chapter 319-- everything is because of you

After listening to Tang Ningshan's words, Shao Ruihan feels that Tang Ningshan's thoughts are naive. She really is like a pure child. He kisses her face and says "No one in the world is invincible. Anyone has a stronger enemy than himself. What's more, the background of Shao's family is really complicated. There are too many things we don't know. What kind of abilities does Shao Xingsheng have in the end? Who is the person behind him? We are still unclear about these things. Just one Shao Xingsheng can make us fall into danger for many times, not to mention the person behind Shao Xingsheng."

After Tang Ningshan listens to Shao Ruihan's explanation, she seems to get some clues. Her eyes light up and she says "So you mean that your grandmother did this because she has already noticed the person behind Shao Xingsheng? But she doesn't have the ability to compete with that person? So that's why she chooses to use such a method to hand over the Shao's company to us? But this still a little bit makes me unable to understand. If the person behind Shao Xingsheng is so powerful that your grandmother is afraid of him, then this person can directly forcibly acquire Shao's company, there is no need for him to do such series of things!" Tang Ningshan says it, shaking her head, she feels like that she is going crazy.

Shao Ruihan shakes his head and does not say anything more. He just holds Tang Ningshan tightly. Tang Ningshan thinks that these things within Shao's family are like a swamp. Once you are involved, you will only get deeper and deeper, and there is no way to escape. What she can do now is to work hard to win more chips for Shao Ruihan. Of course, she does not know whether these chips will really help Shao Ruihan in the future.

Tang Ningshan sighs helplessly and says "I will help you protect the Shao's company. I have no other way to help you. Most of the things may only be solved by you." This is Tang Ningshan's most real thought in her heart. The more she contacts with Shao's family, the more she discovers that she and the people in Shao's family are living in totally different two worlds. She has no idea what they are thinking and has no way to deal with their various conspiracies.

Shao Ruihan says with a smile "As long as you can protect Shao's family, you will solve a big problem for me. After all, Shao's company is the ultimate goal of these people." Shao Ruihan says carelessly, but Tang Ningshan feels that his mood is very heavy now.

Tang Ningshan breaks free from Shao Ruihan's arms and says "In any case, I just do what I can do, and try my best to help you. And you know this is our common goal." Tang Ningshan finishes, suddenly remembering an important thing. She immediately takes the laptop and opens the mailbox to check the mail. That person hasn't replied to her yet. Tang Ningshan thinks for a long time, finally, still sends another email to this person. She first gives an apology to the other party and then leaves her own phone number. Regardless of whether this person is a talent or not, Tang Ningshan feels that recruiting needs sincerity, not to mention that she has now become the general manager of Shao's company in the true sense, so she should pay attention to each subordinate.

Shao Ruihan is somewhat curious as to why Tang Ningshan would suddenly go to get her laptop. He walks over to her and sees that she is editing an email. Moreover, she is still apologizing sincerely, which makes Shao Ruihan more curious. What kind of person can allow Tang Ningshan to pay much attention to? So he asks "Who is this person?"

Tang Ningshan says with a smile "I don't know, but the email he sent me is very interesting. Do you want to see it? I can show you. The content of his email is very interesting, but at first, I felt that he was not sincere because the content of the email he sent has nothing to do with the recruitment. At that time, I did not reply to this person. But later I found the content of this email to be very technical. I think that the purpose of the other party for sending this email is to test me, so I want to apologize for the behavior that I did not reply to him before, and then talk to this person." After Tang Ningshan finishes her words, she opens the email sent by the person. There is no text message in the content of the email, only a doodle. However, if you look carefully, you will find that there is a lot of useful information on the graffiti. Tang Ningshan thinks this person is very smart.

Shao Ruihan begins to look at the graffiti carefully. After that, he looks very cautiously at Tang Ningshan and says "This person is indeed a talent. If he can really be left in the company, then he can help you save a lot of troubles. However, it seems that it's not that easy for you to manage such talent."

Tang Ningshan smiles and says, "This is not in my consideration. Now I am thinking about how to get the company out of the status quo. If I didn't check the accounts and information, I don't even know that Shao's company has lost so much because of Shao Hong in these years. Fortunately, the manager of the development department is Shan Guang; he is not a follower of Shao Hong. If Shao Hong controlled finance department and development department, which are two core departments of a company, then Shao's company may now have already belonged to him. I don't know why your grandmother would allow Shao Hong to turn the company into such a situation. Now, the company is in crisis, your grandmother hands over it to me. I think I am going crazy. If you really want to take over Shao's company in the future, now a large number of employees or even can be said that more than 90% of them need to be replaced. If this is the case, the company can be said to be reorganized, this is a very difficult thing. Managerial changes will have a big impact on a company's stock. Ah, I think I am going to die." The smile on Tang Ningshan's face gradually disappears; she feels that things are tricky. She suddenly asks, "Shao's company is a shareholding system. Do you have shares?"

