Chapter 6: UZI

April 19th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Ikeda's Office, Right Wing, Ikeda's Residence

"Uzushiogakure will be destroyed!" Yoshima said in a crisp and serious fashion.

His father stared at his face, searching for any clues in it, pondering for a few seconds, Ikeda placed the seal scroll in his hands down on the table. Motioning for his son to take a seat with a wave of the hand, Ikeda stood up and walked to a painting of a white-colored tiger behind where he was sitting.

He moved the painting to the side, revealing a seal behind it, pressing his palm against it the seal lit up cyan in color before releasing a barrier that slowly covered the whole room.

Ikeda return the picture back to where it was before sitting back in his original spot.

"What do you mean Yoshima?" His father said calmly.

"Father, you know I have read every book in our library, and most in the public library, right?"

His father nodded, raising a lone eyebrow in question.

"If we look at how long ago the last war occurred, I am talking about the Great Shinobi War, which occurred more than sixteen years ago, as well as recent events that have been happening , I have reasons to believe the next Great Shinobi War might be upon us."

Yoshima motioned with his hand, to get a few more minutes, but his father had not even moved to question him.

"I have seen news of four of the great nations expanding territory, claiming it to be their fair rights. As they say the disparity between us, Land of Fire and Land of Whirlpool, and them in economic power is huge. Claiming they need more territories to close that disparity. In the sea, I read there are more pirates showing up, as well as the Land of Water and Land of Lighting increasing their activities at sea. The land of Water has been slowly claiming more and more islands."

"The Lands of Lightning and Water must have signed a treaty, while this part is speculation on my part, I think that for them to increase their naval powers at the same time is not a coincidence, or the increase in pirates either. Didn't we lose three of our ship-of-the-line just last week? They might have backing from both nations, which explains how we didn't even find out what happened to them."

"The Lands of Earth, and Wind have been taking small territories using their military. The new generations of Shinobi don't know what a Great War means, having been either born during these times of peace, or young enough to forget what it meant."

"We, the Land of Whirlpool, are not prepared, we rely on Konoha for protection and defense, our Shinobi are underprepared, untested, and most are unbloodied, for the most part. We even removed the tradition of killing a criminal for graduation from our academies."

"We are weak!" He said accentuating by smacking the wooden table with an open palm. Taking a second to compose himself, Yoshima continued.

"If we do not take some measurements, defensive steps, now, we will not have time to regret our decisions later. Just look at us father, the economy keeps growing, our trade is at an all time high, almost every nation we know of is using our nation's currency as their own. We rule the seas, there is not one nation that can contest that, individually, we have more advanced technology than anyone else , and the most important one, our seals are the envy of even our own allies!"

"Our citizens may be happy, but everyone else stares at us with envy."

"What I find even more detrimental, are the Daimyo, they must see us as an enemy, for we make their power unstable every single day we exist, for we have a Daimyo that is also the Kage. If Daimyo were not needed as that position could be taken by the Kage, than their powers would be non existent. Why would someone want or need a Daimyo at that point?"

"If we had stayed a military nation, as we were when Uzushiogakure was just built, we would have incurred the wrath from every nation sooner, even Konoha could have joined them. Actually, what makes them not go behind our backs even now? Marriages that happened long ago?"

"Not even our own allies, Konoha and the Land of Fire, can be trusted a hundred percent at this point Father, we must make plans for every single improbable act that can be used against us."

Yoshima had stood up at some point during his passionate speech, he took a seat while staring at his Father's eyes, not breaking eye contact, as if to cement his point.

His father stared back calmly, only his chakra, which behaved erratically as compared to its normal behavior, gave any indication as to what went on in his mind or how he took to what his son just said.

Ikeda took a deep breath, before sighing and deflating a little, sinking in his chair.

"You bring some good points and clever analysis of out situation, but even if we want to do something, we can't defend against more than one, maybe two nations at a time, we have less population, and a smaller military."

He took a few seconds to think of something before saying. "The only thing we can do is send the younger generations to the Land of Fire, hoping they will give them shelter, or we can buy more lands while we still can in Konoha."

Yoshima stood up and placed a hand on his father's shoulder, "Father, although that is a great idea for when everything else fails and as a last resort, I have something to show you, that will give us an edge against other nations."

Yoshima picked up the UZ1 from next to his seat, where he had placed it.

"This is the UZ1, the Uzumaki one, I have been working on this for a while, I know this will give us an edge over our enemies, as even a regular citizen can use it. But I will need help improving it first, and help mass producing it."

Yoshima had the barrel pointing down while holding it, of course with his finger off the trigger as well. He motioned to his father with his head and said. "Let's go outside to the left wing Father, I have to show you how this works."

Yoshima headed for the door, glancing back at his Father, who was just staring at his UZ1. "Could you also bring a seal that can isolate sounds and what we do inside?"

"I do not want a single soul knowing about this before we use it against our enemies."





All three metal dummies had a giant , still burning, hole where their torso was located, laying in a heap of limbs, some melting.

Yoshima lowered his UZ1, and turned to look at his Father. Ikeda was staring at the damage the weapon caused with an open mouth, he couldn't believe what had just happened.

'Haha, first time I see Father dumbfounded, if only I had a camera.' Yoshima sighed.

His father turned to face him, he hurriedly wiped the grin off of his face.

"How?" His father asked.

Yoshima figure out it might be easier to let him examine the weapon first, him been a Seal Master and all. He removed the magazine seal holding the ammo, before letting his father examine the weapon. "Here."

His father did a few hand seals, and looked around the weapon every which way, he seemed like a child with a brand new toy, nodding every now and then and grinning the next.

