chapter 323-- interview

Shao Ruihan looks at the phone that is hung up, showing a helpless smile. He feels that Tang Ningshan is even lovelier. He feels that Tang Ningshan will bring him different surprises and sweetness every day. He even thinks that he does not want to be separated from Tang Ningshan in his life. He wants to hold Tang Ningshan in his arms for a lifetime.

Tang Ningshan hangs up the phone and rushes into the washroom. She continually rinses her cheeks with cold water, trying to make the red color on her face disappear. She stands in front of the mirror and takes deep breaths. She is like Shao Ruihan you are a big pervert. After she calms down, she calmly comes out of the washroom.

There are still a lot of unread documents on her office table, and Tang Ningshan can only read them one by one with patience. After she signs all the documents she thinks could be passed, she asks Sun Yan to send the documents back to the corresponding department. She also marks on some documents that could not be passed, leaving the reason for not being passed. After that, she goes to the HR department to get the personal information of all company employees. She thinks she needs to have a general understanding of the staff in the company.

Time passes quickly, and when Tang Ningshan finishes all the work, it is already more than three in the afternoon. Tang Ningshan touches her stomach and suddenly feels that it is really not easy to operate the company. Not only there is too much work pressure, but also there is no time for dinner.

Tang Ningshan directly asks Sun Yan to help her call a takeaway food. She also tells Sun Yan to order delivery food for her on time every day at noon. She doesn't have too many requests for lunch; she only hopes that the type of food she eats every day is different during the period of one week.

Sun Yan also agrees to Tang Ningshan's request. When the takeaway is sent over, Sun Yan's younger brother and his friends also come over. Tang Ningshan could only put the takeaway on the desk and let these people enter her office.

"You guys take a seat. Sun Yan, please get a few cups of tea for them." Tang Ningshan points to the sofa and lets them sit down. After Sun Yan goes out to grab the tea, Tang Ningshan sits in her chair and looks at the five boys in front of her. Because these people look too young, Tang Ningshan thinks they are boys instead of men. Tang Ningshan feels that they are just like children, even if they experienced setbacks, but Tang Ningshan does not feel their despair. What they have is vitality.

While Tang Ningshan looks at them, they are also looking up and down at Tang Ningshan. One of the boys wears short sleeves, jeans and a pair of sneakers. He has short hair and looks very refreshing. He also wears big eyeglasses. He has always been expressionless, which is very similar to Sun Yan. Tang Ningshan thinks this person must be Sun Yan's younger brother.

Tang Ningshan finds that they are somewhat nervous, so she smiles and says "boys, do you all know the purpose of you coming here today?"

The five people sitting opposite her nod at the same time. One of them has a mocking expression on his face as if he thinks that Tang Ningshan is talking nonsense. The boy looks handsome, and the clothes he wears are also international big names, and even can be said to be luxury brands. Tang Ningshan thinks this person should be the child of a rich family.

"Since you all know what you are doing here, then simply introduce yourself. Tell me what skills you have. If I let you enter Shao's company, what kind of position do you want? Why? And give me some reasons for hiring you." Tang Ningshan asks. She thinks that if they have their own dream job, then she will do some tests on them based on the position they want. If they can pass the test, she will leave them in the company. If not, she can only recruit again.

"My name is Sun Chao. I am a finance major master. I feel that I can do any work related to finance. But my sister said that you are lack of an assistant now, so I am applying for this position." Sure enough, this person is indeed Sun Yan's little brother. When Sun Chao speaks, he is looking down at the ground, which makes Tang Ningshan somewhat disappointed. If he becomes a general manager assistant, his main job is to communicate with customers and the heads of various departments of the company. But obviously, this person is very lack of confidence, so he is simply not qualified for the position of the assistant to the general manager.

"My name is Quan Fei, and I'm his classmate and also one of his friend. I think I can do any job." After Tang Ningshan sees the attitude of Quan Fei when he speaks, she knows that this boy must have never ever suffered any setbacks and have not encountered any strikes. He seems to be a very arrogant person and looks very smart. How can such a smart person like Quan Fei allow the design of his company to be stolen? This makes Tang Ningshan somewhat incomprehensible.

After the remaining three people introduce themselves, Tang Ningshan knows surely that the three people also could not be qualified as general manager assistants, but she still decides to give these people another chance. "So, I have a test question here. Do you mind answering these questions?" Tang Ningshan finishes her words and sends a few sheets of paper she has just prepared to the five people. The test questions on the five sheets of paper are different. Tang Ningshan mainly wants to see how active their brain is. According to Sun Yan's words, if the games they designed were stolen, it means that the games they designed are valuable. Otherwise, no one is willing to do something illegal for some worthless designs. If their thinking is active enough, she will arrange them for other positions.

