Fog’s Proprietor!

On Mikhail's command, 3000 abyss spider minions immediately spread out toward different direction ignoring all the villagers that stood surrounding Mikhail and the others. Each one of abyss spider minions connected with Mikhail's consciousness.

Mikhail's sweat began to pour down profusely from his forehead. If Mikhail only commanded them to fight and let them do as they wish then all the abyss spider minions did not need his extra focus. However, controlling 3000 abyss spider minions at once and distributed them equally at every direction need his extra focus and delicate control.

Mikhail controlled all of them perfectly like his own fingers, all of the abyss spiders formed a formation like a net then quickly scattered but with orderly manner and the neat gap between them.

A few minutes after all the abyss spider minions spread out, Mikhail finally got the rough line of the surrounding terrain and how far the fog broad-gauge along with its boundary.

"Momon, Lumina, Reina, Follow me!" Mikhail shouted to them and ran toward the specific direction at the area where the fog was thinner while slaying all the villagers that blocking their way.

However, when Mikhail and the others ran far enough and almost successfully got out from the fog, all the villagers turned back to fog. The thinner fog in front of them suddenly got very thick, blocking their vision once again like when the first time they were swallowed by this fog.

"What happened this time?" Reina frowned and asked Mikhail.

"It looks like that this fog's proprietor got panicked because we almost got out from its fog and decided to come out and show itself to finish us! Be careful!" Mikhail warned Reina and the others but only a second passed after he said that, Mikhail saw something horrible in front of him.

A floating transparent white skeleton as big as a human size with long white hair down to its waist worn a set of tattered clothes came out of thin air in front of Mikhail and bite to Mikhail's neck.


Fortunately, Mikhail already equipped his abyss spider queen's soul so with his thick sturdy armor that transparent skeleton bites cannot hurt Mikhail at all. Mikhail quickly counter-attacked with his eight spider legs behind him and slashed the white transparent skeleton from the eight different directions making it impossible to dodge.

However, after failed to bite Mikhail to death, the transparent skeleton floated pass through Mikhail's body and vanished once again in the fog made Mikhail's attack missed and only slashed the empty air.

"SH*T!!! That scared me to death!? How could it just come out of thin air? Moreover, what is that? A ghost?" Mikhail was so surprised and almost passed out when the transparent skeleton came out from nowhere in front of his face.



To think we can accidentally encounter it this early!

Master, you are really lucky!

Master must defeat it and seized its soul at all cost!

All of its abilities are incomparable valuable that could be useful in any kind of situation!

"Phantom of Mysterious Myriad? Ok, so it is an origin beast too and I can get its soul if I manage to defeat it! So what is its level and ability?" Mikhail asked the information from Grimoire.


Phantom of Mysterious Myriad

Description: Commander level origin beast. This origin beast is controlling the fog that it produced then accumulated it over the time to confusing its enemies then devours them slowly. Ability types with unique phantom shift skill to pass through any physical object, phantom shadow skill that could create the fake shadow of anything and phantom switch skill that could make it invisible.

"SH*T! Turned invisible, pass through anything, and create fake shadow! All of this is godlike ability! I really must get this soul!" Mikhail is grinning excitedly when he knows its ability but right now he forgot that the greater the ability it has the harder it is to kill this origin beast.

"But if it could pass through anything then how can we kill it? Moreover, in this thick fog with invisible skill made it impossible to track and it also floating so I cannot use demonic werewolf's sense of hearing to detect its footstep! Also using his sense of smell is also useless since that origin beast is more like a spirit rather than a beast!"" Mikhail frowned when he aware of the main problem.

While Mikhail tried to think some way to defeat it, that phantom began to attacking again this time its target is Lumina. It came out from nowhere once again beside Lumina then bite Lumina's neck swiftly but Lumina god's body is only a little inferior to Mikhail's abyss spider armor right now.

The phantom bites only left some teeth's mark on Lumina's neck but it did not bleed at all, not even a scratch. Lumina is still a child but her body sturdiness could already easily rivaled commander level's armor. It could easily imagine that in the future if Lumina's god body developed even further maybe even hero level will be struggling to injure Lumina later on.

Lumina swiftly used her high kick toward the phantom's neck to counter-attack the phantom's bite creating a horrifying sound of wind like a whip if this Lumina full power kick hit the ordinary human, it was enough to kill them and separate their body with their head.

However, her kick only cut through the air, the phantom's body passes through Lumina's kick and her body then quickly floating back to the fog and vanished once again.

"Lumina! Are you okay?" Mikhail paled when he saw that phantom bit Lumina's neck and he quickly checked her neck then sighed in relief when Lumina is alright.

"Master, Lumina is alright… But Master, how can we defeat it if we cannot even touch it?" Lumina puzzled and asked Mikhail.

"I will think about it now… Since it cannot hurt us, his target will be Reina or Momon! Lumina help me guarding Reina…" Mikhail instructed Lumina to get closer to Reina and protect her left side while Mikhail protected her right side.

"Grimoire, do you know any of that phantom whatever weakness?" Mikhail asked grimoire hopefully.


Phantom of Mysterious Myriad is untouchable with all physical attack and it also has the high elemental defense. Its only weakness is the origin flame.

"Origin flame again!? Sigh… Unfortunately, Reina's origin flame is too weak right now… Then how about wind tiger king's guillotine wind blade?" Mikhail was asking Grimoire once again while keep thinking some plan.


With Phantom of Mysterious Myriad's high elemental defense, wind tiger king's attack will not be able to injure it at all. However, it would be enough to hinder its movement.

It looks like that it is still too early for Master to fight with this Phantom of Mysterious Myriad, it will be better if we retreated out of this fog first and waited until Master becomes strong enough then get back here to defeat it like when Master defeated that Abyss Spider Queen.

"Hehehe… At that time I only fought alone so it is impossible for me to win against that Abyss Spider Queen but this is different I have 2 dependable origin beasts and 2 tough girls. It should be enough to defeat this Phantom whatever! Moreover, this bastard was kidnapped us into its fog, played us around its handmade village, and then separate us for its meal! How could I let it go just like that?" Mikhail was smiling confidently while answered grimoire.

Before Mikhail had time to explain his plan, the phantom attacking once again and its target this time is really Reina. It looks like that the phantom did not really like the origin beast's meat like Momon that is why it always choose to attack the humans first. Also, it had more confidence since Mikhail and Lumina's attack cannot touch it.

This time the phantom came out of nowhere again behind the three of them then rushed swiftly to bite Reina's shoulder off.

"Watch out big sis, behind you!?" Lumina was shouting and warned Reina while jumped to Reina.