Progress Check

Two figures were speeding through the forest, One Black, One White, they were going fast, jumping off of trees, all the while catching animals. Occasionally you could hear the sound of a sword swing, stab, and slicing.

These streaks went from what was considered the outer edge of the forest to the middle of the huge forest. They were faster than any normal human being.

These two were obviously Dagon and Azri. Going to the middle of the forest was an everyday thing for them now. Then out of nowhere Azri stops. Dagon follows suit and stops also. "Hey, Dagon remember 6 months ago, With that tiger and Snake?" Azri smirked. " Of course I remember Azri, How could I forget." Dagon corrected Azri. Azri rolled his eyes at Dagon. " Well look who I found." Pointing in a direction. Dagon looked over and there was shock on his face then it was replaced with a chill as he eyed that direction.

"It's that damn tiger." Dagon stated. "Yup, What do you want to do??" Azri asking even though he knew the answer. "You already know. HAHAH, Let me handle this." Dagon said to Azri as he handed Azri his catches of the day. "Do make it a good show to watch, Haha." as Azri sat down he commented.

Dagon ignore that and walked towards the tiger. The tiger got up and looked around sensing some hostile intent on it. "YOU DUMB TIGER COME HERE!!!" Dagon had to repay the tiger for what he did to him all those months ago.

The tiger looked to it's right only to see a 10 year old boy running towards it with a sword in it's sheath. It was immediately enraged as it remembers this boy. It was food that got away. That's what the tiger thought. If Azri heard this he would laugh. The tiger jumped and landed in front of Dagon.

"You dumb tiger, I still have to pay you back for what you did to me!!" Dagon said with some rage. The tiger clearly provoked tried to jump onto Dagon like he did 6 months ago. "Same trick won't work twice." Dagon scoffed. He waited for the tiger's paw to come close. SLASH Dagon drew his sword at a high speed. With the tiger's paw coming in and the high speed sword slash it cut off the tiger's paw.

" Good Luck using that paw again." Dagon arrogantly said. The tiger was furious since his paw was cut off. It gave a roar and retreated a bit away. Dagon was leisurely standing there. "Are you done yelling?" Then Dagon gave the tiger a look and then dashed towards it. The tiger tried to bite Dagon. This was something Dagon was not expecting.

"Still got some tricks up your sleeves huh." This clearly annoyed Dagon as he thought this should've been an easy match, but the tiger jaw strength was something he didn't account for.

Just then a rustle was heard. Another tiger jumped out. "So you've got a mate now huh?" Dagon asked while holding the pressure of the tiger's jaw. The tiger's mate then tried to claw at Dagon but he jumped in time and dodged. This made the female tiger mad. It kept swiping at Dagon but he kept dodging.

Dagon was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He then realized that the female tiger had longer claws then the male tiger. Her claws almost got Dagon. "AZRI, I KNOW YOU'RE STILL THERE, COME HELP ME!!! HE HAS A MATE ,HE HAS A MATE!!!"

Meanwhile Azri was pretending not to hear Dagon. Azri was adding some of Dagon's catch to his.

"ARGH Damn it, I guess you leave me no choice." Dagon said with a harsh tone. He tilted his sword at a different angle and slashed. The slash chipped a tooth. Dagon thought quickly and when the chipped tooth was falling he kicked it into the tigers mouth. The tigers gag reflex kicked in and loosened the jaw. Dagon used this short time to escape the mouth.

The tiger spat out the tooth and was angry that it lost a tooth. The female tiger gave a low growl to the male tiger. Dagon twitched. He could guess that the make tiger was getting scolded by the female tiger.

"No more time needs to be wasted. we end it here." With those words Dagon started to emit bright blue and white lights. Eventually wings sprouted on Dagon. "I can only keep this up for a minute, anymore and I'll pass out, let's finish this quickly." Dagon then dashed at a speed even faster than before. Dagon took out his sword and used a technique from his fathers manual.

"SWORDSMAN ARROW" Dagon dashed and spun his sword in mid air in a way that it seemed like an arrow. Dagon's speed and attack was so fast by the time the tiger saw Dagon again the male tiger was cut in half. Swinging the blood off of the sword Dagon gave a glare at the female tiger.

The female tiger was scared, It knew that death was coming if it kept trying to eat the kid. The tiger was debating whether to run to try to fight and avenge it's mate. Just then Dagon appeared in front of the female tiger. " You'll join him soon enough." Grinned Dagon.

With a heavy upwards slice the female tiger's head was cut off. "That'll show you to team up on me!" Dagon stated and swung his sword to clean the blood off. At that moment Dagon's Wings disappeared and he fell on his knees panting. "God damn it, the back lash always hurts, that's why I didn't want to use this. AZRI I KNOW YOU'RE THERE, COME HERE RIGHT NOW AND LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T HELP!!!"

Azri was laughing in a bush when he heard that last part. "Oh no..." Azri then got up and carried the catch of the day and started running. Dagon sensed the movement of Azri and gave chase.

"I'm sorry Dagon, I thought you had that, sorry." Azri hurriedly said as he ran as fast as he could to their house. Dagon was dumbfounded at his response, "I know you only wanted to watch me suffer, come here, we're twins, we have to share the suffering together." Throughout the forest a white and black figure could be seen speeding by.

Many small creatures avoided their ways.

"Come on Dagon, you know I'm at Bodily Evolution stage 8, while you're only at stage 7, plus you're tired, you can't catch me. Haha" Azri taunted Dagon. Dagon realize that Azri was right but he wouldn't give up. Dagon used the trees as a jumping spot. Dagon then slowly was catching up to Azir.

They then saw home in the distance and Azri ran and ran but Dagon eventually jumped on him and tackled him. "I got you now Azri, Eat dirt for not helping me fight that tiger!!" "MMMHHMM" Azri tried to talk but couldn't with his face in the dirt.

Mary heard some commotion outside and went to check it out. She then saw Dagon on top of Azri. "You two stop it right now." Dagon startled by his mom's call stopped and got up dusting his clothes off. Azri got up from the dirt and spat out some dirt while dusting his clothes too.

"Good stop fight and come eat." Mary told the boys. Azri's eyes lit up and walked inside at a faster pace than normal. Dagon rolled his eyes at Azri. "The only thing you'll like is food." Dagon thought to himself. Dagon then proceeded inside with Mary.

At the table while Azri and Dagon were still eating, Mary told them she had news. "What is it, Mother?" Asked Azri. "Do you remember the village that kicked us out?" With some fire in their eyes both Azri and Dagon replied, " Yes!" "Good, that village is having a tournament, all kids age 10 -18 are able to participate. I want you two to participate and win the tournament." Hearing this Azri and Dagon were excited. They never met anyone else other than their mom, the king, (even though it was short) and of course each other.

This could be a new experience for them. They were eager to met new people and fight some kids their age not some beast in the forest.

"Oh the tournament is tomorrow by the way." Mary chimed in. Both Azri and Dagon were so excited and couldn't wait. Just when they were all happy and excited their mother drops cold water on them. "I won't be with you too." The twins stopped being happy and was shocked. "Oh and you'll have to go out of the forest and find the village yourself, the village is called Apron village." This was an even bigger bombshell for the Twins to take in. Dagon and Azri was even more scared. What if something goes wrong? What if we get lost? What if we don't win? These were the thoughts going through their heads right now.