Model pt2

"Yes, just like that! Turn a little, pretend the camera is Sherry and smile! Yasss! That's it! A boy in love!" Janine completely broke out of character and rambled on like a rapid fangirl. At the side, Charlotte was also shouting words of encouragement and cheered as if she was drunk.

"Whawhawhawha, what are you saying? L-l-l-love…It's not like that…" Sherry muttered to herself in a quiet voice. Her face was totally flushed with red and she was unheard over the noise. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed.

Dylan saw Sherry bashfully standing around with her head hanging low. His lips curved in an amused smile and more lights flashed into his eyes. Janine crouched on the ground to get a good angle and showed up her mastery in the advanced technique: the Asian squat.

Tony had also been watching the situation unfold. He silently opened his camera app and began to film the blackmail material, ahem, he began to film their silly antics in hopes that he would be able to remind them of this experience and they would preserve this precious memory for years to come after they were sober and no longer drunk off the atmosphere.

"Alright, change into the next outfit and we'll continue after that." Janine wiped her imaginary sweat and pointed at Charlotte who had already chosen the clothes. Dylan nodded and went to get changed.

"Can I see the photos?" Sherry approached Janine and asked. Janine nodded and showed her the camera. The high definition photos displayed Dylan's handsome countenance. His eyes gaze directly into the camera, it was as if her were looking straight at her and not merely at the camera lenses. It was beautiful.

"They turned out amazing, didn't they?" Janine asked with a proud grin.

"…Yeah." Sherry absentmindedly replied.

The sound of a door opening could be heard in the studio. Everyone turned their gazes towards Dylan. He was wearing a white version of the previous set. It was white with gold vines running along the side instead of silver. Unlike the sexy elegance of the black set, the white one seemed pure and graceful. He seemed free from world affairs, untainted by the impurity of the world.

Dylan seemed to be aware of this newfound impression. He changed his temperament, trying his best to adjust it to suit the clothes. He imagined a high elf, they were the most aloof creatures he knew. High elves were pure hearted and disdained excessive greed and desire. They were separate from the secular world and were one with nature. Dylan tried his best to embody that sentiment, transforming from his knightly ways to that of a high elf.

"You're a natural! How'd you know what I was thinking when I was designing that?" Charlotte exclaimed. Dylan smiled in return, his smile pure and free from worries. It was both sweet and dangerously cute.

Instantly, the camera flashed at Dylan and Janine paraded around him frantically. She shot him from multiple angles before finally becoming satisfied and calming down. Janine who had regained her cool, instructed Dylan on different poses and expressions.

After a few more outfits, Janine and Charlotte finally set Dylan free and allowed him to take a break. Tony helped him to take off his makeup and Sherry gave a sandwich and a frappe.

"Here. It's a cold and sweet drink." She said and handed over the drink and food.

"Thank you." Dylan smiled, his eyes curving with joy. He spoke in Divian, feeling more comfortable with his native language and quickly ate the sandwich like a starved beast.

"Ah, hey. You'll choke if you keep eating like that." Sherry chided with concern. "Drink your frappe."

Dylan nodded and sipped out of the straw. "Oh, it's good."

"You always say that." Sherry laughed. Dylan also laughed after a brief moment of self-reflection.

"What is Janine going to do with the photos after we finish?" Dylan asked, sipping on his drink.

"She's going to edit it, so it looks better and get rid of anything that's not supposed to be there. After that, she'll post it on her website, I guess." Sherry thought for a bit before she explained. She wasn't too sure about what exactly her friend did. She just knew that Janine was self-funded and doing a pretty good job.

'Website', Dylan knew what that was. Sherry taught him how to use the internet awhile back, and now he can watch cat videos whenever he wants. He preferred to watch documentaries on TV with Sherry though.

"Hey, guys. Look at this." Suddenly, the ever so quiet Tony spoke up. He was looking at this phone and had a malicious, cough, amused smile on his face. Tony showed his phone to the curious bystanders and smirked. "It's called the animal whisperer."

A video was playing on the screen. It was a compilation of many other videos, some filmed vertically, others horizontally. The videos all featured a man and a woman, both very tall. Animals flocked to the two and they greeted each animal with a smile.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!" Janine burst into laughter. "Is, is, hahahaha, is this, what you went to do at the zoo?"