"It shoots small kunai with explosive seals on them, it uses chakra and seals. Chakra to activate the seal to gather air from the surrounding while compressing it, before pressing the trigger and shooting it towards were you are aiming.

"While I have come up with smaller battery seals, instead of the large ones used in vehicles, right now it draws on chakra from the user of the weapon. I have a few ideas as to what to improve, but I do not know how to do it."

His father had been nodding along as he spoke, he now glanced up at him, his smile as big as ever. "You are a genius Yoshi!" Ikeda went forward and hugged his son.

"This will change warfare, I don't know if it will be for the better or not, but if it means protecting the ones we love Father, I believe this is one way it will help defend our country."

"What are your ideas for this, UZ1, as you call it?"

"Father, we need a seal to seal the batteries inside the weapon itself, saving chakra for the user to spend on other things. An air gathering chakra that can continuously draw air, compress it and for it to have a way to chose how much compressed air do you want on it. This way, it will be able to fire rapidly or just very fast."

"For later versions of this weapon, we should seal them in the arms of their users as it would help on not only carrying them, but also on sneak attacks. If possible, the ability to add chakra nature to the ammunition, and for the magazine holding the small kunai to be a seal on the weapon as well, for it takes the most space and it can't carry that many as it is now."

"Well, good news Yoshi, most of what you described already exists, we just have to appropriate them for our purpose, and maybe tweak them a little. The hardest part would most likely be extracting so much metal and the time it takes, but if we do this right, we could mass produce them about a couple a day."

"Father, I actually have a way that can increase the production, as well as keep it a secret from the people building it. We will have what I call an assembly line, we will have various groups creating different components, and we will gather all the components already pre-made at a specific assembly place, and just assemble the parts."

"This will keep people from knowing what we are building, even if we had people spy on us. What I think is the most important, is to have chakra gathering seals, and placed them in batteries. We need to have everyone contribute to this, on to do that we need Great-Grandfather's help. As for the metal, we can purchase in large quantities, using Land of the Waves as a medium, we can pretend its for them."

His father thought for a few seconds before nodding. "I do not know how you come up with all of this ideas, but it is clear you are prepared. Let's do as you say Yoshima, I have a few companies we can use to create some seals we need, as for the assembly place, I'll see who I can gather that we can trust. The space seals needed are the hardest, but they are only Seal level three, once we have time, I'll teach you how."

"Let us go to Grandfather." Ikeda said as he stared east.


April 27th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Temporary Assembly Plant #4, Ikeda's Property

It had been over a week since they had the full backing from his Grandfather, going so far as to assign two Whirlpool Guard members as bodyguards. They were both Jounin, one was a young girl in her late teens with red blonde hair, she always had a smile on her face, treating Yoshima more like her brother, her name was Mino Uzumaki.

The other Guard was a man named Arashi Tadao, he seemed to always have a frown on him, and tried to treat him as if he was precious and vulnerable cargo. He had peppered hair and a few wrinkles.

His Great-Grandfather had also placed the highes security clearence on the project, SSS+ declaring that speaking about it was treason it self.

This whole week, they had gathered batteries full of chakra, so many in fact, they had to build thirty-four warehouses to store the extra that were not needed for now. It had only taken a day for his father to improve on his design, and just a few hours for his Great-grandfather to mobilize their plans.

The newest version added more precision when firing, as well as rotation to the ammunition for faster speeds and more penetration.

They decided to name the new weapon UZI, since UZ2 did not flow smoothly from the lips, and his Great-grandfather had confused the 1 for an I. He had spent the last four days helping assemble the weapon. The first one had been given to him, he even had it sealed on his right arm by his Great-grandfather. The second and third one were given to both of his bodyguards. The next four hundred were distributed to some active-duty shinobi and Whirlpool Guard members.

He had gotten bored of constant assembling of UZI, he needed to improve his strength fast, as well as finish his other projects.

'Well, I saw how fast my father modified and improved on my design, I think it might be better if I just bring my next idea to him, and try to just have a supervisory role if possible.'

"Arashi, Mino, you both don't need to follow me home, just go back to your places and rest. Dismissed"

Yoshima left the assembly plant and headed to his own workshop. He headed to one of the tables inside his workshop after unsealing the room, he grabbed the miniature version he came up with, as well as a few blueprints for it, before heading out.

He looked for his father in his office, not finding him, decided to try the training room instead. His father had taken to practice shooting every time he could, he really was like a child with a new toy. Sigh.


Hearing that voice, Yoshima jumped and glanced up, he didn't have time to respond or defend himself as he was tackled to the ground with enough force to leave him breathless.

"K-Kushina!" Yoshima managed to croak out.

"T-too hard!" Kushina was wearing her training apparel, as she had started training with his mother and father a while back.

She stopped embracing him and stood up, she had a few tears in her eyes.

"You meanie! You promised to come play!" She hiccuped as she punched his arm.

"Ouch!" Yoshima held his arm.

Looking closely Yoshima thought. 'She is only six years old, and she doesn't have anyone to play with her, I should try and spend some more time with her, she is lonely and spoiled, but she has a good heart, and she is rather shy too, haha.'

"I am here right? I told you I will come play."

"Really?" She smiled from ear to ear jumping from foot to foot.

"Really! I just have to find father and give him something." Yoshima reached down and picked up the blueprints and the small model he had with him.

"Now, you should stop hitting everything when you are angry, or I'll call you spicy tomato, okay?" Yoshima said as he patter her head.

She had a pout at first, but than she just giggled and nodded.


"Father, I have another idea, but this is for the Navy."