The Truth

The Lockets were resting perfectly on the unconscious Dagon and Azri.

The next morning both the twins woke up in their bed. "Dagon, what happened? All I remember was trying to sense the energy in the air and then it's blank." Azri asked Dagon hoping to get some answers to his missing memories. "I have no idea Azri, I blanked out too." Dagon answered, but then he remembered, "Mom was there right? let's go ask her." With that he got up and went to find his mom, Azri then followed behind him.

Mary was meditating when Dagon came in with Azri close behind. "Mom, we have a question." Dagon asked sincerely. "Yes, what is it Dagon?" said Mary while smiling towards the twins. "Mom, we were wondering what happened last night, Azri and I don't remember much after we sensed the energy in the air? Is that supposed to happen?" Mary gave a dejected smile, "You both don't remember what happened?" Azri and Dagon looked at each other then their mother. "Nope." Replied both the Azri and Dagon.

Mary was hesitant on telling her children what happened. When she saw the pleading look in her kids eyes she relented and told them. "Some, Accident, I guess that is what you would call it, happened to you two. First was Dagon, He sprouted wings of white and blue, then absorbed most of the energy around him and promptly fainted on the spot." Hearing this Dagon had a weird smile. Wings? He grew wings? That's what Dagon thought. Azri heard this and was surprised, He wasn't the only one with wings?

"Not only that, a short bit after Dagon grew wings, I guess that triggered something in Azri, since you grew wings too Azri. Azri was stunned and scared. "Did I do something bad??" Timidly Azri asked. Mary seeing her child like this quickly corrected him. "No No, Azri you didn't do anything bad in fact you also fainted a little bit after Dagon did. Azri was relieved after hearing that part.

" Wait, so mother, I also noticed these lockets around us. What are they?" Dagon asked as he played with the locket around his neck. Mary was also hesitant to tell her kids that part. Azri noticing this chimed in, Mother you don't have to answer it's ok, I feel like it's helpful to us so it's fine." Mary heard this and was surprised but she quickly regained her wits. " No, my sons I should tell you as you have started to cultivate already." Azri was surprised as was Dagon, they came closer and sat on the ground to listen.

"Where should I start?" Mary questioned herself. "I guess the start of it all would work." Mary then sat upright and looked down at her kids sitting down waiting for her to continue. "About 9 years ago, Your father and I awoke to hear crying in the middle of the night, Your father, Yoru the one that left you two that manual, went and looked around outside our house, he then found two kids, as you can probably guess it was you two."

Dagon and Azri were speechless, they realized that both of them weren't actually their mothers child. They both started to tear up a bit. Mary saw this and said something that comforted both of them very much. "I might've not given birth to both of you, but I raised you as my own, It doesn't matter if we are blood related, you are both my sons that I love very much, so don't cry." Dagon and Azri still teary eyed but weren't going to cry now.

"As I said earlier, Your father found you two outside, and around you two were those lockets that you were wearing, as well as your names written down. As your father took you into his arms, a figure looked towards him and then me behind your father, then flew at a speed way faster than anything we've seen. We knew at that moment that you two were extraordinary. Your lockets were around you until you were a year old, by then your father took them off, it's then that..."

"What happened mother? Please tell us." Azri eagerly asked. "Yes Mother, please do continue." Dagon added. " Ok." " That day your father took your lockets off, both of you grew wings albeit smaller than now, much smaller, but the energy you both released was a lot more than last night." Dagon and Azri were surprised, even though they couldn't remember what they did but they knew it was flashy and had a lot of energy. "The energy you released attracted some bad people from a bad place. They came and tried to take you both to become energy catalyst. That neither you father nor I could bear with, So your father and I fought them off. Your father was heavily injured and died the next day..."

Anger, Sadness, Guilt, all sorts of emotions could be seen on both Azri and Dagon's faces. They felt responsible for what happened to their family. "Mother, What are the people called? We'll go and beat them up right away." Dagon declared with determination, "Yeah mom, no one should hurt our family." Azri also declared with determination. Mary was surprised to see that her boys have grown up. "You two are too weak right now, so just leave it for now." Mary looked to her boys only to see unwavering determination.

"Mom, just tell us. We know right now we are weak but that doesn't mean that in the future we will be weak." Azri told his mother. Dagon also gave a look that said he agreed with Azri. Seeing that they would neither back down Mary gave up and told them but not without warning. "They come from a very powerful backing, a Sect, The Griffon Sect. Do Not I repeat, DO NOT do anything to them unless you're strong enough to protect your friends and family. Got it?"

The twins were determined to get their revenge for their father and mother. Their eyes burned with a passion to get revenge. Mary ignored this hoping they knew that getting revenge was a death sentence. " You father wanted me to give you that book when you two left the house and started cultivation but, seeing that you both have started cultivation I decided to give it you both."

"Don't let your father down, He was known for that book." Mary strictly told Azri and Dagon. They both nodded and told Mary, "Mother, Don't worry we won't let Dad down!!"

"I forgot to tell you both, The reason we were kicked out of the village was because the Griffon sect spread rumors that your father died because of you two, they started calling both of you the Cursed children. Trying to protect both of you I left the village and settled here in this forest where they don't dare come." Mary informed the twins.

Today was a big day for both Dagon and Azri. They learned of their past, they developed a desire for revenge, they started cultivating. "Mother is that all that you want to tell us?" Dagon asked. Mary was quite, "Yes that should be all, oh be mindful that tomorrow I'll be training both of your bodies to help you cultivate your body."

Azri and Dagon were so excited that they couldn't calm down for a while. Mary smiled, " Kids, I'll make lunch. Just then Azri and Dagon realized that the time was already noon. The story telling took a lot of time.

Mary made roasted rabbit, and rice porridge for them both but, Azri ate most of it, and he was still hungry. This made Dagon laugh so hard that he almost choked on his food. Mary also laughed at both her sons.

After eating both Azri and Dagon were eager to cultivate. Mary had to stand by and watch to be sure nothing bad would happen. What surprised Mary was that both Azri and Dagon were able to sense and absorb the energy in the air. Dagon while sensing for energy felt more attracted to a certain type of energy. The same also implied for Azri. This stunned Mary, as this shouldn't happen until Elemental Harmony stage.

In Elemental Harmony stage most people would hear a "calling" from the energy in the air. This would be the element that they would use to harmonize their bodies and create their seed, but Azri and Dagon shouldn't be able to sense it as they aren't in Elemental Harmony stage yet. They have only began cultivation, they shouldn't be able to sense anything like that yet.

Like this a whole 6 months past where the twins would eat, cultivate, train their bodies, cultivate, sleep, and repeat.