Chapter 7: Byakko Part 1

April 27th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Waterfall, Ikeda's Property

Yoshima walked towards his father, who was meditating at the edge of the lake. He waited for his father to finish his meditation, staring at the waterfall feeding into the lake.

'I miss training, but I have to improve our chances, and this way is faster than just improving myself.'

He noticed his father taking a deep breath before standing up and dusting off his shining-white clothes with a black swirl on the back of his coat. "What is it Yoshi? Trouble with... the package?"

"No, Father, I have another idea, but this is for the Navy."

His Father made a quick motion with his hand, activating the property barrier seals. All throughout the property barriers started covering inch by inch, forming something resembling a cuboid, key lime-green in color.

Yoshima raised his eyebrow in question.

"Remember the level SSS+ clearance? Well, Grandfather instructed a few Master level Seal-masters to create this for both protection and security."

Yoshima nodded as he brought the blueprints forward and spreaded them on the floor.

He also placed the scaled model he had with him next to the blueprints. Pointing at the model he said, "This is called Byakko, it is what I call a cannon, it is a type of artillery used to propel heavy projectiles over a long distance away."

The scaled model had a long barrel, with a huge mussel width, four wheels below it to help with recoil, and a breach door for loading ammunition. The seals drawn on it where for maximum rotation, precision, levels of power, compression of air, batteries, and instead of gathering chakra from only batteries it also drew from the environment itself, as well as the ability to add your own nature chakra to salvo.

It had a lever at the front to select from eight possible angles, as well as a screen attached near the lever. Yoshima wants to have a sky view of targets for even farther distance bombardment, he just did not have a way to do it yet, for now he will just add the screen on every single Byakko cannon.

After showing his father the model and blueprints, he told him, "We have around thirty-three ship of the line, since we have lost a few over the years, each one with a crew of around eighty personnel on it, this includes cooks, sailors ninjas, officers, seal-masters(just people that practice seals not the rank), and a few other types of personnel according to needs or missions."

"If..." Yoshima paused as he sensed two chakra signatures moving in their direction, they were moving quite fast.

He grinned. 'I told them to go home.' Yoshima thought with a shake of his head.

Soon two figures appeared beside them taking a defensive position around them, their weapons drawn.

"Mino, Arashi, what are you both doing here? There is no danger."

With a surprisingly serious face, Mino answered. "Yoshima, we have seals on our bodies to cross the barriers here and they summon us as soon as they are activated." She then frowned and continued. "But your property is so big!"

Arashi lowered his katana, "Focus Mino, and stop complaining, this is your new postion." He then took his place behind Yoshima, turning to Ikeda before bowing his head.

"You are no fun, it's always work, do this and do that." Mino mumbled as she walked behind Yoshima.

She glanced at the papers on the floor, recognizing a few seals on them. "What is this Yoshi? You came from working, and now you are working again? You are learning from Arashi." She pouted as she glanced up and down at Yoshima, all the while shaking her head.

Yoshima motioned with his hand for Mino to get close to him.

"And you are like a child Mino" He said reaching to pat her head.

"W-what are you doing?!" Mino's face turned a shade of red, as she stood straight and stared at Yoshima covering her head with her hands.

Arashi coughed to hide his laugh, while Ikeda just grinned a little, holding his right thumb up at his son.

"Ah, this is an SSS+ security level clearance, none of what you see or here will be mention or discussed unless it is with us, understood?" Yoshima commanded them.

They both stood straight and answered in unison with a crisp. "Yes, Sir!"

Yoshima glanced back at his father with a shake of his head. 'What are they thinking? This body is only five years old, even if I wanted it, there is nothing going on downstairs.'

"As I was saying Father, if we can mass produce the Byakko, I recommend fitting our Ships of the line, two on each side, three at the front and back. For now, they can aim at what their eyes can see, as opposed to waiting to get close and battle it out. The ammunition I have planned for this is a very heavy round ball full of explosive seals, which can have nature chakra added onto for maximum damage."

Yoshima glanced at his father for his input, he knew that making so many seals just for one Byakko was time consuming, but where easy to make, as all of the seals already existed and the hardest was just level three.

