Chapter 9: First Mission Part 1

May 15th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Yoshima's room, Ikeda's Residence

'Yoshima Uzumaki,

For your selfless contributions to your clan, Uzushiogakure, and the Land of Whirlpool, I Hitarashi Uzumaki, current Uzumaki Clan leader, Third Uzushiokage, and Daimyo, hereby grant you the Noble rank of Baron, the ceremony will take place tomorrow in the Kage's tower at six in the afternoon, please dress accordingly. .


"Damn, what is this?" Yoshima threw the letter on his table, he had gotten back home not too long ago.

'What is he trying to pull with this? There must be something else going on in the background. Is it because of the High-Priest?'

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Yoshima, can I come in?" His father's voice echoed from the outside.

"It's opened Father." He called out.

Ikeda walked in with a small grin. "You must have read the letter I take it?"

Yoshima grunted in reply.

"It's not that bad, I am a Count myself, why do you think we have so much land here? We actually own a few houses in downtown Uzushiogakure, but your mother and I prefer it out here. Duke is the highest noble title, Grandfather being one. As you know, we are a noble clan, just not everyone can have a title. Konohagakure has four noble clans, Aburame, Akimichi, Hyuga, and the Uchiha clan. Your mother's Senju clan was one, but they gave it up as Hashirama wanted to appeal to peace and prosperity."

"Did you know our family's ancestral home is close to the temple, in the south-east? Yes, we could move in there as well, but I rather leave that for your Uncle Hino, as he didn't get to spend much time with my father, your Grandfather Ito."

"How was he like? You never seem to talk about him."

"Well, your Grandfather was the very definition of a Genius, in fact , you remind me of him. He had become the Seal Sage at the young age of twenty-five! He was also a Jounin since ten, he was a very carefree person, who cared a lot about friends and was very a loyal person. He was killed in the First Great Shinobi War, defending his squad and a few other squads that were from Konoha from the attacking Kumogakure ninjas, he had saved many by sacrificing himself."

"I used to blame him when I was young, but now I see what he saw, and I realize why he did it." Taking a deep breath, he patted his son's head.

"About tomorrow, do not worry, half of our main branch are titled nobles. Just go, it will be over in a few minuts, you'll get some lands, a stipend, a few retainers, among other privileges."

Yoshima nodded at his father, looking down while pondering. Suddenly looking up he said. "Wait, there are only a few members in the main branch! You, me, Great-grandfather, and Uncle Hino!"

His father chuckled. "Can't get much past you, haha. But you did not mention your Great-Aunt Mito, she is also part of the main branch. Both your Great-grandfather and I are the only titled ones, but now so will you." Ikeda chuckled once more, patting his head before leaving.

'Mito? Mito Uzumaki the first Jinchuriki of Kurama?'

'I'll ask tomorrow, I still have to finish Project Odin.'


May 16th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Kage's Tower

"Come forth, Yoshima Uzumaki, kneel and accept your new position. I hereby grant you the rank of Baron, may you bring prosperity to our people, and demise to those against us. Now rise, Baron Yoshima Uzumaki."

People clapped on the background as I stood in front of my Great-grandfather, he was giving me the sword used for the ceremony.

"This sword, is one of the ten great swords from before we were the Uzumaki clan. It was said our ancestors brought them with them when they descended from the skies. Most have been lost to us, as we now only retain Kaen, the fire sword, Kori, the ice sword, and Sanda, the lightning katana. Now I give unto you, Kaen, may it help you light your way."

Yoshima received it with both palms facing up, attaching it on the left side of his waist , he had worn a kimono, the inside layer was dark blue, while the outside layer was black with a red swirl on the left upper chest area.

He bowed to his Great-grandfather, and pulled the sword, bringing it in front of his face and kneeling, as per the ceremony's decorum.

"I Yoshima, take this title without malice and by my own free will, to protect and serve my Clan, Uzushiogakure, and the Land of Whirlpool, this I swear by Noh."

Yoshima felt the now familiar pull of that darkness, it reminded him of his time as a soldier, almost like a forgotten memory lingering close.

"Mino, Tsuge, come forth." His Great-grandfather called.

His bodyguard and another person with dark red hair, and a young looking face walked before him and kneeled.

"We pay respects to our Lord Yoshima, we will serve you until death, and if our duties are not fulfilled, than may we still serve you after our demise. This we swear by Noh." They both said in unison.

Yoshima had convinced his Great-grandfather to lower the retainers given to him from thirty to only two, but he did not know they would have made such an oath to him.

"Rise Mino, Tsuge, I accept both of your oaths."

Once the ceremony ended, Yoshima presented his Project Odin to the Third Uzushiokage.


May 26th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

WTI / NSA New Joint Complex

"The Odin, is a satellite and the first project I started working on, just happened to be the last one I finished."

There were a couple of polite chuckles in the room. Most were just waiting on more information.

"As I described before, a satellite is an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication. The design in front of you, will not only allow us to see farther distances than our current Eagles do, but will allow communication between our squads and the new communication headquarters under Eagle's Nest department that is being built."

"This will allow for easier communications than sending birds that can be intercepted or killed. Using current technologies, the chakra transsmision communication devices, we have made them smaller, and with signals from this three planned Odin's, we can communicate at any time, without fear of its interception!"

The design on the table showed an almost identical version of a Sputnik, with four long antennas, as well as retractable antena on top with seals for absorbing chakra from the sun. The High-Priest had worked with him, Chief Osaka, and Vice-Head Higa to create a seal that could absorb the chakra from the sun at large quantities, as well as improved batteries, for both storage from the excess chakra, and to keep it operational.

