
Mary and the King immediately rushed into the room. "Azri!!! Are you okay?? You're not hurt are you??" Mary asked repeatedly. Weakly Azri smiled at Mary and Dagon, but when he looked at the King he was surprised. "Hello Si-" *cough* *cough* Azri then spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"Oh Azri honey you don't have to speak, it's ok you can just rest." Worried Mary then gave Azri some space, also signaling Dagon to scoot back.

The King looked at Azri and then at the blood on the floor. "This isn't just blood it's impurities also..." "Impurities? What's that? is it bad for you?" Dagon questioned the King already comfortable with him.

"They are what makes the body weak, to be a hero you can't have any of them." Proudly stated the king as he gestured. "OOOOOOOUU, Azri is already a hero then??" The King smiled, "No, not yet."

"Oh ok..." Dagon said depressingly.

Mary was shocked, as she realized that only when the body gets to bodily evolution stage 3 would you begin to force out impurities. Unknowingly she blurted out, "He's in the third stage of Bodily Evolution already!!!" "Yes, it would seem that way." The King reassured. " A 9 year old third stage Bodily Evolution stage? That would leave most geniuses biting the dust. Hehe" Stated the King in amazement.

Dagon confused at the conversation looked at his mom. "Let me explain." The King told Dagon. "To become what you call a "Hero" you have to go through a process which the rest of the world calls, Cultivation." As Dagon listened to the King his eyes glowed with excitement. " Cultivation starts from the body. We call the first step of cultivation Bodily Evolution, which has nine levels, this stage is basically tempering the body for future cultivation."

"Now the next level is a crucial part of future cultivation. We in the world call it Elemental Harmony, In this stage the person would have to perfect the body's ability to adapt to certain elements, If a person is unsuccessful then they would have basically ruined their future cultivation, but if they succeed then their body can fuse all of that element to form what we call an elemental seed.

This is also the next stage promptly called Seed Stage. In this stage you try to take in the element you used to temper your body, and "grow" the seed, also during this stage you can then use the seed to use the element stored in it. A perfect example would be your mother when she used the flaming weapons earlier." "WOAH, mom you're sooo cool." Dagon Exclaimed with glee. "This stage is limited in usage though, if overused it may cause damage to the seed.

That's all I will tell you for now, hehe, if you want to know more you'll have to find me again next time." Grinned the King. Dagon was about to complain but noticed his mothers glare. " Stingy old man..." Dagon muttered under his breath.

The King gave Azri another item to eat. Mary seeing this couldn't express her thanks enough. "Thank you so much Your Majesty, I really appreciate this good deed of yours." " It was nothing, just if my people come looking for me tell them I wasn't here, that'll give them a good chase HAHAHah." Mary had a weird look on her face as she heard the king. "This King has a weird personality..." Mary thought to herself.

" I Must go now, I don't want my people to catch me, Hahaha, Tell Azri boy that I'll see him in 3 years, that goes for you too Dagon, Hahaha." With the winds, the King left. " Wait don't go you still haven't told me how to start Cultivation yet!" Dagon yelled as he ran out the door. Mary bowed to where the King left then called Dagon over to watch Azri.

-------An Day later-------

Mary came into the room to see both Dagon and Azri up. "Azri are you feeling better now??" Mary asked. "Yes mother, I'm feeling better now, thank you for taking care of me." Azri Replied feeling much better than before. "Azri did Dagon tell you about what happened?" " Yes mother, he did." Mary stared at both Azri and Dagon seriously. "That's good now I have something to say to both of you." Dagon looked eager as did Azri. " I can tell that you're both interested in cultivation, and want to start, but I want to say that you both have already started." This was a huge shock to Dagon, as he thought only Azri has started on the path of cultivation. "Is that true mother?" Dagon gleefully asked. "Yes It is, Dagon you are at Bodily Evolution stage one while Azri is at stage three. I have here a memento from your father." Mary showed Azri and Dagon a book with the words -Sword Cultivation Manual- on it.

"Dad left this? Was it for us?" Azri asked Mary. Mary only nodded. Dagon and Azri stared in excitement at the manual. "Have a look you two." With those words Dagon and Azri flipped to the first page. In bold the words -A Sword is a must for this manual- were written. This didn't stop both of them from looking through the rest. Mary off on the side sat on a chair and patiently waited for them to finish.

Azri and Dagon were so immersed in the book that half the day went by. Azri was the first to finish and then Dagon. "Mom, can we get a sword?" Azri quickly questioned Mary. "Of course but not right now." Dejected Azri and Dagon looked at the book again. " I will now teach you how to "evolve" your bodies. The term evolve isn't actually right, it's more of strengthening the body. People use different methods to do this but the most common is to absorb the energy in the air and use it to cleanse the body." Dagon and Azri were listening attentively.

Mary then showed them the way to absorb the energy around them. "Do as I do and feel around you, not with your hands but your mind." Azri and Dagon followed their mother and did as they were told. After a few failed attempts Dagon started to feel a type of energy in the air. He tried to absorb them like his mother told him to but he couldn't. Azri on the other hand couldn't feel the energy around him no matter what. Mary was surprised at how Dagon was doing.

"Azri it's okay, just calm your mind and try to feel the air." Mary gave Azri some advice. After even more attempts it was night and Azri finally felt the energy in the air. This made him excited. Meanwhile Dagon was still struggling with absorbing the energy. Mary noticing it was dark out was going to stop them but, around Dagon the energy he gathered were dense that it created a light a white and bluish light to be exact. All the energy around him was rapidly gathering in his body spreading to every corner of his body.

Mary was shocked at this development. She was relieved that Dagon could learn to sense and absorb energy to fast. A normal person would take a day to sense energy but would take days or even weeks before they could absorb even a small part of energy. It took Mary about half a day to sense energy and 3 and a half days to absorb energy.

All of a sudden the bright lights converged unto Dagons back. Then out of nowhere White wings appeared behind Dagon. Dagon then opened his eyes, and what shone was bright blue eyes that shone throughout the night. Mary was shocked from this development. She tried to stop Dagon but he couldn't get out of this trance like state. All of a sudden from next to Dagon, Azri also spouted Wings from behind him except they were Black. Dagon sensing Azri's wings turned to look at him then fell unconscious Azri however looked towards Dagon and then Mary and retracted his wings and fell unconscious with Dagon. Mary didn't know what to do with this development.

Mary then ran into her room and grabbed two lockets, one red and one blue. She then came back to where Azri and Dagon were. She wrapped the blue one around Dagon's neck, and the red one around Azri's neck. " These were with you, I think it's time you got them back." Mary said in a resolute voice. Both of the pendents glowed with lights and then fell back on to Dagon and Azri. Mary was relieved that nothing bad happened.