
The next day, as promised, Janine went to Sherry's house to pick Dylan up. He had already showered after his workout and was eating breakfast together with Sherry. It was a little earlier than usual and Sherry had stayed up late yesterday from binging so she looked a little sleepy and tired.

"Good morning, Janine." Dylan politely greeted. Unlike the haggard Sherry, Dylan was full of energy as usual and was shining brightly.

"Good morning, Dylan, Sherry." Janine returned the greeting and sat down at the dinner table. She grabbed a piece of jam toast from Sherry's plate and munched on it. Ignoring Sherry's yells, she continued, "After you're finished eating, we'll leave."

Dylan nodded. He was almost finished eating and it was just Sherry who was taking her time.

"Hurry up, Sherry." Janine calmly chided as she took another bite out of her toast.

Sherry rolled her eyes and sped up. When she was finished, Dylan packed everything away and cleaned up. The trio then made their way to the location of the shoot. It was indoors so despite the terrible weather, it didn't hinder anything.

"Hey, Janine! Is that the guy you mentioned the other day?" An excited voice echoed from down the hallway when the three walked into the building. The owner of the voice, a petite brunette with green eyes and a freckled face, waved at them whilst jumping up and down. She wore childish clothing, ribbons and denim overalls. But paired with her youthful and immature temperament, it suited her quite well.

"Mm. Charlotte, this is Dylan von Kaiser. He is the model for today." Janine introduced.

"Heya! I'm Charlotte Houston, Co-CEO and designer of Katjesty." The girl cheerfully introduced herself with a little wave of her hand.

"We're a two-man company, Charlotte." Janine retorted.

"I know! But it sounds much cooler this way~" Charlotte chose to ignore Janine and stuck her hand out for a handshake.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Dylan von Kaiser." He knelt down on one knee and gently held Charlotte's soft hand. Dylan smiled and kissed the back of it, just like he had done with George's mother.

Charlotte's face was as red as a tomato. "J-Janine! You've reeled in a big fish this time! Damn! He's too much."

Janine laughed. "Alright, stand up you flirt. Sherry's gonna get jealous."

"Why would I get jealous!" Sherry protested. "He does that all the time anyways."

Janine's eyes narrowed as she stared into Dylan's. A dark grin surfaced as if to say, 'do you know what you did wrong?'

Dylan quickly stood back up and returned back to Sherry's side. He smiled wryly and kept quiet.

Dylan: Looks like I shouldn't offend Janine if I still want to live…

Charlotte clapped her hands together and spoke cheerfully. "Then, let's get started."

She led them to a small studio. Inside was a white backdrop and various tools laying around. A young man was also inside, fiddling with his phone. He had cool blue hair and multiple piercings in his ear. At the sound of the door opening, he lifted his head up from his phone and gazed at the people entering the room.

"Is this the model for today?" He lazily asked.

Janine nodded. "I'll tell you when we're ready."

The man nodded and looked back at his phone again, no longer paying any attention to what was going on.

"That rude man over there is Tony. He is the makeup artist. He doesn't like to speak much but when his good at his job, so you can trust him on that regard." Charlotte introduced.

She headed over to the clothes rack over to the side and picked out some clothing. Janine had previously taken Dylan's measurements so all the clothes there were his size. Charlotte held the clothes over Dylan's figure and pictured it in her head. She wore a serious look on her face and put the clothes back. Awhile later, she picked out a black set of clothing, engraved with gold vines along the side. It was both elegant and simplistic. Suitable for semi-formal occasions and could also be worn on a day-to-day basis.

Charlotte finally smiled, her lips curving into a devious and cute grin. "These suit you very well. You can go change over there."

There was another room in the studio. It was a simple changing room with a mirror and hangers for clothes and also a bench along the walls. Dylan walked in and shut the door behind him. Putting on the clothes, he found that they were extremely comfortable. They were soft against his skin and also very cool. The left side of the shirt was a little longer than the right side but it was this asymmetrical charm that caught the eye.

Dylan left the room, feeling slightly nervous. "How do I look?" He asked with a bashful smile.

