A new name

As someone who had always been calm in the face of all dangers, this new discovery had caused him to stay in shock for a whole night.

Chen Mei Ling had left him halfway through, after failing to get his attention no matter how hard she tried.

It was not until dawn broke and the sun had risen halfway towards its zenith that he finally started to shake out of this huge impact.

Still feeling weak from his fight with the dragon child, and not having enough rest to fully recuperate from his heavy injuries, Jasper raised his left hand, fixating at the ring on his index finger.

The ring appeared quite simple in design, being only a small black band with some unknown symbols drawn all around it.

He grabbed onto a small round pill with a silver luster that had materialized out of nowhere and floated slightly above his ring, before directly popping it right into his mouth.

The pill melted almost instantaneously as soon as it touched his tongue, flowing down his throat without the need for him to swallow.

Soon, the sound of cracking joints can be heard from all over his body that is still hidden under that enormous pile of metal.

He soon let out a breathe of grey smog as the sound of cracking subsides.

Only a few seconds had passed, but the sound that seemed to have come from the depths of hell would have left any normal person haunted for the rest of their lives.

He got up from the bed, as it gave off a creaking noise from its old wooden frame, and mutters a line of incoherent words different from those he spoke when he had activated the spell that made his helmet vanish.

His huge suit of armor fell apart into molecular sized pieces before merging back onto his body, forming a simple beige tunic and long black pants.

He then made his way out of the small room where the cause of the collapse of his inner mind had occurred last night.

Upon exiting the room, he caught sight of a small table of exotic dishes.

As he stood there sniffing the delicious aroma in the air, Chen Mei Ling walked over carrying another plate of food.

She finally caught sight of Jasper as she laid down the last dish and wiping her small hands, full of blemishes and callouses from her years of farm work, onto an old white apron that was tied around her petite waist.

Her pupils dilated at the figure in front of her.

She had not paid close attention last night due to the consecutive shocking events that had occurred, but seeing the figure standing tall with his back against the light coming out of the room through the small window in it, she couldn't help but gulp down the saliva in her mouth.

She started a fit of coughing due to the suddenness.

Jasper hurried over and patted her softly on the back, causing a tinge of red to form at the tip of her ears.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked with concern written all over his face.

Chen Mei Ling slowly steadied her breathing.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about it. More importantly, let's eat! You must be hungry. You didn't seem to..."

She stared back at Jasper in surprise.

"I thought you didn't know Chinese?!"

Jasper blinked back blankly at her.

"I didn't know yesterday."

"H-how....no, w-what?"

"I didn't know yesterday," he repeated.

"And you somehow, all of a sudden, can speak Chinese today??? Does that make any sense?"

Her expression made her seem like a bullied child.

The corner of Jasper's lips couldn't help but twitch slightly at the sight.

Holding back an urge to laugh, and keeping his usual cold facial expression, he slowly explained to her.

"I processed the words you had spoken last night through sound transmission, and was able to form some basic knowledge on the language.

Comparing it to the way you spoke out loud before that, I was able to make out the usage of tones and movements of the mouth."

".....that makes even less sense.

Are you telling me that you were able to fluently speak Chinese just by hearing a few words?

And all in one night???"


Mei Ling sighed in relief before Jasper continued.

"It only took a few minutes.

Also, I can only understand and speak a few basic sentences."

"....you call this basic..haha..."

Choosing to ignore this inconceivable matter, she looked up at the otherworldly beautiful, yet androgynous face in resignation

"What did you say your name was? I didn't quite catch it last night."


"Jia see pah?"


"I don't know what you are or where you're from, but the names of the people around here are quite different from yours.

Well...I guess it can be passed off as an English name, even though you have such handsome Asian features.

Uhh...I did not just call you handsome!

I mean I did, but it's not like I'm saying you're handsome or anything like that.

No no, I'm not saying you're not handsome either.


She started going off in a fluster all by herself.

"Then what should I call myself?"

Jasper stared at the small, almost flat rectangular object Chen Mei Ling had just pulled out of her trouser pocket.

He widened his eyes slightly when it suddenly brightened up with ever changing pictures as the young girl's small thumbs flashed across its surface.

"Is that a magical artifact?"

"Huh?" Mei Ling asked Jasper without taking her eyes off her phone.


"Hmm...I just googled the meaning of your name.

It is a type of jade called bi yu, or blue-green jade.

You should just call yourself Jia Bi Yu from now on!

Jia from Your actual name jiaseepah!"

She looked up excitedly at the mouthwatering beauty in front of her.

Jasper took back those questions that were at the very tip of his tongue.

[Jia Bi Yu. It doesn't sound too bad.]

He smiled slightly, charming the small girl in front of him unknowingly.

She became a silly fool standing there with drool leaking from the corner of her thin lips.