( Spoiler Title! I put it below the chapter! )

Ryan and some villagers escorted Mikhail, Reina, and Lumina to one of the cottages at the center of the village. They even brought Mikhail and the other some warm foods and a cup of hot milk for each of them.

Mikhail and Reina thanked Ryan and all the villagers that escorted and brought them foods and drinks then they entered the cottage to take a rest.

"Do not touch anything they gave!" Mikhail warned them all before they could taste any of it.

"Do you suspect that they gave some poison in it? Did you found some suspicious clue in this village?" Reina frowned and asked Mikhail for some explanation.

"Some of it… But it still only a suspicion after all and I still rather sleep amongst human than in those forest at the middle of some eerie fog!" Mikhail answered Reina while yawning widely.

"What did you find? Please tell me!" Reina stared Mikhail with sparkling eyes full of curiosity like a cat made her look cuter than her usual elegant princess self. If there is no Lumina here, Mikhail really wanted to pull Reina's hand, push her onto the bed, and do some lewd things with her.

"The most noticeable and suspicious one is there are no children in this village at all. I already looked around since we walked into the village until we entered our cottage and I did not even notice any children." Mikhail put Momon that was already sleeping on his shoulders to the bed while explaining it to Reina.

"The second one, I already analyzed all the villager's body builds one by one since the first time we entered this village and found out that every single one of them is a warrior, they even had some battle scar on their body! Isn't it strange? If they are all warriors, what are they doing in this village playing as a farmer?" Mikhail put his left hand on his chin to think while sitting on the bed and lean back to the wall.

"That indeed is very strange…" Reina also frowned after she heard Mikhail's explanation and sat beside Mikhail.

"Well, but we really need some rest now and that undeniable truth! However, we really cannot let our guard down now since this village is so suspicious! So I suggest we took a turn, one guarding while the other sleep for a few hours, what do you all think about my suggestion?" Mikhail asked Lumina and Reina with a serious expression. Reina agreed instantly and nodded her head but…

"Master, Lumina objected." Surprisingly Lumina that always obeyed all Mikhail's word is the one who refused his suggestion. This was the first time Lumina disobeying Mikhail since they first met.

"Eh…Ehhhhhhh… Why? Cough… Cough… Umm… Did you have another suggestion Lumina?" Mikhail was so surprised that he almost fell down to the floor but he quickly calmed down himself.

"Lumina suggest that Master and big sis Reina sleep until refreshed let Lumina be the one guarding. Lumina has a strong body. Lumina never got tired or sick at all." Lumina stared firmly to Mikhail with her usual expressionless cute face.


Grimoire agreed with that little girl's suggestion.

She has a God's body that never gets tired or sick also her sense of danger is higher than the two of you.

She is the one that is most suitable for this guarding job.

"No… How could we let a little girl like Lumina stay guarding! Lumina, you are the youngest and a child needs more sleep than an adult!" Reina is the first to rejectLumina's suggestion.

"Lumina is not a child anymore! Lumina is already an adult!" Lumina glared angrily at Reina.

"Stop… Stop… The two of you! I also agree with Lumina's suggestion, since her body is indeed special. Let's sleep and let her guard us!" Mikhail took her decision and quickly lied down on the bed. Mikhail is patting the space beside him while smiling gently and staring at Reina to point her to sleep beside him.

"Who wants to sleep beside you?? You lolicon! How could you take fancy of Lumina's childlike body?!" Reina puffed her cheeks and pouted to Mikhail while lying down on the nearby sofa in anger then turned away to ignore Mikhail.

"Wha… What??? You are misunderstanding my words wifey! That is not what I mean! Let me explain it…" Mikhail tried to explain it but Reina did not want to hear it and quickly covered her ears.


Sigh…It looks like Master's road with women will be full of difficulties in the future…

Mikhail and Reina quickly fell deep asleep since they were already very exhausted while Lumina sat down on Mikhail's bed beside him, patiently protecting him.

After three or four hours passed, Lumina's fox ears began to twitch a little as she caught many sound steps outside their cottage.

"Master, please wake up now! There are many people gathered outside our cottage now!" Mikhail tried to wake Mikhail up while she shook his shoulder.

Mikhail opened his eyes and quickly stood up while equipping his demonic werewolf soul. Mikhail closed his eyes again, focusing on his sense of hearing to hear all the movement outside while Lumina woke Reina up too.

"All of you prepare yourself for battle! We are already completely surrounded now!" Mikhail also woke up the sleepy Momon then duck below the cottage's window.


"Are you sure all of them are sleeping already?" Ryan asked one of the villagers.

"I put many sleeping powders in their food and drinks! They must be already sleeping long ago!" The villager answered him confidently.

"Then let's go! Prepare all your weapons and proceed slowly then finish them quickly!" Ryan waved his hands to command all the surrounding villagers to get closer.

All of the villagers surrounded the cottage while Ryan and the few others break in the cottage. However, when they set their foot inside the cottage, Mikhail instantly dashed and left only a black shadow behind him and sliced all the intruder's neck.

"KILLLLLL!!!" After the people inside were killed, Mikhail didn't even know which one of the villagers that shouted, all of them charged to the cottage with their weapon's raised.

"Mikhail, is it really okay to kill them like this? What if they have some reasonable explanation for this or forced by something?" Reina frowned and asked Mikhail again. She never thought that one day, she must do this kind of mass villagers killing like this.

"Princess, if you really do not want to do it then just sit on that sofa and watch us!" Mikhail answered Reina with a deadpan expression.

Reina pouted when she heard Mikhail's words and summoned her tiny crimson dragon then shot her fireball toward the villagers in front of them.

The fireball exploded like a cannon bullet took several villagers life instantly.

Momon quickly turned into its boss level form and dashed towards the crowd with amazing speed. Momon bit one of the villagers in two and its four tails began to dance around killing many villagers quickly like killing a group of chicken.

Lumina also dashed to the crowd of villagers and grabbed one of the villagers then use him as a club and began to swing him around toward other villagers. Her fighting style became even more savage day by day, made Mikhail that saw her fighting even more worried. It looks like he really needs to find some martial arts teacher for Lumina as quickly as possible when they reach the capital city.

However, something strange happened that made Mikhail's face paled instantly when he noticed the dead bodies at his surroundings.

The white fog closed up their wounds instantly and they stood up once again. Some that lost their limb by Momon's teeth, the white fog regenerated it back in no time.

Even the one that got blown up by Reina's fireball, the white fog slowly formed their body once again. At first, it looked illusory but after a few seconds their body became real and they began to attack them again.

"SH**T?! What is wrong with this fog and village? Retreat to the outside of village!!! All of them cannot die! They will keep getting up even when we kill them many times!" Mikhail instructed Reina and the others while warning them what happens.

Chapter 64: Village Made From The Fog!