Chapter 8: Byakko Part 2

April 28th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Naval Seals Administration

"We can already detect change in chakra of surroundings, as well as remote controlling cameras and viewing them on screen, as you can see we are using one at the moment."

"Because of us of course." A middle age man dressed in a business suit added in with a smug.

"As for the rest." Vice-Head Higa continued animatedly. "It is something we have not considered before. How will we get it up there? How will it stay in the same altitude? Just having such ideas, its, its clearly marvelous! You are an amazing person , Yoshima was it ? would you like to join the NSA and work with us?"

His Great-grandfather cleared his throat.

"Back to the topic at hand. Yoshima, how will we do as Vice-Head Higa asks?"

"Yes, How will we get it up in the sky? Easy." Yoshima reached into one of his tactical pockets in his pants, pulling out a scroll. He unrolled the scroll, in it where a few designs of compact air thrusters with seals placed on them. As well as one model for a sphere container with a main thruster at the bottom, and a few placed on the sides to move it around. It had an antenna at the top that also served to help with aerodynamics, on the surrounding unused space, it had seals for making the apparatus lighter, for batteries, and a concept for chakra gathering and storing at backup batteries.

"As you all know, when a system expels or accelerates mass in one direction, the accelerated mass will cause a force of equal magnitude but opposite direction on that system."

"This is what I call thrusters, they use air, very compressed air, to push against the ground and reach a high enough altitude. Once it has reached the desired position, we will lower the output to just a stable constant stream of air. The side thrusters will either move it to the desire location, or to help keep it stable. The camera(s) once it is finished, will go inside the sphere, with the lenses on four sides."

"This is the best ingenious way to build something I have ever heard of! Are you sure you won't join us ? You can even take my position if you want it, we can create many different things!"

Yoshima scratched his nose. 'This guy is very passionate at what he does.'

"I am sorry Vice-Head Higa, while I thank you kindly for the offer, I am still too young, I want to learn more things, maybe once I am older."

"How fast can the Byakko be build? What do we need besides the people in this room?"

Yoshima had made numbers before coming here so he responded with, "Yes, Third Uzushiokage, I believe, from my estimates, that if only my father and I were working on it, we could produce at least two a week. But with all the people involved now, I am sure we can make around fifty a day once production goes to a hundred percent."

"That is impossible, even if we focus all our factories into building one each, it will most likely take two weeks to make those numbers." Head Toyoda added.

"While I do not know how many factories will be involved, we have what we call Assembly Plant production, which increases the efficiency exponentially. It involved building the seals and parts needed to make at different locations, then assembling all of it in one central location once the parts that are needed are in."

"This not only allows for secrecy of what the final product is, it also helps workers to specialize in the parts they focus on building specifically."

The room was silent once more.

"That is genius! How come we didn't think of that before?" Vice-Head Higa seemed to be talking to himself.

"That, that could actually improve everything we make, this could hail a golden age for Uzushiogakure Clan leader!" Head Toyoda broke into a smile as he thought of the possibilities.

The middle age man with the business suit said. "Third Uzushiokage, with this, with this we will be able to get you the screens needed in no time, as the Sumi Group owns the most factories, we can also help with production, for a price of course."

His Great-grandfather grunted softly before replying with a "Then it is settled, Vice-Head Higa, you will assign each factory on what they will focus on, I want secret and heavily guarded Assembly Plants build to assemble the finish products. Head Toyoda, you will focus on that. As for your group Nakama, focus on mass producing screens for now, as we will need them soon. I will task WTI to build the Sky palace, is that understood, Chief Osaka"

"Yes, Third Uzushiokage!" They said in unison.

"If I may intervened Third Uzushiokage, I motioned for the Council to create a new department for the new Sky Palace. As Young Yoshima said, we will need to have the monitors monitored(couldn't help myself) twenty-four/seven." Head Toyoda said.

"All in favor?" His Great-grandfather asked.

"Yay!" Almost in one single voice, they all answered.

"All against?"

Seeing no one against it, he finished with, "The motioned has passed unanimously, please record that on the brief Secretary Kure."