Dylan and Sherry was speechless at how hard Janine was laughing. Sherry was a little more thin skinned and blushed.

"I didn't realise that someone was filming us." She covered her hot cheeks and said.

The video had switched to the scene where the bunnies surrounded the two. Their faces were distorted with discomfort and shame as the two escaped from the petting area. And that was the end of the video.

Dylan just awkwardly laughed and said nothing.

"Wow, they sure do love you." Charlotte commented. "I've never seen zoo animals get that close to people before."

"Uh, its been like that ever since I was young. I don't really know why." Dylan scratched his cheek and said.

"'Damn, he's so hot even I'll flock to him', 'I'm so jealous of the animals!', 'Wow, their like magicians or something', 'Maybe their animals in disguise lol', 'Damn, those two look so good even animals tryna get in their pants'" Tony read the comments in a flat tone to further the shame. The colourful content of the comments didn't suit the tone in which he read but it was more than effective against Sherry and Dylan. It also had the plus of causing Janine a stomach ache from laughing too much.

To erase the shame, Dylan got ready again and changed into a few more clothes. He finished just before noon and got ready to leave with Sherry. Janine couldn't go with them. Apparently, she had more models to take photos of. Dylan was supposed to be taking photos with them, but because he was a total beginner, she wanted to take more time to teach him how to pose and whatnot.

"Bye, Janine, Charlotte, Tony. See you next time." Sherry waved goodbye.

"See you again, sir, young ladies." Dylan did a gentlemanly bow for fun and left together with Sherry. The others waved them goodbye and got prepared for the other models to arrive.

"What would you like to do now?" Sherry asked Dylan.

Dylan smiled and shook his head. "I'm fine with anything. What would you like to do, Sherry?"

"Hmm, let's see." Sherry placed her hand on her chin and thought real hard. "Want to walk around? So you can familiarise yourself with the city. You're going to stay here for a while after all."

"Mm, let's do that." Dylan nodded.

"Great." Sherry laughed. "Reminds me of high school."

She continued. "In year 9, there was a week during school, where the school would make up go to the city by ourselves and meet up with the teachers at Fed Square. It gave us the opportunity to become more independent and also learn more about our city. We would do many activities in different groups, walk around the city or whatnot. It was pretty fun."

"It sounds similar to expeditions in the academy." Dylan commented.

"No, silly." Sherry chuckled. "It's totally different. First of all, we didn't go killing monsters and secondly, we went home after each day was over. No camping outdoors or in inns."

"I was talking about the concept behind it. The learning and experiencing the world around us. A lot of the other students didn't take it very seriously though. Some of the nobles even brought their servants." Dylan recounted with a smile on his face. He was one of the more serious students and slayed the most monsters. As a result, he was able to become a top scorer and the students who slacked off failed the class.

"Haha, sounds tough."

The two walked side by side through the busy streets. People walked by, some alone others with friends. There were people who sat on the grounds with hats placed upside down for coins. Most people would walk by, some staring guiltily as they passed. Sherry would give them a coin or two when she saw them, and smile. "Have a great day." She would say and move on.

The streets of Melbourne had many interesting things. The buildings were from different eras, some old and others new. The difference in architectural styles stood out to Dylan and he thought them interesting. In places of gathering, there were performances and food. It was a lively city.

Along the way, Dylan saw many people staring at Sherry. Her hair was tied up, revealing her snowy nape. Her clothes covered up the important parts but due to the heat, she wore short sleeves and shorts, and lustful eyes could not help but to be drawn by her beautiful limbs. Sherry was not self-conscious about her appearance but Dylan knew that she was beautiful. No one could resist looking at her.

Dylan glared at the culprits to scare them off. He stood close to Sherry to claim her as his and ward off any potential pests.

"What's wrong?" Sherry asked, seeing him behaving rather peculiarly.

"No, its nothing." Dylan shook his head and smiled. From start to finish, Sherry hadn't noticed anything strange. Also, Dylan's sunny smile damaged her greatly, so she didn't have leisure to pay attention to what was going on around her. Her little knight sure had a lot on his plate.