After they take the paper given by Tang Ningshan, they begin to work hard to do the test. But Quan Fei is different from them, and he quickly puts down the pencil. There is a more obvious mocking expression showing on his face as if he thinks that the test questions are used to test primary school student.

Tang Ningshan does not speak, just quietly waiting for other people to finish writing. After reading their answers, Tang Ningshan discovers that Sun Chao can be an ordinary assistant, but not an assistant to the general manager. After all, he is too lacking in the ability to communicate with others. Moreover, all five boys are really suitable for developing games. Tang Ningshan feels a headache. Originally, her initial purpose is to find an assistant for herself. Unexpectedly, the final result is that she has found a lot of talented assistants for Shan Guang, which allows Tang Ningshan to feel helpless.

"Our company is currently planning to carry out a game project. If you want to stay in the company, come to work tomorrow. If you don't want to, thank you for coming to the interview today." These words of Tang Ningshan just happen to be heard by Sun Yan who comes in from outside.

Sun Yan looks at Tang Ningshan with a smile. "General Manager, you don't have to do this. Our company simply doesn't involve the field of game development. Even if they can really do the job of game development, you don't have to deliberately start such a project for them, I..." After listening to Sun Yan's words, Tang Ningshan knows that she has misunderstood her. After all, if the five boys didn't appear, she would also start such a project. However, Tang Ningshan also feels that there is no need to explain this misunderstanding to her. After all, if this misunderstanding is not explained, then Sun Yan will always be grateful to her, so Sun Yan will never betray her. Although, Tang Ningshan feel such behavior is so mean, she has to do so.

The five people sitting on the sofa, after listening to Sun Yan's words, are staring at Tang Ningshan in shock. They did not expect that they are so valued.

Sun Chao takes the lead to stand up and says "General Manager, I am willing to stay in the company. But if there is no game development department in the company, I can also do other development projects or any other work. Anyway, it doesn't matter for me."

After Sun Chao's words are finished, other people also stand up. Quan Fei slowly stands up and says "Aren't you lack of an assistant? I will apply for the position of your assistant. Take out the test question used to test assistant." Quan Fei says, and others use a kind of shocked look to stare at Quan Fei. Tang Ningshan didn't expect that Quan Fei is so smart, smiling and saying "How do you know that I have another test question?"

Quan Fei says "The test questions you just gave us are all about development. Those test questions have nothing to do with the work of the assistant, so I guess you must have other test questions."

After Quan Fei's words are finished, Sun Yan immediately pulls his sleeve and motions him not to use this attitude to talk to Tang Ningshan. Sun Yan's eyes are clearly full of blame. She did not expect that Quan Fei would treat Tang Ningshan with such an arrogant attitude, which makes Sun Yan somewhat regret. She even wonders if she should not let Quan Fei come over.

Tang Ningshan smiles and pulls open the drawer. There are indeed other test questions in it. Originally, this was what she prepared for others. Tang Ningshan's request for the assistant is quite high. Mainly because there are too many things need to be done by her personally, so her assistant must have the ability to help her with all these works. Her request is that the assistant must be capable and be capable of the tasks she assigns to him.

"Since you think you can be qualified as the assistant to the general manager, you have to know that if you pass the test, you can't easily resign. Of course, if you don't pass the test, I can still let you go to the development department." After that, Tang Ningshan takes out the other test questions that she prepared and hands it directly to Quan Fei.

Sun Yan is really anxious now; she is worried that the arrogant attitude of Quan Fei will annoy Tang Ningshan. After all, she thinks that Tang Ningshan's temper is not very good, and she does not seem to like being treated with this attitude.

At this time, Tang Ningshan smiles and looks at Sun Yan, motioning that she does not have to worry. Sun Yan can only wait quietly on the side, praying in her heart that Quan Fei will not do anything that makes Tang Ningshan unhappy. In the event that Quan Fei really makes Tang Ningshan angry, she really doesn't know how to face Tang Ningshan in the future.

Quan Fei takes the paper sheet given by Tang Ningshan. He immediately begins to read it carefully. After Quan Fei finishes reading the above questions, he immediately looks up and looks at Tang Ningshan with a shocked look.