The man was greeted by silence. The girls just looked at him with wide eyes and agape mouths. Even Tony lifted his head up from his phone to look at him. His eyes were painted with surprise and glittered like the night sky. He walked up the Dylan and eyed him up and down. Tony grabbed Dylan's arm and pulled him to the mirror table, forcibly sitting him on the chair.

"Close your eyes and relax." Tony said in a quiet voice.

Dylan was flustered by the sudden development but obediently complied. He closed his eyes and forced himself to relax as he felt something cold contact his eyelids. His eyelashes trembled and smudged the makeup a little.

"Don't worry. It's just eyeliner." Tony reassured without a fuss and wiped the makeup clean. He redid it again and this time, Dylan was mentally prepared so he didn't stuff it up. When Tony was done with his eyes, he moved on to his cheeks and lips. A light powder was used to emphasis his jawline and improve his handsomeness.

When he was done, Dylan opened his eyes and saw that there wasn't much of a difference between the before and after. It was just that his eyes were a little sharper and his jaw more defined, his lips glossier and attractive. It was also hard to tell that he was wearing makeup due to the fact that very little was applied.

"Your hair is a little too long. Mind if I cut it?" Tony asked.

Dylan dazedly nodded his head.

With a lazy smile, Tony wrapped a black cloth around Dylan and grabbed his scissors from the drawer and began to fiddle with Dylan's hair. He snipped the parts that were too long, and styled it in a way that suited Dylan and the concept of the shoot today.

"I'm done." He said.

Dylan gazed at his reflection in the mirror. His blonde hair looked like it was glowing and was clean and neat. It was swept to the right, showing off part of his forehead and especially his eyes. Dylan's heterochromia was emphasised and its beauty was brought to it limits. They stood out amidst the other colours, catching eyes and turning heads.

Dylan took the black cloth off and stood up. He turned to look at Sherry. She was still standing in a daze, watching in awe as Dylan transformed and became even more handsome. A faint blush found its way to her cheeks as Dylan's clear eyes stared into her own. His blue eye was like a lake, fathomless and deep yet his green one shone with life and vitality. Looking into his soulful eyes, it was as if the whole world was just the two of them and no one else.

"How do I look?" Dylan asked with a refreshing smile. It was full of youthful bashfulness previously absent from the mature and burdened knight. He was just like any other university student, shyly asking his crush for her thoughts. This made him seem much more approachable and seem more like his age. It boosts his charm so much that despite having gotten used to how attractive Dylan was, Sherry found that one could never truly become immune to beauty.

"You look great." Sherry softly whispered. It sounded like she was still in a daze, having not broken out from the spell. Her heart sped up and her cheeks rosy, Sherry could not cast her eyes away from this dazzling man.

Dylan smiled brightly with exhilaration, the sun's rays fell on upon his face, it glowed and radiated with beauty. Once again, Sherry found herself infatuated and mesmerised by Dylan. She shook her head and smiled as she whispered something under her breath. What she said, only she knew.

"OMG! You look so good! Like, everything suits you so well! And Tony did a really good job with the makeover, like, OMG!" Charlotte exploded with zeal. Her cheeks were dyed red from admiration and she squealed like a crazy fangirl.

"Go stand in front of the white backdrop." Janine ordered. She too was filled with excitement and could not wait to start the shoot.

Dylan nodded and stood in front of the camera. Janine taught him how to stand, how to promote the look of the clothes, how to not outshine the clothes and how to paint a beautiful picture with his poses. Dylan nodded and very easily learnt to do everything she told him. He stood relaxingly in front of the camera and eluding a refined and elegant temperament. The clothes seemed to complement this and shone under the camera. The contrast of Dylan's bright hair and eyes and the black of his clothes produced an enchanting effect of nobility and loftiness.

Janine flashed the camera at Dylan, unable to restrain her excitement and fervour. "Bravo!" She called out. "Good, yes, just like that!"

Sherry:…Your image is breaking apart you know?

A lazy smile surfaced on Dylan's face. Suddenly that aloof indifference transformed into a leisurely grace. He appeared to be friendly, kind and pure hearted, just like the saints spoken of in the legends.

"Damn! Beautiful!" Janine shouted. All eyes were on Dylan, they could not help but to look at him. Under the flashes of the camera and the artificial lighting, he truly was too dazzling.