"Yoshima, this, this is more powerful than the UZI, this, this could help us defend Uzushiogakure! The seals can be made by apprentice, journeyman, and advanced journeyman to increase their experience. While the metal body of the body can be made by blacksmiths. We might need to hire more blacksmiths, maybe bring some from Konoha, I know there are many in Land of Waves we can bring over."

"If we do this right, we can equip all of our ships of the line with a Byakko, as you call it, in a few months following your assembly plant productions!" His father was elated.

"Yoshima, we have to take this to your Great-grandfather first, after that, we should get permission to work closely with the Naval Seals Administration, the NSA."


April 28th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Naval Seals Administration

Yoshima walked in behind his father into the meeting room. There was a huge white oval table, with a few screens on the left side of the room. There were people still coming into the room, but many were already seated.

Yoshima was led by his father to stand behind him, while he sat. Yoshima glanced at the people there, most of them were in their forties or fifties, 'They must all be around Jounin level, I never seen so many gather in one place.'

As everyone took their seats, he noticed four Whirlpool Guards walk in and stood next to the entrance. Everyone seating quickly stood up.

Hitarashi Uzumaki, his Great-grandfather, walked in , wearing his Uzushiokage attire. Yoshima bowed with everyone else as some said their greetings.

"Everyone, take your seats, this meeting will be in session soon." Hitarashi had his serious face on. He made a few hand seals and brought the room under a few barriers as the Whirlpool Guards close the doors, two walked out and two stayed inside.

Hitarashi nodded at a stern elderly person who had a scar from his right ear traveling down to his chin, he was the only one wearing all black attire with the symbol of the NSA on the right side of his chest. A red weird looking six upside down in the middle that ended in another six facing up(96), they both had a small swirl in the middle. Most of his head was covered by gray hair

The stern old man nodded at a person who was standing close to the screens on the left side of the room. He made a few hand seals, one of the screens in the middle turned on. There was an elderly kind-looking bold man dressed in simple white and black robes.

Yoshima noticed everyone in the room bow to the old man, even his Great-grandfather nodded his head at him. Yoshima just stared at the man on the screen.

"Head-priest Kenzaburo, welcome. Sorry to gather everyone on such short notice, I know the yearly meeting is not until two months from now, but this is of the utmost importance for Uzushiogakure."

The third Uzushiokage glanced around the room, some just said no worries, while most stayed quiet.

"Before we began, the following matter is classified as the highest SSS++ level, I must have everyone swear an oath through Head-priest Kensaburo, the penalty will be condemnation of your soul"

He waited for that to sink in, some people started muttering to each other. "If you do not agree, you may walk out, no questions asked, but even if you so much as write this date down to someone not qualified to hear about this, you will face damnation in the eternal abyss. Noh will assure your oath is followed through."

Yoshima glanced around to see if anyone was leaving, not seeing anyone leave he turned his vision to the Head-priest.

'In the anime the Dead Demon Consuming Seal was supposed to have come from Uzushiogakure, created by the Uzumaki clan, the Shinigami summoned from it allowed the user to control the Shinigami in exchange for its soul, but in the real world of Naruto, the Shinigami they are talking about is most likely the Death God, Noh'

Basically, after the hand seals are performed, the user's soul is partly separated from their body and suspended behind them. Behind their soul appears the Shinigami, which restrains their soul with its hair. Only the summoner is able to see the Shinigami at this point. Eventually, the Shinigami wraps its left arm with prayer beads and chants unintelligibly until a cursed seal appears on its arm. It then drives its arm into the summoner's soul, thus allowing the summoner to call upon the Shinigami to seal a target.

"High-Priest Kensaburo, please begin the ritual."

The kind old man on the screen nodded, and with a few beads in his hands, he started chanting while performing hand seals in quick succession.

'He is performing single-handed hand seals on each hand!'

Yoshima closed his eyes as he felt chakra gathering in his surrounding. He could feel an oppresion closing in around him, it was not focusing on him, or he would have felt it more, but it felt similar to his time in the void. He could see with his Mind's Eye, black chakra covering each and every person, as soon as it did, it would leave a tiny speck in their bodies, before dispersing.

