Strange Cosplayer

Chen Mei Ling lives alone in an olden styled house on a small plot of farmland just 30 miles outside of A City.

This house and plot of land was the only inheritance, besides a small sum of money, that was left to her when her parents died in an accident over 3 years ago.

That year, she was only 12.

Her other relatives had either already passed long before her parents did, or lived too far away.

The laws were more lenient in this small village she lived in, so she had dropped out of school right after the accident, and worked hard on that little farm.

Her faraway relatives had suggested her to sell that piece of land and move in with them, but she did not want to throw away her parents' life and blood.

Mei Ling

Her name means beautiful chime, a name her parents gave her, wishing she would live a life of happiness and be carefree, just like a beautiful chime, singing a simple and clear melody along with the soft breeze of spring.

Life has not been happy or carefree for her, but she always kept a gentle smile, facing forward towards every problem she encountered.

She did not want to let her parents in heaven worry about her well-being, so she put extra effort into the farm, and living a simple life with the money she earned from selling the produce.

Every week she would ride her bicycle cart full of fresh produce to the trader's market in A City to sell early in the morning.

Today was no different.

The golden glow shines upon her small body, as the sun starts to set along the horizon.

Chen Mei Ling was riding home after finally selling all of her produce at the market.

Business was actually quite slow today, as harvest season had just started not too long ago.

Hence, there were more sellers at the trader's market than usual.

Humming along to the tune of "Not just like you" by Xiao Quan and Hu Er, she suddenly paused at the sight in front of her.

There was something big and shiny lying ahead on the dirt road.

Waking up from her shock after a few minutes of silence, she slowly got off her bicycle cart and moved hesitantly towards the object.

As she got closer and getting a better view, that unknown object seemed to resemble a human being wearing a full suit of armor.

Standing right in front of the person, she gently gave it a few knocks with her small foot.

"Hello? shouldn't be lying here in the middle of the road....."

There was no reply.

The person seems to be unconscious.

Sighing exhaustedly, Chen Mei Ling made her way back to her bicycle cart and pushed it towards the stranger.

With her small, dainty arms, she was somehow able to lift the person into her cart.

Maybe it was from all her years of heavy labor on her farm, or maybe it was the last push of energy remaining in her, wanting to arrive home faster after a long day of work, or maybe it was her parents up in heaven giving her that extra strength to defy both gods and humans...

Let's cross out that last part.

"I wonder what's with the full body of armor. Is this what those netizens online call a cosplayer?"