chapter 281-- why?

Shao Ruihan listens to Shen Quan's words and frowns subconsciously. Tang Ningshan feels that the air coming from Shao Ruihan is getting colder and colder, but she could only endure it. To be honest, this kind of Shao Ruihan really makes her unbearable, and the most important thing is that she still doesn't know why Shao Ruihan would be so angry...

"Eh, can you let go of my hand first? It hurts..." Tang Ningshan looks at Shao Ruihan's indifferent face, whispering, and hopes that she could let Shao Ruihan let go of her hand without causing Shao Ruihan to get angrier. She really couldn't stand such pain because he is holding her hand too tightly. She feels that her wrist is about to dislocate. If she continues to be silent, she does not know if her hand can still survive.

After Tang Ningshan finishes speaking, Shao Ruihan looks at her wrist and finds that her wrist has been reddened. In the eyes of Shao Ruihan, there is a hint of guilt. He loosens his hand a little but still does not let go of her hand.

Tang Ningshan knows that this is the maximum limit of Shao Ruihan, so she does not say anything more. After all, she is still worried that Shao Ruihan will go crazy and then directly break her hand.

"You go to the hospital, take everything you need here!" Shao Ruihan shouts angrily at Shen Quan.

Shen Quan touches his nose and nods. He is like if I know that things would become like this, I would definitely not follow you here; she was just burnt by hot water, that's not a big deal; why are you so angry? Okay, I can understand your anger, but why are venting your anger to me? I am really innocent. Shen Quan once again complains in his heart. However, after that, Shen Quan still goes to the hospital. After all, he does not dare to offend the angry Shao Ruihan.

When Shen Quan goes out, Li immediately stands up and says, "I will go with you, I want to go to see my brother."

Tang Ningshan raises her eyebrows and looks at Li. She is like are you guys really so scared of Shao Ruihan? It doesn't matter, he is just temporarily angry; you don't have to hurry to escape from the scene...

After Shen Quan and Li leave, Pu Jiayi is still sitting on the sofa and shedding tears.

Tang Ningshan can only look at her own hand and knows that Shao Ruihan will not let her hand go. She does not intend to talk nonsense, she could only say to Pu Jiayi "You'll go up first, and my hand will be fine soon. You should not cry. Your eyes are already swollen. When Li comes back, let him give you some ice to make an ice compress."

Pu Jiayi looks at Shao Ruihan, who is standing with a cold expression beside Tang Ningshan and wants to say something, but because Shao Ruihan's expression is really not very good, he doesn't dare to say anything. Seeing this scene, Tang Ningshan thinks that it turns out that everyone except herself is afraid of Shao Ruihan.

After Pu Jiayi goes upstairs, there are only Tang Ningshan and Shao Ruihan in the living room. Tang Ningshan feels that something is going wrong, especially, they are standing in the living room, and it seems strange. Tang Ningshan can only say "Can we go upstairs to sit down? Or sit on the sofa. Anyway, let's sit down, I am very tired..."

Shao Ruihan listens to Tang Ningshan's words, and snorts, which lets Tang Ningshan's full expectations disappear directly. She is like do you want to stand here? Okay, I will accompany you to stand here.

But at this time, Shao Ruihan bends over and directly lifts her to his chest. Just when Tang Ningshan wants to struggle, Shao Ruihan looks at her with a warning in his eyes, which lets her give up struggling immediately. Well, okay, she now admits that she is also a bit afraid of Shao Ruihan.

Shao Ruihan takes Tang Ningshan upstairs and goes straight into the bedroom, putting Tang Ningshan on the bed. And he himself pulls a chair and sits beside the bed. They have been looking at each other silently. Shao Ruihan's expression becomes worse and worse, Tang Ningshan could only ask "What happened to you?"

After Tang Ningshan finishes her words, Shao Ruihan has the urge to take Tang Ningshan's head apart and see what she is thinking. So many things happened this morning, isn't she going to explain it? What makes him most angry is that the girl actually burnt her own hand! However, she is still so calm like nothing has happened. Shao Ruihan thinks that he is being driven crazy by Tang Ningshan.

"You don't want to explain it?" Shao Ruihan always feels that Tang Ningshan is a very impulsive person. She is easily driven by her own emotions to do some dangerous things, so she often hurt herself, which is the reason why Shao Ruihan is so worried about her. This is also the reason why he feels very angry now.

"Explain what?" Tang Ningshan looks at Shao Ruihan with a confused look.

When Shao Ruihan hears it, the angry fire that has just been suppressed is coming out again. He stands up from the chair and stands in front of Tang Ningshan. This condescending gaze gives Tang Ningshan a sense of oppression. To make matter worse, the air coming from Shao Ruihan's body is getting colder and colder, so she has even no idea of rebelling. She can only ask "What do you want to know, you say it directly, okay? You let me feel weird now..." Tang Ningshan really couldn't understand why Shao Ruihan is so angry, so she could only ask.

