Is he dead?

Chen Mei Ling finally arrived home after working up a sweat, pushing the cart with the strange cosplayer in it all the way back.

She proceeded to lift the weird individual onto the bed in her parents' old room.

"So heavy! This suit of armor must have been really expensive. I wonder what it's made of. These intricate designs and its heavy weight. How can someone even move in it? No wonder he fainted in the middle of the road!"

The young girl gave out a long sigh after finally getting him onto the bed.

"He must have trouble breathing with that metal helmet covering his whole face."

She muttered as she moved her hands towards the stranger's face, trying to find an opening to take the helmet off.

After much difficulty, she finally gave up.

There were no openings whatsoever, not even a single tiny hole.

Then a sudden thought comes to her.

[I hope he's not dead in there...oh no! What if he really is?!?!?!] (her thoughts)

With her small body trembling in fear, she hurriedly gave the "corpse" a few quick pushes.

There was still no response.

"What am I going to do?

Did I really just bring a dead body back with me?

What if the police think I'm the murderer?

Or the accomplice?



If you're really looking down from heaven, please tell me this is a dream!

I am only 15 this year.

I haven't even found a boy I like yet, much less a boyfriend.

Am I really going to go to prison?

No, wait.

If I bring the body back to where I found it, I should be clear right???

But but but, even if I wipe down all of my fingerprints, they can probably still find other traces that will lead back to me.

What if someone sees me?

Ahhh....why did I have to go being a busybody.

I should have just minded my own business and left him there in the first place....."

As Mei Ling was raking her brains out, she did not notice the slight movement of the person on the bed.

--change in pov--

Am I dead?

More importantly, is the dragon child dead?

My whole body is in pain, so I should still be alive.

How long has it been since I passed out?

There seems to be someone talking nearby....

"!@*#%&7@^ $%@ $@*$# QQ%#@%UFK@%"

I don't understand.

What language is that?

I pay closer attention and focus on that small voice

"#T! *QU#T #$%&@HG 0 @#%!^*^$#%"

I've never heard anything like that before.

There shouldn't be any languages in the five continents that I don't know.

I wonder if it's a small hidden tribe in Willow.

It seems to sound a tiny bit similar to Willow's main language, and our fight did seem to end up at the edge of Willow.

I try to move my body.


--change in pov--

Chen Mei Ling stops when she heard the figure on the bed let out a soft groan.

"Thank god! He's alive after all! Thank you, mother! Thank you, father! Thank you for your blessing! I'll be sure to give you two more offerings on tomb sweeping day!"

She quickly gets down on the floor and bows three times towards the sky through the small window in her parents' room.

She slowly gets up and moved towards the figure.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

The figure lets out a few more soft groans, before finally opening his mouth after a long time.

"@%#* #%@%83 %@^*@ 0@$^"

[Huh? What did he just say? Is he a foreigner? Maybe a tourist who got lost?]

"Umm....Hahlo...uhh...mai neim isu mei ling! Uhm...hao du yu du? Tisu isu mai hom. Uhhh..du yu supeaku caineesu?"

(Translation: Hello, my name is Mei Ling. How do you do? This is my home. Do you speak Chinese?)

There was silence between the two.