Inescapable Fog!

Mikhail was quickly equipping wind tiger king soul and summoned it out.


The white domineering and dependable figure stand towering in front of Mikhail giving a sense of security to anyone that stood on its side. Just one of its roars was already enough to instill fear upon the all villagers then stunned them for a moment and gave Mikhail, Reina, and Lumina enough chance to jump to the wind tiger king's back.

Wind tiger king was spread his pair of majestic white wings then flapping it and soaring through the sky while the wind that it created was enough to sweep all nearby villagers along with the surrounding buildings away.

"Fuuhhh… F*UCK?! That one is a really creepy village!" Mikhail exhaled and cursed resentfully.

"Why didn't you use this power since the first time when we trapped in this fog? We could ride this tiger and fly out from this fog!" Reina puzzled and asked Mikhail.

"Wifey, if everything is really so easy, we will not be trapped inside this fog from the beginning!" Mikhail answered Reina lazily.

"Moreover, when we are flying in the sky, I cannot detect anything with my sense of hearing with all of this wind's noise and my sense of smell also useless in the sky! So it is better if we used the land route while analyzing the situation inside the fog and its surrounding first! Well, now let us see how this sky route will take us!" Mikhail explained to Reina.

However, the situation was like how Mikhail already predicted, after an hour flying in the air, they still stuck inside the fog.

Mikhail ordered the wind tiger king to land down back to the ground in the middle of the forest because if this keep continues, Mikhail stamina would run out in another few hours.

Mikhail, Reina, and Lumina jumped down from the wind tiger king's back to the ground and unequipped the wind tiger king's soul then the wind tiger king's figure instantly vanished into the thin air.

"What we are going to do now? What if we trapped inside this fog forever?" Reina frowned and asked Mikhail once again.

"Maybe… But you two do not need to worry about it anymore… Since your life will end here!" Mikhail changed his shadow sword's black ring into a black scythe and slashed Reina and Lumina's body in two.

However, strangely Reina's body and Lumina's body did not bleed out but they turned into fog.


Master, how could you know that the two of them are fakes?

"Intuition! Ahahaha… That's what I did like to tell but well, I actually let some of my cute little spider friends stuck on their clothes. So I know exactly their current position right now. Also, I got some important clue… Well, let's find the two of them I guess and discuss how to escape this fog together…" Mikhail was smiling full of confident, Grimoire knew that he really managed to found some important clue this time.

Mikhail equipped his demonic werewolf's soul again then began to dashing toward where Reina's are because between Reina and Lumina, Reina was actually more fragile and weak compared to the little Lumina with her powerful and unbreakable god's body. That is why Mikhail decided to come to Reina first.

And Mikhail was right. Reina was already cornered, attacked by many villagers that came out from nowhere.

Reina was kept shooting her fireball from her tiny crimson dragon to the villagers but dying villagers keep resurrected by the fog and keep getting closer to her. Reina's advantage is her ranged attack if the enemy successfully got close to her then she will have almost no way to counter-attack or defending herself.

Luckily Mikhail arrived on time, he was quickly dashed faster leaving several after images around, after Mikhail reached Reina, all the surrounding villager's head fell down at the same time.

"Let's go quickly, we will go save Lumina now!" Mikhail was smiling and takes a glance at Reina for a second then began to run again.

"I really did not know anymore… How could I come here? I thought I and Lumina were already riding wind tiger king with you…" Reina puzzled and tried to ask Mikhail.

"I know about it! I will explain it later after we find Lumina." Mikhail answered Reina.

After ran for a few minutes, they managed to found Lumina that frantically ran around to searching for Mikhail while smashed every villager that blocking her way.

When Lumina saw Mikhail, she quickly hugged him tightly afraid to lose him again while Mikhail did not know whatever he should be happy or cry when he saw this comical scene. Lumina hugged him like being bullied by the villagers while there were no villagers that remain intact now.

"Okay, then the two of you listens to me clearly! This fog is basically alive and it is impossible for us to come out of this fog!" Mikhail explained to Lumina and Reina.

"What do you mean alive? Do you think this fog has a consciousness?" Reina began to shivering when she heard Mikhail's explanation.

"Exactly?! Well, it's not actually this fog… But the one that controls it! The definite proof is the two of you could unknowingly land down to the ground from the sky… So the most important clue is the one that doing it can fly! This made sense though since I cannot detect its footstep with my sense of hearing." Mikhail was smiling confidently while told them about it.

"Why didn't he push us to fall down to the ground then? Rather than slowly landed us to the ground without being known!" Reina asked again.

"Because 'he' did not want to kill us since the first time but it wants to eat us! Do you understand? Our talking time is over… They come toward us again!" Mikhail began to think some kind of plan now while all the villagers gathered together again.

"Okay then… Lumina, Reina, Momon protect me and do not let any of them touch me! I have some plan…" Mikhail unequipped his demonic werewolf's soul and equipping his abyss spider queen's soul. His body grown taller and sturdier and eight frightening big spider legs came out on his back.

Lumina and Reina nodded to Mikhail while Momon already changed back to his adult form. The three of them formed a triangle formation with Mikhail at the center and all the villagers ran onto them. The fight turned even more fierce than in the village before.

"Okay then… Let's see how you try to cover this with your fog!" Mikhail laughed then closed his eyes and began to concentrate.

After a few second Mikhail concentrating, countless locust level black abyss spider minions began to rain down from the sky made anyone that saw it will be paled in fear, disgust, and horrified.

Mikhail continues to concentrate and black abyss spiders rain down non-stop then began to run toward all direction.






After summoned out 3000 abyss spider minions, Mikhail stopped since this is his limit for now while breathing hard and sweat pouring down profusely from his forehead.

"GO MY ARMY, DISPERSE AND FIND THE CLOSEST ROUTE TO COMING OUT FROM THIS FOG!?" Mikhail was shouting to command all of his 3000 abyss spider minions that dispersing to all direction.