turned back to its puppy form and ate the origin cores one by one happily.

"Hehehe… Look at what we got here! Two extremely beautiful girls and one rich ass tycoon! We are going to get rich this time and we also get two beauties that we can play as much as we pleased today!" Fifteen rough looking peoples came out from behind the bushes while laughing vulgarly as they stared lewdly at Reina and Lumina.

"Sigh… This scenario again… How many times that we met with this kind of situations after we left Blue City? I even lost my count already!" Mikhail still lazily lied down on the nearby trees.

Reina only takes a quick look but she quickly ignored them again and began to drink the water from the nearby river.

One handsome man is walking around with a white-haired beauty and his foxy loli maid. Moreover, Mikhail is a slender type with pale white skin without the burly body so he did not look strong at all.

All the bandits that saw their group will think that they are only an easy target. That he is a tycoon that brought his two playthings to play around the forest.

"Lumina… Yawn… I will leave them all to you this time. You do not need to kill them just need to shoo them away!" Mikhail told to Lumina while yawned, he closed his eyes once again to take a nap.

"All right, Master!" Lumina walked to the man that stood at the most front of the bandit group. His body is the largest and burliest of all the peoples in this bandit group so Lumina thought that he must be the boss of this group.

"Hehehe… Little cutie, do not worry I will be sure to play with you properly on the top of my bed tonight!" The boss lowered his body and moved his face closer to Lumina's tiny face while his hand wanted to touch Lumina's white cheek.


Lumina simply slapped him gently on his left cheek but the boss head weirdly spun 360 degrees three times with a horrible sound of bones crunched. After it stopped spun around, his head is faced to his back.

The situation looks comical like in cartoon but this time no one dared to laugh at it. All of the remaining bandits stunned, they stared at Lumina full of horror and fear. All of them screamed at the same time and ran back to the forest as quickly as they could.

"Master, should Lumina chase them and finish them all?" Lumina asked Mikhail once again with an expressionless face.

"You… You did not hear that I said to not kill them. Lumina listen, you are still underage. Killing too many people is not good for the people of your age!" Mikhail frowned and scolded Lumina.

"Lumina is really sorry master… Lumina already holding back her power and used only 5% of it but he still died. Lumina will train more for the master! Lumina will also promise to not kill many people again for now. Lumina will only kill many people for the master after Lumina grown up in the future!" Lumina said to Mikhail with a firm tone.

"Uhhh… Actually, that is not what I mean…" Mikhail had a headache on how he explaining it to Lumina. He sighed when he thought that bring Lumina with them maybe is not really a correct choice. It will bring negative effect to her personality and turned her into a sadistic beauty in the future.


That little girl is not lying though if she using all of her power to slap that guy, his head must be exploding like a watermelon.

"Why I began to think that her sadistic personality is getting more and more identical to yours Grimoire…" Mikhail said back to Grimoire.


Then it's mean that she will become a great person in the future!

"….." Mikhail unable to find any words to rebuked Grimoire. He decided to ignore all of it for now and took a quick nap.

After rested for two hours and eaten to their fill, they began to continue their journey. However, after riding Momon for an hour they met with a thick fog in front of them. Mikhail quickly commanded Momon to stop for a moment.

"What is this fog? I have a really bad feeling about this fog… Do you know anything about this fog, grimoire?" Mikhail frowned while he keeps inspecting the fog and tried to ask grimoire for some information.


This must be the mysterious fog…

"Mysterious fog? What is that? Some kind of poisonous miasma? Or paralyzed gas? Or something else?" Mikhail asked Grimoire once again curiously.


The mysterious fog are called mysterious fog because they are fog and they are mysterious with mysterious effect and its mysterious origin. Even their duration and their range are also mysteries. Also, the way to get past them is a mysteries!

Mikhail is almost stumbled down and coughed one liter of blood when he heard that.

"If you did not know about it just said so. Do not need to say so much nonsense!" Mikhail complained to Grimoire with a deadpan expression on his face.


This is not Grimoire's words.

This is the information in Galan's book and Grimoire only read it for Master.

If Master did not believe it then be sure to read all of Galan's book and do not ask Grimoire for any information from it or the correct direction toward Jewel Harbor or Capital City to Grimoire ever again.

"….." Mikhail is speechless when Grimoire said all of that.

Mikhail apologized to Grimoire many times after that while keeps cursing Galan for its vague information in his book.