chapter 291-- what is love like?

After listening to Tang Ningshan's words, Shao Ruihan has an ominous premonition. He is like do you want to drive me out? No; I don't want to leave. The expression on his face immediately becomes quite aggrieved. He is holding Tang Ningshan tightly and does not speak, as if when he loosens his hand, Tang Ningshan would run away immediately, which makes Tang Ningshan feel funny.

"Shan..." Shao Ruihan says with great grievances. Tang Ningshan feels that this is the first time she hears Shao Ruihan speak in this tone. However, she is still very angry; she does not intend to forgive him for the time being.

Tang Ningshan says in a quite serious way "Hey, don't use this trick to ask for my forgiveness. I am very angry now. You still don't intend to justify yourself, or explain it to me?"

Shao Ruihan suddenly finds out that it seems that it's not easy for him to get the forgiveness of Tang Ningshan today. Originally, when he came in and saw the pillow and the quilt on the sofa, he thought that he was going to sleep on the sofa tonight. However, he did not expect that when he pushed the door, the door even opened. Since there is an opportunity to talk to her, Shao Ruihan will naturally not give up such chance. He just did not expect that Tang Ningshan is still angry.

Shao Ruihan lets go of Tang Ningshan and squats down beside the bed. His two hands hold one of Tang Ningshan's hands, looking at Tang Ningshan quite sincerely and saying "Shan, I really didn't want to hide this matter from you. However, I couldn't confirm it at the time, so I didn't tell you about it. More importantly, I don't want you to help me. The relationship between us should be purer, I don't want you to think that I am using you. Don't you think so?" Shao Ruihan's sincerity makes Tang Ningshan speechless. Once again, Shao Ruihan lets Tang Ningshan experiences the bad feeling of being unable to vent her anger.

Tang Ningshan stares at Shao Ruihan angrily and says "You are sophistical!"

"I am telling the truth. I hope that we will be together in the future, so I don't want that one day in the future you will say that I want to be with you because of your ability." After finishing his words, Shao Ruihan himself is also stunned by his own words. Although he always wants to protect Tang Ningshan, he does not know when he has begun to put Tang Ningshan to such an important position in his heart. To be honest, at first, he wanted to keep Tang Ningshan with him because of Tang Ningshan's ability, but now he even does not want her to show her ability.

Tang Ningshan also obviously did not expect Shao Ruihan to say so. Tang Ningshan doesn't understand what those words mean, but his words do make her feel touched. She always thought that Shao Ruihan wanted to keep her with him because of her ability. Because she has these abilities, she would be valued by Shao Ruihan. This is also the fact at the beginning. But now, what does he mean by saying these?

Suddenly, both people are silent. For the first time, Shao Ruihan begins to think seriously in his heart. After recalling all the things that happened between them during this time, he feels that he should like Tang Ningshan very much, and he even starts to plan for their future, even he has begun to fear to lose her. So can such kind of like be called love?

Tang Ningshan looks at Shao Ruihan confusedly. Shao Ruihan's eyes flash through various complicated emotions, which make Tang Ningshan unable to make up her mind for a time. She doesn't know what Shao Ruihan is thinking. However, in the current situation, Tang Ningshan does not know how to deal with it, but she knows that if they continue to be like this, she is afraid that something that she does not want to see would happen.

"Shao Ruihan! You are sleeping on the sofa this evening. You will sleep on the sofa this week. You should have been sleeping on the floor, but I am so kind that I reduce the punishment for you!" Tang Ningshan finishes and lies down directly. She covers the quilt over her head and keeps still.

Shao Ruihan listens to this and wants to continue to say something. However, before he could say anything, Tang Ningshan has already buried herself in the quilt. This makes Shao Ruihan laugh and he shakes his head and says, "Okay, I will sleep outside this evening. Have a good night. Tomorrow I will go to the company with you, if my performance is nice tomorrow, then I hope you can consider commuting a sentence."

After Shao Ruihan finishes speaking, Tang Ningshan still does not move. Wait until Shao Ruihan goes out, then Tang Ningshan pulls down the quilt on her head. In fact, she is a little afraid that Shao Ruihan would suddenly say something she could not accept. She also does not know what she wants Shao Ruihan to say, so Tang Ningshan wants to temporarily avoid this topic.