They had made a seal that created a constant and very powerful fire for the new thrusters, once it reached the desired altitude in space, they would disengage and fall back to the sea before detonating, leaving the satellite in orbit.

NSA had started using the old air thrusters on their ships, for faster movements.

Yoshima felt a little bit bad, since most missions now days included either filling up batteries, or creating seals, and for S class missions, to assemble the products.


July 4th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Training grounds, Ikeda's Residency

"Yoshi, are you going to loose to Kushina again?" His mother Mitsui had the same sweet sounding voice when you knew she was angry.

Yoshima turned around to see his mother smiling sweetly at him, but her eyes told a different story.

"Mom, you look so radiant and beautiful today!"

Yoshima had been training the past two months, joining Kushina in training with his mother, and father at times. He was close to passing the Advanced Journeyman test, and mostly trained Seals alone. He had tested his chakra level, it was in between C and D, at one-hundred and ninety-two thousand(192,000.)

Now, he really needed the experience, but ever since he started fighting Kushina, he has not been able to actually fight her for real, hence why he never won, 'Well, I did win once, but then she wouldn't stop crying and calling me meanie.' Now, Yoshima uses this time to train her.

"You think so Yoshi?" Her radiant smile returning full force.

"Yes definitely, people might think you are my sister!" Yoshima added.

"Te-he, you are the best Yoshi." His mother patted his head and pulled at his cheeks. "So cute!"

Kushina arrived just as she stopped pulling his cheeks. She had passed the apprentice test not too long ago, not the youngest in history, but that is very good for someone who focuses more on taijutsu. She was very proud of that, while he had passed at age three, he did have an adult's soul, and he had asked his father not to spread his accomplishments in Seals, as most people in the council just thought of him as a genius, who came up with interesting ideas, just that.

"Ready to lose against me again Yoshi?" Kushina placed her hands on her hips as she gloated at him.

Sighing, Yoshima approached Kushina. "You shouldn't gloat Kushina, what if you lost?"

"Me? When have I ever lost? Haha."

Sighing once more. Yoshima started 'fighting' Kushina. He had to admit, she had insane amounts of chakra, just no control over it like he did his. Her punches and kicks carried a lot of power behind them. She had been slowly progressing, he had been tricking her with faints, trying to get her to not stick to just one single fighting style.

She would run out of chakra first, as she would not use it efficiently, and they would soon focus on taijutsu, as she preferred wearing gloves over a weapon, preventing Yoshima from practicing with his new sword with a partner.

After 'losing' against Kushina once more, Kushina started jumping up and down.

"You have to call me Big Sis!"

"What? Why would I do that?"

"You lost, and Big Sis Mino says if I want to keep you as a friend I have to make you call me that." Kushina said with a serious face.

Yoshima sighed once more, before glancing back and giving the evil eye to his bodyguard Mino, she just whistled and stared off into space, finding something to look at.

'Once we get back, you'll see Mino' Yoshima thought evilly.

His mother was covering her chuckle with her hands on the background.

'I am surrounded by women.'

"Also, I am not only stronger, I am better at seals, you know!" She stuck her tongue out and left, smiling all the while.


July 4th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Dining Room, Ikeda's Residency

After diner, he had asked his parents to stay, as he had something to say.

Yoshima glanced at both of his parents, taking a deep breath he told them.

"I want to go on a mission." He held his fathers gaze to cement his commitment.

"Absolutely no! You can't you are still so young! No, you are not going." His mother said immediately.

"Okay." His father simply said.

It took a while for his mother to react, but Yoshima nodded.

'I really need the experience of fighting with my life on the line, to not only improve, but to gain experience fighting as a shinobi.'

"Are you crazy Ikeda Uzumaki! If you allow him to go you will sleep outside!" Her mother's worry turned to fury as she looked at his father.

His father sighing, said. "He is the same age as we were when we both lost our parents and had to perform missions. Don't you remember? He is strong enough to perform on missions, besides, he is not taking a hard mission, and he wont be alone, he has Mino and Tsuge, who are both Jounin."

His mother settled down in thought.

"How about we make a bet Mother? I will come back not only without a scratch, and both Mino and Tsuge won't have to even lift a finger on the mission?"

"I do not know, how much money are we talking about here? A hundred-thousand ryo? Deal!" His mother was now happy, her eyes had turned to $ signs.

Seeing his mother distracted because of his move, he quickly took his leave. Mouthing 'sorry' to his father, as he might have to be sacrificed and sleep outside.


July 5th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Outside Kage's Tower

Yoshima had come early, hopefully he can get a good mission. Walking into the Kage's tower, Yoshima headed to the fourteenth floor, known as mission heaven, as it was the place to get missions.

There were quite a few people waiting in seats, it was a big room, it looked sort off like a DMV's waiting area, there was even a place to get a ticket, and screens showing which ticket was next. Only three of the counters were in use, making the process even slower.

The ticket he grabbed was 'D67', he had to wait a little for his turn.

After fifteen minutes, he headed to the second counter, a middle aged lady was sitting on the other side.

"Yes, how can I help you?" She was stamping a few papers and did not look at him.

"Good morning Ma'am, I would like to go on a mission."

She stopped what she was doing and glanced at his face, he had to step on his toes to reach the counter, as he was still only five years old.

"Have you graduated from the academy?"

"No, but I-"

"If you have not graduated from the academy, you can not go on a mission unless you have the Third Uzushiokage's authorization. Next!"

'Damn, it's exactly like a DMV back in the states!'

'I guess the only way to get a mission is to talk to my Great-grandfather'