He watched as the energy closed around him, he could almost see a face staring back from that darkness. The face had seemed to notice him , he could feel the opression enclosing him, the face seemed to be getting clearer, it was not human, it looked like a demon, he opened his eyes closing off his Mind's Eye.

Yoshima noticed that no one else seemed to have even noticed what happened, but he still felt uneasy, he was sweating a little. He felt eyes on him, and turned to the screen, the Head-priest seemed to have been staring back at him.

"Seal Master Ikeda, bring forth the model, as well as the blueprints you have with you." The third Uzushiokage commanded.

"Yes, Uzushiokage" His father placed the Byakko scaled model on the center part of the table, spreading the blueprints around it.

Some people muttered, while the rest just glanced at the model before looking at the blueprints.


Yoshima turned to a person in his late thirties, he had dark brown hair, and spectacles to see. He had grabbed one of the blueprints and was staring at it in contemplation, he clearly seemed excited at what he was staring at.

"Cough, Cough, we will let Vice-Head Higa read the blueprint, as he is the most experienced in seals related to our navy, could you explain what you have brought to the council, Seal Master Ikeda?" The stern old man with a scar motioned for his father to continue where his Great-grandfather left off.

Ikeda stood up from his seat as he said "Yes, Head Toyoda ( I know, it doesn't flow smoothly, any ideas?), this is called a cannon, it is a type of artillery that propels large rounds over long distances, this is a scaled-down model, as the actual size would be around fifteen feet or so."

"As you can see on the blueprints close to you, it is made mostly of regular cast metal." His father stopped to see if he still had the attention of the council members.

"It uses seals cleverly to launch salvo over long distances continuously. There are seals to gather chakra from surrounding environment, Advanced Chakra Gathering Seals. There are seals to compress chakra and air to launch the ammunition, as well as battery seals that are sealed on the cannon itself for chakra conservation of the users of said cannon."

"There is a lever to adjust the angle of the shot, as well as a seal that adjusts the power for each shot, to set the distance you want the salvo to reach."

"We have also added seals for rotation of the ammunition, to increase its speed as well as power, as well as seals to accept different types of nature chakra for more extensive damage. The ammunition it self are very heavy metal balls full of Advanced Explosive Seals."

He glanced around the room once more, taking a seat and opening his arms. "Any questions?"

No one spoke in the room for what seem like minutes, you could have dropped a pin, and it would have reverberated in your ears. As if on cue, everyone spoke at the same time, one louder than the other.

"I have a question! What is the screen for?" Vice-Head Higa spoke animatedly.

Everyone seemed to value his opinion, as they seemed to quite down.

Ikeda glanced at the Third Uzushiokage, unspoken words flew between them as Ikeda sighed.

His Great-grandfather than said. "The person that came up with this idea, the Byakko as he calls it, is not my Grandson Ikeda, but actually my Great-grandson Yoshima." He pointed at him as he continued. "So why not have the creator discuss that with you" It did not sound like a question.

Yoshima had wanted to remain anonymously, but it seemed he had to come to light. Sighing internally Yoshima said "Yes Third Uzushiokage!"

There were some gasps, and some "so young" comments, but he decided to ignore them.

He turned towards the Vice-Head of the NSA. "The screen is something I have added for future planing. For now, we can only aim at what we can see with our eyes, but I have plans to add something similar to a camera to help us locate targets that are farther away."

"Interesting, very interesting. We actually have a camera we use on our lighthouses to help lead our ships away from whirlpools that form naturally in our seas. They can zoom in and out. Was that what you meant?"

"You have that? That would save us a lot of time, sort off, the camera I want will be able to do that, but will have other functions as well. I want it to detect chakra, be able to control it from remote locations, as well as view what we see on the screen in the cannon."

"We can put a camera on the mast of ships, but one of my ideas is to have it hover hundreds of feet above us , and stay there, it wont require much chakra to stay on the same spot, we would have many of them deployed in different areas around us, to warn us of indending attacks or anything unexpected. They will be all controlled and monitored from a specialized building , the Sky Palace, it will have people assign twenty-four hours a day, every single day. To monitor everything going on."

"That's my plan for the Byakko"