Shao Ruihan nods and says "Shao's company is indeed a shareholding system, but most of the shares should be in the hands of my grandma. The shares scattered outside seem to be less than 10%, I only have 2%."

Tang Ningshan is shocked after listening to Shao Ruihan's words. She did not expect that Xiao Leping would control the shares so well. It seems that Xiao Leping should have been prepared for these things. So as long as there is nothing wrong with the company's internal finances, the company will run very well.

This also makes Tang Ningshan understand why the enemy does not directly compel the company but uses such means. "If this is the case, then it is a good thing that Shao Hong goes abroad. It turns out that your grandmother wants to use me to indirectly drive Shao Hong's followers out of the company."

Shao Ruihan looks at Tang Ningshan and knows that she is in a bad mood now, so he wants to say something, but he doesn't know how to make her happy. Tang Ningshan is like come on! Shao Ruihan you should say something to cheer me up, or I will get angry. So she turns her head away and looks out the window, waiting for Shao Ruihan's comfort. After a few seconds, Shao Ruihan still doesn't know what to say. Tang Ningshan is like hey, one minute has passed, why don't you still say something to comfort me? I really will get angry. After another minute, Shao Ruihan still does not say anything to comfort her. She could only sigh, shaking her head and starting posting and browsing the forum, she directly ignores the existence of Shao Ruihan.

Finally, Shao Ruihan knows how to comfort Tang Ningshan, he says, "Shan, you should think so. The company will be ours in the future, you are helping me. You have helped me drive out those who want to snatch my company. If you think so, would you feel better?" After Shao Ruihan finishes his words, Tang Ningshan really wants to kill Shao Ruihan directly. She is like that's your way to comfort me? Oh gosh, I even feel angrier, okay, I give up, I know that you really don't know how to cheer others up, the only thing you are good at is to get others angrier; I will never want to get your comfort in the future. Tang Ningshan does not answer Shao Ruihan; she continues to bury herself in posting recruitment information. After about 20 minutes, Tang Ningshan closes the forum website. She feels that this is not an effective recruitment method, but she cannot think of any other good way. This is a rather tricky thing. She turns her head and looks at Shao Ruihan. Tang Ningshan's eyes light up immediately and she says, "Since you said that this is your company, then the recruitment thing is your work. I don't care where you are going to hire employees; anyway, you should find enough employees to fill in the financial department for me as soon as possible." Tang Ningshan's words make Shao Ruihan stunned. The two of them have been together for so long, but Tang Ningshan has never said such wayward words to him. And her expression is like telling Shao Ruihan that this is what you should do. Shao Ruihan feels that such a wayward Tang Ningshan is also very cute.

After a long time, Tang Ningshan still doesn't get any answer from Shao Ruihan; she couldn't help but look to Shao Ruihan and finds that he is staring at her tenderly. After that, Shao Ruihan pulls Tang Ningshan directly up from the chair and hugs her in his arms. He gently rubs her head and says, "I have been asking you about the recruitment thing. And I also said that I would let Ji Jun come to help you, but you said no, didn't you? You are now regretting it?"

Tang Ningshan gives Shao Ruihan a supercilious look and says "Do you think it is a long-term solution? They have their own work, how can I let them come here to help me? I think you are embarrassing me." Tang Ningshan says helplessly.

Shao Ruihan tightly holds Tang Ningshan in his arms, and the two people's bodies are tightly attached together. Tang Ningshan can clearly feel the heat from the body of Shao Ruihan. Tang Ningshan feels very warm.

"I am not embarrassing you, Shan. You have to believe in me, I just don't want you to be so tired!" Shao Ruihan says seriously. Tang Ningshan says with a smile, "I certainly believe in you. It is just because I way too believe in you that I let myself fall into such a situation. It seems that I will be very busy in the days to come. It is all because of you, you should compensate me. I only hope that you can find the person behind Shao Xingsheng as soon as possible, letting me know why my mother was sent to the lab that year, who sent her in. Oh, by the way, I want to know who killed Miao Yu. As long as you find the truth of these things, then I will feel that my efforts at Shao's company this month are not in vain."

When she mentions one month, Tang Ningshan suddenly thinks of the appointment between her and Shao Ruihan. A month's time is about to pass. What does Shao Ruihan think now? On the second thought, even if she and Shao Ruihan's one-month appointment expires, she still has a one-month mission that the system gives her. It seems that she can't be separated from Shao Ruihan at the moment. She thinks maybe this is a good thing for her.