The Village Inside The Mysterious Fog

Mikhail summoned the wind tiger king and let it enter the fog for fifteen minutes. The wind tiger king and Mikhail already linked through grimoire so if there is the danger inside, Mikhail will know about it and he could immediately unsummon the wind tiger king.

However, beyond of Mikhail's expectation, the wind tiger king did not find any danger inside even after patrolled for an hour in there. Mikhail frowned deeply, he already analyzed it and found nothing was wrong with the fog in front of them but his intuition keep screaming danger whenever he saw this fog.

"How is it? If you really that wary, maybe we should take a detour. It is always better to be safe rather than sorry after all." Reina stood beside Mikhail that sat on the floor while thinking.

"You are right, wifey. As I expect from my wife! You are very smart! It is always better to be safe rather than sorry. Let's take a detour then." Mikhail was smiling playfully. He pulled Reina's smooth hand while stood up and holding her around her shoulder.

"Of course, I am smart!" Reina is smiling gently with a smug face if there is no Lumina here, Mikhail would already steal some kiss from her soft pink lips.

These several days, Mikhail always had a skin contact with Reina whenever possible. At first, Reina's reaction is like usual, her face blushed like a tomato and her body began to fidgeting. However, with Mikhail's relentless effort to approached Reina and had some skin contact with her whenever it possible. She already got used to it by now and no longer blushing or felt embarrassing when Mikhail touched her. Really, habit is a scary thing sometimes and Mikhail used this strategy really well.

Mikhail, Rena, and Lumina were riding Momon once again and it began to dashing to detour the mysterious fog but after two hours ran tried to circling the mysterious fog, it is still there beside them. It is like this mysterious fog eerily walked beside them while they were trying hard to circling it.

"Master, the fog is coming closer toward us!" Lumina informed Mikhail.

"Momon run faster that fog are really coming toward us!" Mikhail frowned and told Momon to run faster.

Momon changed its direction and dashed with its full speed to avoid the mysterious fog but it came toward them even faster and the mysterious fog swallowed them like a giant tsunami.

Mikhail, Reina, and Lumina were inside the mysterious fog right now. The thick white fog covered their vision completely. Forget about looking the road in front of them, they cannot even see their own hands in front of them right now.

"Sigh… We are still inside it after all… well, it's no use to crying over the spilled milk. Let's try to pass this mysterious fog for now and do not let your guard down!" Mikhail sighed in disappointment and reminded them to be cautious. Reina and Lumina nodded to Mikhail and their gaze turned serious while Mikhail quickly equipping his demonic werewolf soul.

Mikhail was able to see his surroundings clearly right now with the power of demonic werewolf's sense of smell and its sense of hearing, they were working as radar that gave Mikhail the vision of his surroundings.

"Okay let's proceed slowly right now and everyone please listen to my signal properly!" Mikhail began to give some direction to Momon and it began to jog according to Mikhail's instruction.

Actually, Momon has also had a sharp sense of smell and an acute sense of hearing like a demonic werewolf but it completely oblivious about the direction they are heading to. That is why Momon need Mikhail's instruction so they would not get lost. While Mikhail slowly matched his surroundings with Grimoire's mapping knowledge that they got from Galan's information.

After proceed for three days without stopping, everyone began to weary especially for Momon and Mikhail but they still hold out since they wanted to come out as soon as possible from this eerie fog.

However strangely the fog in front of them began to clear up a little and they could slowly see a village in front of them now, even though they are still in the middle of this mysterious fog. The village looks simple and all the buildings are rather small and its design is plain, it was all made from the wood in the forest.

"Mikhail lets rest in that village for today… You and Momon were already very exhausted. It will not be good to push yourself now. What if we must fight later on to get out of this fog… What if the two of you pass out later without having an opportunity to counter-attacking?" Reina suggested to Mikhail worriedly while slowly holding his hand from behind.

"Okay then let's enter that village to rest for today… But do not let your guard down just yet!" Mikhail smiled to Reina and the warmth on her soft hand that holding his hand also transferred to warm his heart.

Mikhail, Reina, and Lumina were getting off from Momon and Momon shrunk down back to its puppy size to not scare all the villagers inside the village then it jumped and sat on Mikhail's shoulder.

They slowly entered the village together while observing their surroundings carefully.

"Look!? There are some outsider came!!!" One of the villagers was shouting to warn the other villagers. The village became chaotic instantly and all the villagers began ran around to informing the other villagers.

"What happens? Are we not welcomed here? They did not accept any outsider?" Reina frowned when she saw what happened in front of them.

"Of course it's not like that…On contrary, we are really welcoming the outsider! Please do not misunderstand and feel offended by our reaction. It's just we rarely seen any outsiders came to our village so that is why they acted like that!" A big burly man came toward Mikhail and the other with a friendly smile on his face.

A big burly man had a sturdy body about two meters tall and only wearing simple farmer clothes with a straw hat on the top of his head. He also had the brown mustache and beards like his hair, rough face, and slanted eyes.

"Welcome to our humble village outsider! My name is Ryan. I am the village chief here." Ryan introduced himself while removed his straw hat then bow his head to Mikhail and the others politely.

"Ok, Ryan, nice to meet you… My name is Mikhail. The silver-haired girl here is Reina and that little one is Lumina. We are tired now from traveling and hope that we can rest in this village for today. What your opinion about it?" Mikhail asked Ryan permission with a gentle smile on his face.

"Of course, we have no problem at all. We have prepared some empty cottages over there for the guest actually but outsider was very rarely come to our village. I will order the villagers to clean up three houses right away for the three of you!" Ryan laughed then called some nearby villagers to prepared Mikhail and the other cottages as soon as possible.

"No need to prepare for three cottages. One is enough, this silver-haired girl is actually my wife and this little blonde is my maid. So it will only troublesome if we separated after all." Mikhail is smiling gently while holding Reina's waist and pull her closer toward him.

Reina wanted to rebuke Mikhail for his shameless action in front of all the villagers but Mikhail stared at her with a serious expression. It looks like Mikhail realized something wrong with this village.