"Yes, Third Uzushiokage!" A lady behind him answered, her eyes glazed over for a few seconds before turning back to her original brown color.

"If that is all, we will end the meeting today, and convene back in two months as per usual."

"Ahem, I would like to add another motion." High-Priest Takata said from the screen.

"I motioned for this council to make Yoshima my first and only disciple"

There were some gasps and surprised faces, Yoshima saw his Great-grandfather frown.

'I can see why he would want me, I saw him eyeing me after the ritual, but I need more information about him.'

"All in favor?"

Most of the room seemed to have said "Yay"

"All against?"

"Nay" Both the head and vice-head of NSA as well as Chief of WTI Osaka said.

'My father seems to have abstained.'

Yoshima turned to face the High-priest, he seemed to be staring back at him as well, both judging each other.

"I use my power as the Third Uzushiokage, appointed by this same council, to veto the motion. As Yoshima said, he is still too young and inexperienced, he needs to see the world more before making any decisions." His Great-grandfather said.

"I understand." The High-priest kept his kind smile despite the motion failing to go through.

"And now we adjourn this council's meeting." His Great-grandfather stood from his seat, everyone else did the same and bowed to him, Yoshima copied their movements.

"Let's go Yoshima." His father said as he walked out of the room.

Once they got home, his father led him to his office, telling Mino and Arashi to wait outside before sealing the room.

Yoshima glanced at his fathers face, wondering what was going on.

"Yoshima, there are various factions vying for control of Uzushiogakure."

"The Head-priest is considered the strongest person in the Land of Whirlpool, as well as the oldest, but he is not an Uzumaki clan member. He was brought to Uzushiogakure as a child by my Great-grandfather, the second Uzushiokage."

"He is part of the Restoration faction, in fact he is the leader of that party. They called themselves that, but they believe that the Land of Whirlpool should take control of the surrounding islands and expand militarily."

"They are the second most powerful faction at the moment, as the Temple of Noh holds a considerable importance to Uzushiogakure, and is the main religion of the Uzumaki Clan, and you know the people respect the strong."

"Your Great-grandfather is the leader of the Conservative Faction, they intend to stay as we are, keep Konoha and the Land of Fire as allies, while improving the Land of Whirlpool both technologically and financially, while retaliating if provoked. They are the most powerful faction at the moment, and have been since the creation of Uzushiogakure"

"There are a couple more factions but the biggest one that can somewhat contend for a position, is the Hanei Faction, which is mostly composed of the civilian population. They intend to join the Land of Fire as one of their vassals, or part of their territory. I believe that they might be influenced by outside powers, and should be one to watch out for."

"There was a powerplay involving you, he must have wanted to take you as his heir, brainwashing you while you are still young, and preventing your Great-grandfather from having someone like you in his ranks. It was a really good move, and I tell you this so you are aware, even if you do not want to, as part of the main line, every move you make will have political repercussions, and I do not believe this is the last we see of his faction, or the others."

"I understand father."


May 5th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Naval Seals Complex

One week later, the deployment of the Byakko and the Yosh had commenced.

They had decided to make a smaller version of the Byakko, choosing to name it after Yoshima. The Yosh would be placed on smaller boats and ships they owned as well. It had the same features, just a bit weaker and a shorter range.

"What will this be called?"

"Well Higa, as we named the new department Eagle's Nest, how about naming them Eagle's Eye? or just Eagle?"

"Well why not? Let's call it Eagle's Eye, Eagle for short. Sky palace is almost finished been built, the orders for the screen from Sumi are almost complete as well, they switched production from a few of their companies to increase production. As soon as we send these three into the sky, we will have the most advanced system in the world Yoshi!" Vice-Head Higa said excitedly.

"Alright, let's test it Yoshi." Higa handed him a tablet that controls Eagle's Eye one, he had control of number two while number three was in the hands of the new department at Sky Palace.

Taking the tablet, Yoshima elatedly pressed the launch button, not waiting for the go ahead from Sky Palace.

The thrusters were set to max power, it took what seem like a second or two before it lifted off the ground.