Shao Ruihan goes out of the bedroom and goes straight down to the first floor and enters Wang Yu's room. He sits directly on Wang Yu's bed and looks serious. When Wang Yu comes out of the bathroom, he sees such Shao Ruihan, which stuns him. After that, he smiles and asks "Why? The girl still doesn't want to forgive you? She drove you out of the room?" The gloat in Wang Yu's tone makes Shao Ruihan uncomfortable. He suddenly feels that he may have found a wrong person. It seems that he should not discuss this topic with Wang Yu. However, now Shen Quan has gone back, it seems that Wang Yu is the only person who can discuss emotional topics with him now. He is like Wang Yu if you once again give me some bad ideas this time, then you will die.

"Sit down!" Shao Ruihan says, patting the bed.

Wang Yu is very curious about what Shao Ruihan wants to do. If there is no important thing, Shao Ruihan will not come to him at this time. According to the current situation, Shao Ruihan seems to need his help. Looking at Shao Ruihan's serious expression, Wang Yu suddenly has an ominous premonition. Thinking in this way, Wang Yu immediately takes back his smile. He carefully sits next to Shao Ruihan and asks seriously "What happened?"

Shao Ruihan frowns, his expression is quite gloomy. After thinking for a long time, he asks with a puzzled look "What is love like?"

Wang Yu is like come on man, you are kidding me; man, it's midnight now; you are here to ask me to solve your emotional puzzles? What is love? Love is like what you are now.

"What do you think is love?" Wang Yu asks helplessly. He did not expect that Shao Ruihan would ask such a question. However, since he has asked, it means that he has begun to want to turn on his emotions. In this case, he is happy to help him realize his feelings to Tang Ningshan.

Shao Ruihan looks out the window and begins to work hard to recall his once so-called love story. However, he suddenly finds out that his memories of those things are blurred. He tries hard to recall for a long time but couldn't think of what he felt when he was with that woman. Finally, Shao Ruihan gives up and says "I don't know. I thought I had met the love in the past, but now I cannot recall what I felt that time. I simply can't think of any happy things between us. The only thing that I can remember is the backs of her and that man when they left."

Wang Yu finally understands that it is not because Shao Ruihan is numb to feelings, but that he is afraid of love from the bottom of his heart. At that time, his pure feelings suffered such a blow. It should be difficult for him to accept himself to start another new relationship. So Wang Yu asks, "What's your feeling toward Tang Ningshan?"

Shao Ruihan turns to look at Wang Yu, and asks in confusion "Shan?"

Wang Yu is speechless and gives Shao Ruihan a supercilious look. He couldn't understand why smart people like Shao Ruihan are so dull about emotional things? Every time he looks at Tang Ningshan, his eyes are shining. All the onlookers are aware of Shao Ruihan's feelings towards Tang Ningshan. Wang Yu estimates that there are only the two of them cannot see the feelings of Shao Ruihan.

"Yes! What kind of feeling do you have for Tang Ningshan? If you don't understand, then let's say if Tang Ningshan is gone, will you be anxious?" Wang Yu can only use another way to stimulate Shao Ruihan to get clear about his own feelings. Although they can all see that Shao Ruihan loves Tang Ningshan, they are not Shao Ruihan himself, so they can only guide Shao Ruihan from the side.

Shao Ruihan's face immediately shows an unpleasant look and he asks "Why would she leave? I don't think she will leave. Your assumption is not true."

Wang Yu is like Shao Ruihan you are stupid, I think I totally cannot communicate with you; I think your EQ is gone; how come people like you get love? You deserve to be single. I think I really have to come up with a way to allow Tang Ningshan to leave you, and then you will realize it. In the end, Wang Yu can only say "Love is actually the kind of desire in your heart. The woman whom you are eager to get wholeheartedly must be the one you love." Wang Yu can only give such a conclusion. After all, he thinks he has made it quite straightforward. He thinks that Shao Ruihan should understand it. If Shao Ruihan still does not understand, he can only find a way to let Tang Ningshan cooperate with his acting.

Shao Ruihan feels that he has become more confused after listening to Wang Yu's words. He has been thinking about what Wang Yu's words mean. Shao Ruihan keeps thinking, while Wang Yu is sitting next to him. After several hours of silence, Wang Yu thinks that he is going to die of drowsiness. Finally, he stands up from the bed and says, "I mean, boss, you don't want to sleep, but I still have to sleep. Can you go back to your room? Could you please just leave my room? If you want to stay here, you can sit on the ground, but please leave my bed, I need to lie down. I have been taking care of Lee at the hospital during this time; I have been in a state of high tension. Now I can finally relax, please don't continue to torture me, okay?"

Unfortunately, Shao Ruihan does not respond to Wang Yu's words, he still sits stiffly on the bed, like a statue. In the end, Wang Yu couldn't stand it anymore. Holding a pillow, he leaves the room and goes to Lee's room.