Shao Ruihan tries to adjust his breathing and control his anger. He is constantly doing psychological construction, telling himself to be calm and not to be anxious, not to be angry. Shao Ruihan knows that if he loses his temper to Tang Ningshan, Tang Ningshan will definitely become angrier than him.

"Why are you injured? Why did Li say that you were following others to the hotel? What did you do in the hotel?" After a series of questions, Shao Ruihan sits directly back on the chair and crosses his legs. His expression is like telling Tang Ningshan that if she can't give him a satisfactory answer, then he will not let her go today.

Tang Ningshan pats her thigh with her hand as if she realizes it in an instant. Unfortunately, her expression does not still last for two seconds and then it changes back into a painful look because the hand she used to pat her thigh is the one with the blister. Although she did not touch the blister during the process, it is still very painful.

There is a bit of concern in Shao Ruihan's eyes, but he is very speechless about Tang Ningshan's stupid behavior. So he says "Shan, are you stupid? Is your IQ eaten by zombies? How did you think of using your injured hand to pat your leg? I really can't understand your stupid behavior. Also, answer the questions just now. If you don't explain it clearly, then I will let Li closely follow you wherever you go all the time, or you can choose to go to the army with me for a while, I will give you some intensive training."

When Tang Ningshan hears it, she feels that things are getting more serious. She is like how can I agree to return to the army with you? Such a thing will never happen; no, I reject it.

However, Tang Ningshan still honestly describes what happened today to Shao Ruihan, including how her hand was burnt, and what amazing things she did. Anyway, she tells Shao Ruihan all the details, she doesn't hide anything from Shao Ruihan.

Originally, Tang Ningshan thought that after listening to her words, Shao Ruihan would not get angry and would praise her, and even give her some rewards. After all, what she has done is for him.

Unfortunately, when Tang Ningshan is still complacent, Shao Ruihan stands up again from the chair and the chill comes out from his body. He walks to Tang Ningshan's side, untying the button at the collar position, and looks at Tang Ningshan with a furious look as if he is looking at a prisoner.

Tang Ningshan subconsciously wants to move backward, but Shao Ruihan has already held her shoulders before she moves. Tang Ningshan could only ask "What do you want!" After she finishes, she looks at him with vigilance and alertness.

Seeing the eyes of Tang Ningshan, Shao Ruihan could only let go of her shoulders and says furiously "Do you think you are doing the right thing? Do you think you should be praised? Are you still waiting for me to give you some rewards?"

After hearing the words of Shao Ruihan, Tang Ningshan directly ignores the angry expression of Shao Ruihan and immediately nods with joy. She is like Shao Ruihan you really know me well.

"Tang Ningshan! How could you nod? Do you know you burned your hand? You burned your own hand! But just for a business case, you hurt yourself. And, after injury, you didn't go to deal with your wound in the first place; instead, you actually went to track Shao Hong. Okay, I can understand that you followed Shao Hong. But, after that, why did you go directly home, not the hospital to handle your hand!" Shao Ruihan's sound is quite loud, and Tang Ningshan feels a little deafening. However, when noticing that there are worry and concern in Shao Ruihan's reprimand, Tang Ningshan is a bit surprised. She really does not understand why Shao Ruihan would care her so much even if he doesn't love her? However, his words are very effective. Tang Ningshan feels a little moved in her heart, and the sweet feeling fills her heart.

Tang Ningshan lowers her head and asks with a slight voice "Why?"

Her question makes Shao Ruihan confused. However, Shao Ruihan subconsciously thinks that she was asking him why he blames her so he asks directly "Are you asking me why? You don't even know what you were doing wrong till now? Even if you want to destroy their business plan, can you use some other method? Why did you have to hurt yourself? Do you think it is worth it?"

Tang Ningshan is speechless about his answer. She says angrily "I am not asking this. I am asking you, why are you so angry? I am helping you, but why are you so angry!" Tang Ningshan looks up and stares at Shao Ruihan's eyes. She wants to know what kind of attitude Shao Ruihan has now toward her, whether he is acting, taking advantage of her, or... he is sincere...

"You..." Shao Ruihan apparently did not expect Tang Ningshan to ask this question. He does not even think and replies, "You are my wife, you are my girl, isn't it common for me to care about you?"

When Tang Ningshan hears it, she immediately moves her sight away. The light in her eyes darkens in an instant, and she whispers "I understand, today's event is an accident. You don't have to worry about it. In fact, I did that is not all because of you, you don't have to blame yourself. You can rest assured that this kind of thing would only happen once, it will not happen again next time. I will protect myself." Tang Ningshan's voice is quite low, and there is a strong sense of loss in her eyes so that Shao Ruihan even suspects whether he has said something that he shouldn't say. Tang Ningshan does not look at him, so he does not continue to say anything; he could only go back to the chair to sit down.