'Every system is green, its altitude is increasing normally, no anomalies are showing up, good.'

'The desired height is six-thousand and ninety-six(6096) meters or twenty-thousand(20,000) feet. Much higher than what birds usually fly at, and high enough to avoid attacks from the ground.'

The tablet marked the altitude at five-thousand feet and climbing. Yoshima turned on the side thrusters as well, all at the same time to keep it stable.

'Ten-thousand feet, yes, it is working!'

finally, having reached the desired height of twelve-thousand Yoshima, inclined the Eagle's Eye One to the North of the island, as that was the predetermined position for it.

Twenty minutes later, having reached its intended position and height of twenty thousand, even if it was a bit higher, Yoshima released the balloon they had added into the design to help keep it up while spending less chakra. Turning on the flame to full power, before shutting down the thrusters.

Eagle One was slowly falling, a hundred feet, two hundred feet, three hundred feet.

'Come on!'

Three-hundred and fifty-two feet, three-hundred and fifty-one feet, Three-hundred and fifty-two feet, Three-hundred and sixty-five feet.

'YES!' Yoshima clenched his right fist. 'It is a success, now I just have to wait for it to reach the same height again before lowering the flame's strength.

Yoshima glanced at the right corner, before tapping the button labeled as cameras.

It took a few seconds but all the four cameras came online, he went ahead to check if he could see the practice boat and 'enemies' they had placed ahead of time.

Zooming in to the coast, focusing on his sector, Yoshima saw the ship, activating the chakra signature detection mode, or CSD for short, he saw a few figures moving around the boat, he could even see individual actions of each person, some were reading, others were talking, a few were in a room watching a television.

"Eagle One is a success." Yoshima said excitedly.


May 15th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Whirlpool Technological Institute (WTI)

"And so, the bigger thrusters on its wings and using thrust, we will be able to not only make it fly like a bird, but we will be able to carry Shinobi far distances in a matter of hours as well as drop them in secret, carry equipment, or any type of cargo, as well as use them to scout areas we do not have an Eagle in place."

Each time Yoshima described what they could do, he would point at each design.

One was a small fighter plane that looked almost identical to a Japanese Zero. He called it the Falcon.

Another one looked like the German bomber plane Ju 87, he had named it Stutka.

While the last one was an exact copy of a C-17, it was a lot smaller, but it was almost an identical copy, he had named it the Wraith.

"While I still can't see all the things we can accomplish with this, I believe we will have no one to fear with any of this metal beast protecting our borders." Chief Osaka spoke after his presentation.

"Just our borders? We should use this to take land and expand, everyone seems to be doing it, if we do not, we will lag behind." Yoshima glanced at the speaker, it was a man in his twenties, he also had a white coat on.

"Furutani, we are not discussing what to do once it is built, but how to build it and what can we add to the designs."

Furutani seem to ignore him and just turned his head the other way.

"Yoshima, my skills are lacking, I do not know what can we add, or even substract from your design, my head can't seem to wrap around such concepts." One of the scientists in the room added.

"Yes, I am actually scared of what this monsters can do, I fear anyone or anything going against any of them. It is also in my opinion that we should built a few giant warehouses to be able to build and assemble such beasts, besides the Airport Yoshima mentioned earlier." A man with a brown mustache that twirled at the edge said.

"Okay, since no one else seems to have anything else to add, we will begin production of all three, what are they called again Yoshima?"

"They are called aircraft Chief Osaka." He replied.

"Aircraft." Chief Osaka said, trying it out. "Yes, we will begin production of the three aircraft as well as the airport and warehouses. We are coperating with both the NSA and a few groups, including Sumi. Yoshima, I was told to hand this letter to you by the Third, after your presentation here." He told him as he handed him a sealed letter with the Third's initials 'H. U.' written on it.

"Thank you, I'll take me leave for now."

Yoshima walked out of the building, heading back home.

'Finally, some rest time, I need to take time to train, now that everything is set in motion' He glanced down at the letter in his hands as he jumped from building to building.

'I wonder what's written on it'