Shadow Knight

In the world of Trinix, there existed 5 continents, namely Corra in the North, Stella in the East, Morith in the West, Willow in the South, and the biggest continent, Orz, in the very center.

Orz is governed by a single entity, the almighty King Lanford who defeated the evil dragon god that terrorized the world for a whole millennium.

His majesty had 4 loyal knights, the heavenly knights, who bravely fought with him against the evil dragon god.

They were the Fire Knight, the Water Knight, the Wind Knight, and the Earth Knight.

As their names suggested, they each wielded the powers of the elements in their title.

What the common people don't know is that there was actually a 5th knight, the Shadow Knight.

In more correct terms, it is not that they were unknown.

In fact, they were quite well known and popular amongst the populace.

It was just that nobody, besides a select few, who knew that the first sword saint was actually a heavenly knight under the King of Orz.

The Shadow Knight, or Sword Saint, is known to live a quiet life in the mountains, away from the public eye.

In reality, they had a secret mission, to find the offspring of the evil dragon god that had escaped from their grasps 5 years ago when they killed its mother.

They had all thought it was merely a child, and had severely underestimated it.

Its only known parent was the evil dragon god, but they had received word from the truth seerer, that the dragon child had a body of evil miasma, as well as the mysterious space.

It was then that they finally knew who the dragon child's father was.

The dimensional dragon god that had supposedly disappeared after the creation of the world.

If left alone, the dragon child will grow up to be a danger to not just the Kingdom of Orz, but all beings in the world of Trinix.

At long last, the Sword Saint had found a trace of the child.

When they finally met face to face, the skies flashed with black lightning, as though a heavenly tribulation was about to strike down.

This phenomenon was caused by the rage of the dragon child from seeing one of the murderers of its mother.

It was merely a few years old and already contained such powers to move heaven and earth.

Who knew how much stronger it will get if left alone to grow into adulthood.

Its powers put pressure on even the Sword Saint, one of the strongest entities in Trinix.

The two fought for 9 days and 9 nights.

When the dragon child was finally in its last breath, the sword saint also did not fair any better.

Both of their bodies were tattered with wounds and scars that had slowly healed during their long fight, before being cut open once again.

Dried blood covered their bodies and the few mountains and seas their fight had encompassed were left in ruin.

Nothing of their former beautiful sights can be seen.

It might take a few millenniums before a single seed can sprout once again on its soils and life can live in its vicinity.

Battered and exhausted, the Sword Saint finally let out a sigh and relaxed when the dragon child took its last breath.

It was but this single moment of carelessness that the Sword Saint had missed the final attack of the dragon child as it died.

It had sacrificed its own soul to cause an explosion that would kill the Sword Saint along with itself.

Caught up in this earth shattering explosion, and without the readiness nor strength to escape, the Sword Saint perished from the world of Trinix.